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Saturday, June 19 2010
Divine Revelation comes to me as the Father wills through the Holy Spirit.  I was led to leave this segment up at this time.  The date is: November 17, 2010.  Molly    


Jesuswithouthejunk was birthed upon this earth in August 2007 by the Holy Spirit as a Web site outreach to the nations. 


Not knowing the true nature of my calling, I fumbled through many real-life circumstances as I learned about God and His ways.  He chose the style and manner of how and when I would receive these things, not me.  It has taken innumerable years of obediently “walking through” trials and tribulations for God finally to deem me worthy of publicly being able to accept the mantle He has placed upon my life.  I have been taught one-on-one by the Holy Spirit in order to bring the truth of the Gospel to those God has made me responsible for.  I might not be a Rhodes Scholar, but I hear the voice of the Holy Ghost, which no amount of academia could have taught me.   


I want to make it “crystal clear” that I did not call myself to this station.  I was sovereingly called by God before I was born.  The Lord, and the Lord alone, placed this heavy burden upon me.


I am not called to sugarcoat the Gospel of Christ.  There are great misconceptions regarding the Gospel of Christ in this earth.  Therefore, God is now openly going to bring forth what He has taught me in the form of pure, undiluted truth.  Many are not being taught the concept of tithing, that it is a biblical truth and that the power of tithing is a key of obedience in one’s life.  Many have no idea that tithing is paramount to having the windows of Heaven open up over their lives.  In addition, countless others are clueless and in the dark, not knowing they, if having accepted Christ as their Savior, would have the power to defeat Satan with the Word of the Gospel.  How many understand the power of the Blood and its overcoming force to defeat Satan?   


WE have and are continuing to teach less Christ where the Gospel is concerned.  We are drenched in watered-down religion and this must stop. 


God picked someone “just like you,” a working class, unknown, and raised me up to reach and teach His children in the way He wants, not the way you want or like.  I am who I am.  There is nothing pretentious or artificial about me and I will not be who others want me to be; I have been a people pleaser all my life.  I now know that the only One I have to appease is my Lord.


It was not Christ’s intention that He die a horrible death for you on the cross so that you be taught and learn about Him through a twenty-minute sermon.  These “teachings” have a form of godliness but deny the power of the Cross.  I might not be a Rhodes Scholar, but Heaven endorses me and I do what I am told to do— get to you the pure, undiluted truth so that you can learn to be an overcomer.  The rest will be up to you…I have faithfully done my part.    


We each are a piece of the divine puzzle of God Most High, El Elyon….period.  This is not, and I repeat NOT, a competition to see who can be the biggest name in Christendom by amassing the most degrees.  Sometimes we forget that the original twelve disciples, who turned the world upside down for Christ, were only taught by Jesus.  They had no formal degrees handed to them but look at what they accomplished…No, I am not a Rhodes Scholar, because the Lord did not call me to be one.  However, I applaud the ones who are.  As I always say, “the proof is in the pudding,” and I can tell you that I have a lot of pudding to show the nation…    



Posted by: Molly Painter AT 10:58 am   |  Permalink   |  1 Comment  |  Email
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