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Sunday, December 27 2020

Unplug today!

Exodus 20:8 Keep the Sabbath holy.

If God can create the world in six days and then take a day off, so can you. Even our President has to have some time off from work. We were not designed to work (24/7) all the time.

I have had the last several days off from "work," i.e., ministry and outreaches that help others, homeschooling, housework, clothes (Of course I love everything I do), and then add to that list taking care of myself and my home (It's at the of the bottom of the totem pole). My schedule doesn't leave much time to take in a deep breath and enjoy my family and be alive. I always feel that I have to "prove" my worth to God by doing, doing, doing. So the outcome? Exhausted in my spirit-man, my physical body, and my mental-mess! Tired! I have come to realize that it can't please God when I am rundown, being barely able to pray effectively.

My spirit was getting so clogged with news of the day and work that I couldn't "hear" God well. Testing this out over the last several days, I see clearly that I have been too busy yet again (This happens to me every year, it seems!), and for me to be standing on the rock for my family, my ministry, and those I minister to, I have to be rested.

I have had time to rest, bake (I love to bake!), and enjoy my family. So, for me, I am committing to unplug at least once a week from everything I can in the New Year. I actually picked up a book to read in bed over the last several nights (To do this, though, I had to turn off the telly!). It was soul-soothing. No wonder my creativeness was stifled and dry! I realized that it can't please God when I am rundown barely to speak out prayers every morning and throughout my day.

So the moral of this story? Once again, if God can create this earth in six days, remembering He is God Most High Jehovah, He is trying to tell us something. And His Word is always correct. There is no room for deliberation or personal interpretation. When you exercise faith, amazing things can happen. It isn't easy, but it is worth every ounce of obedience you can give.



Posted by: Molly Painter AT 10:02 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, December 24 2020

Merry Christmas 2020! Truly, what a year this has been. I wanted to share a poem I wrote with you in 1996 after attending a church service in Richmond, Virginia on Christmas Eve. I walked through my door, after service, and the following poem began to flow.

God bless you all this beautiful season,


P.S. I didn't even know I could write poetry!

The Christ Child

We gathered Christmas Eve in the church to praise His name.

The child who was born of a virgin, Mary was His mother's name.

Songs were sung to glorify the Father for sending His only Son, born many years before.

A story was told of the child in a manger and a star that led wise men who had come to bear gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to honor the baby who was born of a virgin Mary.

The rafters shook as the voices rang with joy that night, rejoicing in the birth of the little boy.

It seemed as if all of heaven rejoiced!

Mary would raise Him as her son and call Him Jesus, the name that God had chosen.

She knew she was looking upon the Christ who was sent to save the world from its sin. She wondered how. What would become of Him?

The singing stopped, and we bowed our heads to thank God above for sending His one and only Son.

My heart welled up with sadness because I knew that Jesus had been born to die for all of us.

Tears rolled down my face as I walked away from the church that night because I finally knew that I would never forget what Christmas was all about. Christmas wasn't about the gifts, the food, and the decorations; there wasn't a baby in a manger to adore once a year at Christmas.

The Christmas story was about the Christ who came one night, lowly in a manger, so I could be set free and live with Him for all eternity.

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 01:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Friday, December 04 2020

What are presents on Christmas morning when you

have a hungry stomach?

Please join me, "Miss Molly," and the children of First Baptist Church for the annual benefit concert, Joy of a Child, December 6, 2020, @ 6 pm. Grab your favorite beverage and snacks and snuggle up for a Christmas cause at: or

Facebook live @ First Baptist Church of Carolina Beach.

Over the past twenty years, there have been wishes, wants, and needs fulfilled for children who do not ask to be in needy situations at Christmas. Additionally, we make sure that each family receives a gift food card. What are presents on Christmas morning when you have a hungry stomach?

Additionally, there are anywhere from seven to ten children through Carolina Beach Elementary school on the Nourish, N.C. program who must attend a local daycare facility for academic help, structure, and guidance. Otherwise, one of these precious children might fall through the cracks (on our watch) due to various foundational reasons that are kept confidential.

Won't you be a beacon of hope for a child in need this season? Whether it is $1.00 or $100.00, 100% of the funds raised will support their need. The cost per child is $30.00 per day. Currently, they attend two to three days per week.

To make a tax-deductible contribution, please go to and click on "Joy of a Child" and follow the promptings. If you would rather you can mail a check payable to:

Joy of a Child

409 N. Lake Park Blvd.

Carolina Beach, N.C. 28428

Attention: Joy of a Child. 

God bless you this holiday season!

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 04:31 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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