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Friday, June 10 2011

I hear “the buzz” on the streets coming from God’s children and it doesn’t sound God-like to me.  It doesn’t sound like the God who in June of 2010 dropped $100,000.00 into this ministry during the heat of a supposed recession.  What I hear coming from the mouths of God’s children is defeat, lack, and a loss of hope.  So where is this coming from and more importantly, why is this occurring?

I began a ministry in 2006, asking $1.00 from every attendee who would come to my studio apartment and learn the ways of God.  Then approximately a year and a half later, after being faithful to the individuals God would bring (which were not many at times), I received a donation of $10,000.00.  This was used to further the ministry by birthing a teaching web site called Jesuswithoutthejunk.  Anyone could learn for free what had taken me years of “walking through” to grasp.  Once again, after several more years of continued obedience to God, His Word, and believing He was guiding this ship, I received a $100,000.00 donation, furthering this effort. 

Now, one of two things is going on here.  God is either with me and this ministry or He isn’t.  The economy has been on a downward turn for some time now.  So, how is it explicable that in the middle of this economic slump God chose to bless this ministry and me? 

Purchase a copy of The Stained Glass Window and discover for yourself in detail the basic principles I learned and utilized that set me on my course to find my destiny in this earth.  Do you know yours?  Do you know all that is available to you just for being a child of God?   

God’s ways are not the world’s ways.  His economy is not based upon what is happening in America at this time.

See you each Sunday from 10:30am-11:30am at

Miracle on 39th Street

3822 Wrightsville Ave.

Wilmington, North Carolina 28403

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 07:39 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Friday, June 03 2011



The word I have been continually hearing from Heaven is ASK. The particular scripture I base this on comes from Luke 11:9.  In the early stages of my journey with the Lord I had no clue what to do in terms of where to begin in the Word.  The Bible itself was overwhelming to me.  But, I figured that if I could go after God with the same intensity and effort that I had used to pursue men, drink, and drugs, I would be able to discover if God was real.

Not knowing where to start, I just started opening my Bible, landing upon random scriptures, believing I would somehow KNOW it was where I was supposed to be.  One night, I opened the Word and it fell open to Luke 11:9.  A rush of heat flooded my body all at once.  Was it God?  I didn’t know.  I read the scripture aloud and then a voice said, “What do the first three letters of ask, seek and knock spell?”  I looked and what caught my eye was that they spelled ask.  I was stunned for a moment but knew deep within myself that God was telling me to ask Him, so that is what I did.  I started asking God so much that one evening, I looked up to where I thought God would be and could almost imagine Him sitting in heaven, looking at the twelve disciples stating, “I certainly will be glad when Molly comes home.  Think of all the time I will have for everyone else!” 

With fifteen years of “asking” under my belt, I am telling you to ask God for what you need.  Ask Him for what is on your heart.  I don’t care if it is for a mate, about your finances, furniture, or a closer walk with Him to obtain your purpose in this earth.  He is waiting but YOU have to do the asking. YOU have to do the seeking.  YOU have to do the knocking.  God is not going to make anyone do anything. 

God was my only hope left at the time I turned to Him and my prayer for you is that you seek Him long before He is your last hope.

“You have not because you ask not.” James 4:2-3

We will see you Sundays from 10:30 -11:30

Miracle on 39th Street

3822 Wrightsville Ave.

Wilmington, North Carolina 28403






Posted by: Molly Painter AT 11:27 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
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Wilmington, NC 28408

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