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 Rev. Molly's Blogs  
Friday, February 26 2010

I want to address the section we call “Divine Revelation.”


 Today many will say that they have a word from the Lord.  Be wise when you are being told this.  Not everything that you hear is coming from the throne room.  To be certain many have in the past said and now say, “Thus saith the Lord” but what they are speaking is not all good and it’s definitely not all Word from God.  How do you know if what you are hearing is actually from God?


The book of Amos talks about how God gets a word to His children.  It is as if God is on the throne and He makes a conference call to all of His prophets.  Then if two or more men of God are bringing forth out of their bellies the same thing, then listen.  God is trying to tell His children something, and even if it is something we don’t want to hear, it is ALWAYS for our benefit.     


We have a good amount of erroneous information being given to the body at the moment because men are lovers of themselves, not God.  God is just but He can be a hard taskmaster if He needs to be.  I have firsthand experience and knowledge of this.  He is not joking with His children.  We ARE NOT learning the one and only true, living God and His ways and we are the ones who are suffering because of it.


When I post anything on this page, be assured it came from God.  Anyone who carries the true, rightly divided word of God (having the oracles of God), will always tell you the truth and even though you don’t like it, you will know deep down inside it is so. 


For the most part, we are playing games with heaven and it is time to stop.  Stand up and say, “I don’t understand what I am hearing and being taught.  Tell your pastor you don’t get it.  Aren’t you paying him to help you?  Tell him and if he can’t or won’t preach the whole Gospel found in Matthew Mark, Luke or John, then find somewhere else to go.  God's children are following programs, trying to work their way to heaven not knowing about true faith and belief.  And the greatest gift of all...God's grace.  WE have a deliverer on the throne (right now) and we have divine rights as His children.  If you don't know that, then why are you doing what you are doing? 





Posted by: Molly Painter AT 06:01 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
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