October 15, 2009
The Holy Spirit spoke to me this morning and said, “Strengthen your brethren.”
My word to you this week is: Don’t Quit, Don’t Stop, Don’t Give Up, No Matter What!
Many are weary and in need of a refreshing from heaven about their lives, paths and destinies. I, too, get weary of the fight. Know, however, that when you are at your weakest, Jesus is at His strongest. You must keep pushing forward and you must not shrink back…Don’t Stop.
If you are one who “waters,” then God will see to it that YOU will be watered... Hold fast.
It doesn’t matter what your station in life is, especially if you are toiling in the Kingdom of God at the moment. I don’t care if you scrub toilets in the name of Jesus…Don’t Quit on God. Promotion comes from the Lord and God is a rewarder of those who are diligent with His things. If you are trying to walk uprightly before the Lord and do what is right in His eyes, “Hold Fast” and don’t stop doing what you are doing just because you think that God doesn’t care or sees the efforts you are making.
If you believe that God has told you to do something, then I don’t care if you have to crawl your way there with every last ounce of breath you have- just go there and Don’t Give Up.
The Bible is simple and clear, and it is a lot simpler than man makes it. If you believe, you shall receive, but you have to keep your faith built up with God. Faith is not faith unless you believe, and in order to receive, you must use your faith for any manifestation to occur in the natural. Believing and then negating it with your tongue will cause defeat….that is NOT faith.
Ministry work is not easy; as a matter of fact, it is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. But knowing that the Father is behind me, is worth everything I have done and been through….I believed God, not man, and that is why I get the victory EVERY time.
Again, my word to you from heaven is: DON’T ………
God bless you, my brethren,
Servant of the Lord,