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Tuesday, July 23 2019

The Bride of Christ

July 25, 2019

Ephesians 5:27 

"That He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish." The Bride of Christ is the Church Universal.

Without spot or wrinkle, "Humm." One of the jobs of the Holy Spirit is to prepare the Church Universal, without spot or wrinkle, for Christ. His role is the sanctification of a believer. (I think that He has had his hands full with me!) I cannot imagine based on what I have read and have come to interpret as God's Word that God is going to accept behavior that is not befitting His Bridegroom.

Stop to consider the lengths a bride goes to preparing for her wedding day, presenting herself to her Bridegroom. First, there is the acceptance of the proposal, and in most cases, an engagement ring is given sealing the commitment. Then, great length goes into each detail, even down to the choice of greenery, which is added to adorn the bride's bouquet. Each step is calculated and then executed with precision for a stunning outcome.

Laying my phone down the other day after catching up on the weekly news bites, I repeated out loud, "It is so sad," as I shook my head. I was not speaking of the news nationally or globally, but I was targeting the name-calling, lies, and deception, which the Holy Spirit testifies to believers' hearts are not from the Bride of Christ.

It should be an honor to be an elected official in Congress having a voice in the marketplace at this time of our nation's history, but I cannot imagine spewing offensive rhetoric as many do. Views should be for the greater good, not marginalized. Yes, we must call evil what it is, but when imaginations of hearts are the norm of news cycles, we have lost our way.

So, what does the Bride of Christ have to do with the latter? I am glad you are wondering. I have explained the work of the preparation of the Bride of Christ as, "If Christ were sitting beside you, would you be saying what you are saying or watching what you are watching? Furthermore, would you be doing what you are doing?" If you pause (just for a moment) to reflect on your choices, and wobble back and forth on its appropriateness, then do not move forward. The Holy Spirit is trying to prepare you as a bride without spot or wrinkle and purge you of inappropriate behavior or actions or rhetoric.

How do officials get elected touting change when it is only by a consensus (I might add) that laws are written and established on our books of government? It seems to me that many do not understand this simple principle. I applaud the seasoned voices of reason that remain steadfast in that our Constitution continues to hold its weight and value, but the rhetoric which continues to flow from congresspersons (old/young) is disheartening to the American public. Those who continue to walk down this path are going to feel the brunt of their askew opinions come election day. They do not speak for America, which is the land of the free and home of the brave. It is my America, but this offensive language is killing America that the majority love.

Allow the Holy Spirit to prepare you for Christ as much as you would give your attention to your wedding. Be determinedly dogged (and detailed) purposefully in your walk with the Lord. Salvation and regeneration, through the work of the Holy Spirit, should be taken with the utmost care as well. I have bitten more apples than I dare to think about, and surprisingly enough, I am shocked I haven't gotten choked!  Words should be without spot or wrinkle. God is not going to accept a Bridezilla. 

James 3:5-6

Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things.  See how great a forest a little fire kindles! And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell.

Need I say more?

In love,


Posted by: Molly Painter AT 04:06 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
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