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Wednesday, November 23 2011



If you are a reader of our blogs you know what is presented is a good common sense approach about issues, not just hardcore biblical talk.  We try not to get too preachy or knock you over the head with a bunch of “thall shalt nots.” 

Do you really know what you say you stand for if it is in the name of God?  Read below:

I read an article published in USA TODAY that says 60% of Americans cannot repeat half of the Ten Commandments. There was a TV host who asked his audience to name the apostles. NO ONE could name one of them. There was a survey done of students who enrolled in a religion class and 1/3 of them could not give these people/events in correct sequential order: Abraham, the OT (Old Testament) prophets, the death of Christ and Pentecost. 

Approximately 20-25 million Bibles are sold in the US each year and about 92 percent of Americans own at least one Bible.  Why then don’t people know more of what is contained between Genesis and Revelation (The first and last books of the Bible)?  

All the people polled in these surveys were not non-Christians and that is what makes these reports sad.  If we say we love God, we need to know more about Him; I include myself in that statement.

I also remember when I was in elementary school before we opened any school book; we recited the Lord’s Prayer…each and every day.

By the way, what does your Bible look like?  Does it still look like you just bought it yesterday?

Take yours out because this is an open book test:

How many books are in the New Testament?  In the Old?

Who are the two people who went to Heaven but did not die?

Name the 12 Apostles and… all Ten Commandments.

Katie Altobellis



Posted by: Molly Painter AT 11:45 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, November 10 2011



Last night, I tuned in to the largest Christian network in the world and what I heard was appalling.  A man of God, who is a proclaimed prophet (and beware of those who label themselves), stood on the platform and stated that if you would give or sow your money in multiples of ten, as he counted upwards to astounding dollar amounts, that all of your family would be saved.  He continued by interjecting that none of them would go to hell. What an ice-cold bucket of water in my face! 

There was an individual named Johann Tetzel who went from town to town in the early 1500’s selling indulgences, which were authorized by Pope Leo X.  After people gave money, they were given a piece of paper that stated their loved ones had been freed from purgatory.  People gave their money because they did not know what the Word said about salvation due to no fault of their own.

After hearing this evangelist on TV, my soul grieved at the boldness of this man who actually defiled the Word of God in this manner.  The bottom line is this: do not be deceived by allowing someone to tickle your ears, telling you things that cannot be backed up by the Word of God.  These are big swelling words of false doctrines by false prophets who stand on worldwide stages and are very famous to millions of Christians.  They know you have no clue (most of the time) what really is in the Word. This is a prime example of why you need to find out for yourselves what is in the Word of God.  Do not be hoodwinked like the people all those centuries ago thinking what is in your pocketbook will save you.

Salvation is by faith not by works, lest any man should boast.  You cannot buy a miracle and money will not set anyone free from hell.  The Gospel is free to anyone who accepts Jesus Christ by faith.  The handling of your money is something entirely different.

God help him.  And help the network who is allowing this to be proclaimed.






Posted by: Molly Painter AT 03:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Friday, November 04 2011



Satan is moving (yes, in this 21st century) just as he did centuries ago.  How in the world to you fight a centuries old demon?

Enticement with negative implications is one way to describe temptation.  A lack of self-control is another.  Desiring or wanting others’ lives, husbands, homes and cars can be described as lust.

However, at times (a wanting or desire) is placed on your heart due to the fact it is a destiny moment and needs to be followed through.  But on the contrary, months and months of this unsettling inside of you is not from heaven. You should never be in a constant state of wanting.  If Satan has you doing this he has got you just where he wants you. 

I have been over 200 pounds four times in my life, so I speak from experience when I talk about temptation. Food was a big temptation for me but I have learned to recognize this fact now.  The first major thing that had to be addressed for me to move forward was being delivered from a spirit of gluttony.  After that occurred my learned behaviors and bad habits had to be dealt with which has been tough on my flesh.  I am striving for excellence in this issue and will not give up. 

Learning to walk in the power and the might of Christ can and will help you to be a winner.  You can learn to be an overcomer in the areas of your life that cause you to go astray, such as lust and temptation, but it is going to take effort on your part.  Then is it the anointing that will break the bondages and yokes to give you a fighting chance to be a winner— no matter what you feel you are defeated in.

Purchase your copy of The Stained Glass Window and learn how to get up and move forward from the things that are hindering you in this life!




Posted by: Molly Painter AT 11:52 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
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