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Saturday, October 27 2018

True Warfare

Having done all to stand, stand therefore… (Eph. 6:13).

In this blog, I speak to you from experience. True spiritual warfare can become so intense at times that you think you cannot possibly “stand” to go the distance that you believe God is asking of you. He has moved the plumb line so many times requiring you to continue that you come to a point whereby you feel that enough is enough. You have fasted, pleaded the blood, taken authority over the type of spiritual wickedness that has tried to literally destroy you, but you stand on the Word of God repeating this over and again to the enemy. Scripture teaches us that “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy (John 10:10), and you are done. You feel that even death itself would be a relief.  As you are standing on your faith, you do not curse God the entire time, no matter how long your battle against the forces of darkness are (I just finished a two-year long battle for the kingdom and God prevailed). You become spent physically in your body, emotionally in your heart and spiritually against the forces of evil, all for the Father. Then, there is a breakthrough and much-needed sense of overwhelming relief. Victory has been realized. This is warfare of the purest nature and one that not many ever will embark upon as a follower of Christ. You see, you must be willing to lay down your life for God’s will to come to bear. Rev. 12:11 states “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.”

To be completely effective, you need to know what kind of spiritual wickedness you are dealing with. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Eph. 6:12).  Timing is crucial for the battle (God’s timing). Always be led by revelation, not imagination. Do not overstep your boundaries. And when His divine will (through you and the circumstance) has been accomplished, then will the victory come. If in fact, God has chosen you to this lifestyle, you had better make certain that you know what you are going to be up against. Many do not and quit too early, not being able to go the distance.  Evil prevails. What you have read is somewhat the role of an intercessor. Are you one?

In God’s kingdom, there are many tasks that only the Holy Spirit assigns. You CANNOT call yourself anything without the knowledge and power of the Holy Spirit. Gifts are assigned by heaven alone. You cannot make yourself something you are not called to be, or it certainly will not last and the daylight will eventually reveal the truth. God does confirm His true word and intentions by tangible signs. Continued tangible victories are the indicator of the path of an intercessor. This life is not to be taken lightly. It is a serious calling.

Many have a hard time trusting God for much of anything, but my question to you today is can God trust YOU with what He longs to give to you?  God spoke to Jeremiah and told him “Call unto me and I will show you great and mighty things you do not know” (Jer.33:3). But the key to this is trust, not can you trust God to show up for your agenda, but can God trust you with the deepest things of heaven?        

Remember: you serve an audience of one.  Scripture teaches in Psalm 8:4 “What is man that you are mindful of him?” Discover what God has called you to and then go after that with all your being. You cannot make your own path and destiny. God does not show up in the plans You have created, unless they are His will. Passion will show you your destiny.  

Suggested reading: Pulling Down Strongholds by Derek Prince. 


Posted by: Molly Painter AT 01:13 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, October 14 2018

Justice Kavanaugh

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12).

The #MeToo movement certainly is something to be brought to the forefront in the society in which we all find ourselves. When acknowledging this serious issue, I can only speak to what I have been exposed to. Many thoughts have been crossing through my heart like threads that need to be expressed into a cohesive blog, but I have not been ready until now. It has been my (tangible) experience that when a woman or young girl is physically assaulted or made to do any type of sexual act unwillingly, that the memory is such that one never forgets— even the smallest detail. 

During the ongoing, what seemed to be a trial of Brett Kavanaugh, I prayed coupled with fasting standing against the powers of darkness that only God’s divine will would break through in this ugly circumstance of accusation. And furthermore, I believe I state with the utmost confidence that indeed His will was accomplished. Understanding the sovereignty of God having seen His hand move in mighty ways, I know that Brett Kavanaugh will be completely vindicated one day. God’s timing.

Whether or not something occurred to Dr. Ford, only heaven knows for certain, since there are no corroborating eye-witnesses or details that can be described.  As far as I know, this circumstance did not hinder Dr. Ford from school, degrees, flying, or the ability to teach others in a classroom setting.  For me, by the age of twenty-six, I was not in fine shape and had to take drugs just to maintain a somewhat normal (what I called normal) life.  Many other factors factored into my well-being, but I can tell you that these early instances attributed to my overall ability to function in life. Only until I fully turned to Christ was I able to completely overcome.  I take no drugs, have an impeccable memory, and am graduating with a BS in Theology. I have been ordained as a Reverend by my local church and stand as a testament to God’s divine healing power mentally, spiritually, and physically. I have prayed earnestly that God would intervene in the life of Dr. Ford.     

Fast forward to this week of October 8, 2018.  It was announced on the Tucker Carlson show that witches of New York were gathering together to form a coven against Brett Kavanaugh.  My thought was how clever that Satan uses the word “coven” which is, of course, a cut-down version of the word “covenant.” Satan always masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corn. 11:14).  He just cannot get away from the fact that he will never be God, but he counts on God’s people to remain in the dark regarding his antics. Well, I can assure you that the blood of Jesus Christ in its entirety is enough to protect Justice Kavanaugh, his family, and his children. Witches cannot stand against the blood of Christ, not even a superhero can penetrate the titanium type strength it has when invoked by faith through an anointed vessel of Christ.  Now would be the time for you to begin this intercession type of prayer, not only for Justice Kavanagh but for our President, our Congress and the upcoming election on November 7. 

We hold the most magnificent power on the earth and Satan or his followers cannot stand against it.  Learn God. Learn what He has given us. Learn His might. For we are in the days that it will be the only defense you will have against what is trying to destroy our nation, our families, and our selves.

John 10:10 “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.  I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.”

God bless us all,


Posted by: Molly Painter AT 04:19 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
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