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Thursday, December 29 2011



How big is God?  Through tangible, real life experiences that have occurred day in and day out for years now, I have come to realize that God is bigger than I will ever know.  He is more than a “give me mine” kind of God and deserves our true devotion.

The moral of the Christmas Cat, Roscoe, is the fact that God says in His Word He knows the end from the beginning and out of every house in this city, I believe that angels led Roscoe specifically to Mrs. Grissom’s house.  The Holy Spirit knew that she would search the lost and found section of the paper, eventually a phone call would be made to the owners (based on Mrs. Grissom’s insistence) and a great reunion celebration would occur. 

This event reminded me that God knows every sparrow that falls to the ground.  He knew that He would use Roscoe to glorify His Son, Jesus Christ, because Mrs. Grissom would tell me this story and I, in turn, would listen and end up writing a Christmas article on Roscoe.  God knows that (most of the time) I can always find Jesus in real life circumstances.  Can you say the same?

How glorious is a Father who even cares about a poor little fellow who was lost and then allowed him to find his way back home to the safety of his family at this season!  And how much more the birth of Jesus Christ in a lowly manager 2000 years ago was necessary for us to truly live in the earth and be able find our way back home again when our days are done.  If this isn’t a miracle of God’s unending love, mercy and special grace for us as His children, I don’t really know what is.

A miracle? Absolutely.  And friends, that is how much God really does care.  Won’t you turn your heart to Him this New Year and let Him bring you home again into His loving arms?  If He remembers every sparrow and made time for Roscoe, then what in the world are you waiting for?



Posted by: Molly Painter AT 12:43 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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