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Thursday, May 14 2009


May 2009


I am deeply disturbed about the guidance that is being received in the Christian Community.  Revelation from God is a serious and sacred matter and not to be taken lightly.  It seems that pursuit of fame and being the first in delivering God-given revelation has almost taken the place of true prophetic and teaching ministry. This has taken such a primary importance that something needs to be said so the people can be warned.


For years, we have listened to the icons of the faith and have hung on their every word.  People have been left to figure out how to apply the relevance of what they have heard to their everyday lives.  It has almost become a who’s who and who can be seen on national television serving up the best, new way to look at scripture.  This not ought to be, fellow brothers and sisters in the faith.  If a true word is given, it is given to admonish and help turn people from their evil ways or turn them to the ways of the Lord to help them.  If you don’t come away with a word that will change your life and circumstance, then what good was it?  I heard a preacher say it is time to “stop polishing the anointing.”  It is time to put to rest the glamour of the gospel.  I am around some people who are clueless about their Father in heaven and what He has given us through Christ. They certainly don’t need a “one up” on who has gotten the best and newest revelation in the kingdom. Once again, WE are out of joint.


People need to be brought into the kingdom through salvation and then discipled through their walk with Christ so they can learn to be the victor.  This comes through “words” given and it comes through diligence of getting up every day and “doing” the things of the kingdom as you are taught them.  Hype is not helping people who are waiting for something to change their lives.  I look at their faces. They gather to hear a word from God, a lot of shouting takes place, but all you have left at the end of the day are still defeated children of God who are running to and fro looking for the answer.  We need the victory in our lives while we are here.  If men and women of God are on worldwide television, they evidently have gotten the victory in some fashion…haven’t they?  What needs to happen when given a platform is tell others how they gained the victory and minister to the hurting souls who might need a kind word spoken right to them. People need tangible instruction guiding them, not just hyped up words.  Use the time to save someone’s soul.  People are hurting in the kingdom and we are supposed to have the answers….the solutions. 


Selling books, tapes, CD’s, and DVD’s are fine, but we are really treading on apostasy in the Body of Christ.   People need teachings with sustenance. They need to be able to learn in a simple and clear way to bring God out of the heavens and into the earth so they can be triumphant.  This is our mission and this is what we are trying to do.  More about this subject will be coming in the months ahead.


I want this ministry to be what God wants it to be and successful in what God wants me to be successful in. HE already knows I will help anyone try to have a better state of existence while on this earth, no matter what.  This is not about me being famous….people are lost and are hurting.


In the Bible, prophets of God were used by God to deliver His children and help them become aware of HIS will in their lives. Prophets also warned the people of impending doom if they didn’t turn back to God. 


WE are treading on thin ice.  Being popular with man doesn’t necessarily make you popular with God.  There are many good things (heard, taught, written about) but are they God things?  I have learned by the “school of hard knocks,” so I could win in this life and turn around and help you. 


Good preaches are fine but if that is all you are left with, then what good was it?  Sitting around calling each other Apostles and the like is silly when some people just need a helping hand.  I realize we have to evangelize to save souls, but it is the job of the preacher to preach the Gospel and it is the job of the Holy Spirit to bring them in.  WE behave as though the Holy Spirit doesn’t even exist at times because our heads are so big.  I am all about looking good but our main concern needs to be about people. Ask them what they need, listen to what they say and then do that.


Be careful whom you are listening to, following and watching.  If you are not gaining the victory in your life then something is wrong.  Sitting around listening to Christian television is fine but if you aren’t learning something, why are you doing it? Getting hyped up won’t gain you the victory and slick talking tongues won’t either.


Be wise.




Posted by: Molly Painter AT 11:09 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
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