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Tuesday, May 19 2015

Forgiveness: If you cannot first forgive yourself then you cannot truly forgive others—(Do not just forgive but forget.)

Trust God.  It is a relational building process you grow (which will take time) coming to understand God ‘one rung at a time’ as you walk through your life and circumstances.

Respect the process of God.  Life, after Christ, is not what you are doing through God it is what He is trying to accomplish through you so your purpose can be realized.  Remember:  He is God and you are not.  Step down off the throne.

Learn to love yourself.  If you do not love yourself then why do you think that others will love you?  Being continually downtrodden within your own mind can cause defeatism in facets of your life that will trickle down to those around you….especially children.

‘Clean hands’ before God.  If you have anything against any man repent to God for it and try and settle this with the individual.  Your heart before the Lord needs a daily cleansing.

Attitude is crucial.

Words you speak—the enemy will use your own words against you, so be careful.

Do not point fingers.

Do not ever run from confrontation.  Stand firm for God is for you.

Be Congruent.

Be Consistent.

Have “Bull dog” faith—grab God with your teeth and never let go.

Stop focusing on others, what they have, what they are doing, and where they are going.  Stay focused on yourself and what God is trying to do through you—angst will stop the flow of the Holy Spirit.  Do not grieve Him.

Thank God continually.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend,


Posted by: Molly Painter AT 05:16 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, May 12 2015

“A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones” (Prov. 17:22).

                Attached below is a link to a teaching video that was executed, for laughter, close to five years ago.  You probably will know who I am impersonating, but I will leave that little mystery for you to discover!  The total amount of running time is 11 minutes and 11 seconds.  If you like to laugh or need a good laugh today, while understanding eternal precepts, copy and paste the link to your browser and enjoy.  

                 And remember, life is a long time and it is a good thing to pull back, take in a deep breath, and laugh a little.  It is important to our mental/physical well-being to try to enjoy the life we have been given.  God bless you all this week and know that each and every one of you is being lifted up in prayer by an intercessor of God (me!).   On an end note—many times I have discovered that IF I take the time to listen or read something that I honestly do not have the time for (I have experienced this through my life over and again), it was just the thing that would enable me to have a much better day or week.    

Copy and paste the link below to your browser.  I think you will find it will be worth the effort!   

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 08:09 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, May 04 2015


               Many, many times, over the last fifteen years, I have asked God, “Please tell me what to do,” or “You said in your Word I would hear a voice behind me saying go to the right or to the left.  Please (and there was always begging added in for emphasis, of course!) let me hear that voice.”  There have been many choices made, many paths walked down (for good and ill) and many decisions executed.  I have a solid history of choosing, which affords me the luxury of what I am about to tell you.

                One of the great lessons I have learned from all of this seeking, with at least some sort of action involved is that, eventhough you might not understand at the time, faith must be exercised in a lot of instances, and one other thing has become crystal clear, and that is that the truth, (which stands eternal), will always prevail at some given point.  It is in those times, when we can look back (the “looking glass effect”)and see the decisions we made (whether right or wrong) and learn, if we can get our hard heads (and I think I have the biggest one of all!) out of God’s way. 

Exodus 6:3 “I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name LORD I was not known to them.”  I have also established My covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan, the land of their pilgrimage, in which they were strangers.  And I have also heard the groaning of the children of Israel whom the Egyptians keep in bondage, and I have remembered My covenant.

                God remembers us, His original covenant, and His sending Christ to die for mankind, so He remembers you (through prayer) and what you are going through or facing at this very moment.  Realize He is ready and willing to help you. 

                I certainly have known the LORD by His name Jehovah –my Provider, but there are still many facets of God which I have not personally experienced.  My question to you is this— what characteristics of God have you experienced?  How has He shown up on your behalf ?  Are you listening for His voice, for it is distinct.  You have to understand this one major fact— you cannot box God in to your ways of thinking or doing because then you stifle parts of Him that He longs (I think) to show you.  There comes a time when God lets you have what you keep saying or insist on doing.  I KNOW this from experience.  It is critical to search the scriptures, pray, and seek God’s face, but it is also important (having done the former things) to sit under the teachings of those who have the experience of walking in truth, who show the outward signs of maturity in the LORD, with victory.   Ask the Holy Spirit to place you under and settle you with those you need to currently learn from (for this time in your life) and He will.     

                Jesus tells us in John 18:37 as He stands before Pilate that He has come to bear witness to the truth.  The truth will stand as just, the truth will stand as eternal, even if others try to sugarcoat it or water it down by erroneous teachings.  My challenge to you this day, and for this upcoming week, is who do you say God is?  Do you know when God is speaking to you?  I have taught many times that hearing from God is not an art form, but hearing that voice is an inheritance as His child.  Will it always be clear?  Will you always know for certain that this is the way?  No.  But, if you don’t ask for help chances are it is not just going to rain down from heaven.  Matthew 7:7 would not have been inserted into the New Testament if we weren't supposed to ask.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you, and then listen for His voice.   Click here for His names:names_of_god1

Much love to you this week,


Posted by: Molly Painter AT 09:39 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
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