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Sunday, June 21 2009


Reform:  Improve by removing faults; give up bad behavior.


I don't know how many of you have heard of Martin Luther but he spearheaded a great move of God in the 16th century.  There is a movie called Luther that needs to be seen by all who are seeking the truth today.  The outspoken boldness this man possessed sparked a great reform when the Church was trying to control the weak, downtrodden and ignorant (lack of knowledge) by manipulation. 


The Church tried to guilt people into giving money, stating that the Church alone could forgive sins and set dead souls free from captivity.  These acts perpetrated by the Church were a cancer on society that needed to be cut out.  God saw what was going on and used Martin Luther to help do just that.  God always uses whom He wants in order to accomplish His divine will, whether we like it or not.  Today is no exception.  There is cancer in the Church today that needs to be cut out.


We need to understand that the basic desires, messages and principals of God NEVER change…ever.  You can find them in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.   What I find is a watered-down Gospel being taught by church leaders today.  What about Jesus telling the church leaders they were whitewashed tombs leading others to be sons of hell?  I hear firsthand that there are those who sit in churches today who are defeated.  What about the Cross that came to deliver?


There is another area that needs to be addressed.  I received a mailing from a worldwide ministry the other day.  I looked at the envelope and the Holy Spirit said to throw it away.  I thought about what was on the cover of the envelope for a while.  Throughout the day, it wouldn’t leave my heart.  As always, it got to me.  This particular ministry was asking for money to help a thirsty child in Africa.  They enclosed pictures along with their request for money showing starving, pitiful faces of little children with the caption, “Won’t you please help me bring them water?”


How dare ministries use the faces of starving, needy children in exploitation to gain money! 


Now with that being said, I am fully aware that people need help.  Helping those in need is one of the deepest concerns I have as a human being.  However, I am led only by the Holy Spirit as to who to help and when to help.  God sees what is in a ministry’s heart and I don’t.  But what was sent to me was exploitation of a defenseless child and was not, I believe, directed by God.  JWTJ has been built on FAITH.  I go to God (my source) and talk to Him about what He wants me to do and let Him bring the wisdom and the increase.  I have seen churches overlook the needy within their own congregations to give money to Africa. What is going on?   


Exploitation is coming in many forms today and it sickens me.  We think bigger, better programs, glitter, and so on will change others’ hearts, but may I say, the Holy Spirit is the only one who draws a person to the Father.   He doesn’t need a fancy building to do it.   We think we are doing God’s will but what is really going on is we are trying to be bigger and better than the next church because we incorrectly view this as a competition.   He never once said, go build a huge building and implement programs where you work yourselves to death.  My goodness! Jesus just went around without a place to even live.  We have fattened ourselves at the expense of others.  Where is our faith and our concern for our brothers right in front of our face? 


Deception is here and it is not going to leave.  You need to wake up to this.  Reformation?  We need to shake up not only the body of Christ, but also the peoples of the earth.  Christianity, in many cases, has given God a bad name and it is time to stop this.


Don’t be misled.   It is a call to arms.  I hear and see spiritual lack and thirst.  I see the hopeless and hear their hunger.  If we can’t feed our very own first, we have no business going abroad and we are going to be judged for it. People need a deliverer to guide them; they don’t need another program or building fund.  People are in lack…Wake up before it’s too late. 


Let the scriptures of God speak for themselves!




Posted by: Molly Painter AT 01:45 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Friday, June 12 2009

June 11, 2009


It is not usual for me to begin the weekly blog with a scripture, but this week I have been directed by the Holy Spirit to do just that.  I was led to the scripture below: 



It is from Isaiah 6:8-10


 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying:


        “Whom shall I send,

         And who will go for Us?”


Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”


And He said, “Go, and tell this people: 


       ‘Keep on hearing, but do not understand;

       Keep on seeing, but do not perceive.’


      “Make the heart of this people dull,

       And their ears heavy,

       And shut their eyes;

       Lest they see with their eyes,

       And hear with their ears,

      And understand with their heart,

      And return and be healed.”


This scripture is repeated again in Matthew 13:14-15 for those of you who feel only the New Testament is relevant for today.  God tells us again what He is saying in order to yet give us another chance.  


Years ago, as I was sitting before the Lord, this scripture was given to me by the Holy Spirit.  I am very passionate about how I feel about my Father in Heaven.  First, because I KNOW He is real and second, because I owe Him for not only saving me, but also from delivering me from all of the heartache, pain and suffering I have gone though in this life.  (If you have any doubts about what God can do, check out my testimony.) 



When I read this scripture I recalled having heard others say, “The Old Testament is not for today.”  Yet, I got flushed all over and felt God was personally asking me who would go for Him.  I looked up to Heaven, believing God heard me, and said, “ I will go for you.” Over the years He has sent me to people one by one by one telling them of Jesus and His atoning work on the cross trying to get them to listen.  I am here to tell you the responses I have received have been varied. 


But there is one fact that remains today: God is real, Jesus is real and we need to heed the ones that God sends to help us. The tide is changing in this world and the army of God is on the move.  They are on the rise.  I believe we are in the time of the great end time harvest of souls and it is time for you to get it and stop riding the fence. 


I was given a great revelation this past week.  The scripture is Matthew 13:12  “For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”  I asked the Holy Spirit "to him who has what?" “To him who has been obedient, to him who has sown in the kingdom, to him who  has been faithful."  And then came the last part and this is verbatim, “But to him who has not (been obedient) all will be taken from him.”


We are in critical times right now. Many are losing jobs, homes, cars and businesses.   However, there are those who are walking “in the kingdom” who are not being affected by this lack. To those whose ears are not dull to the Holy Spirit, to those who haven’t shut their eyes to those in need, to those who are sowing (money) where God tells them and whose hearts have been softened by the Holy Spirit to hear the more of God-these are those who will be given more.


We are not playing church any longer and haven’t been for a very long time.  If you are riding the fence, stop it.  The only safe haven you are going to find is in the kingdom, whether you think so or not.  I am here to tell you again that it is time to surrender to Christ.  He is calling.  I am going, are you?


I am not certain if He will send me to you again…



Posted by: Molly Painter AT 03:28 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
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