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Sunday, March 08 2020

The Mighty Men (and Women) of Donald

Matthew 7:20 "Therefore, by their fruits, you will know them."

Wednesday, the 5th of February, marked a sad day for our nation. One witnessed what will now become our history for generations as the far-left Democratic system relentlessly tried to impeach a sitting President over a nothing burger. I, along with millions, have not seen such constant and destructive assaults against one human being in decades. I will not sit idly by saying nothing continuing to allow this nation to be torn to pieces by voices who are not coming from a rational standpoint. Our democracy is in jeopardy, and the very threads of our country are unraveling.

I have given myself a long moment to reflect on what has taken place in Congress over the last several months arriving at several conclusions. In this day and age of civilization, men and women in Congress are behaving like wild beasts. The backbiting, finger-pointing, lies, and vitriolic behavior seen across the globe are an embarrassment. We must be likened from afar to wild animals in a zoo. The sickness of the lack of comradery has grown like cancer in our society and must be cut out. Warriors, whose hearts were pricked by the Holy Spirit, rose to this specific onslaught with fasting and consecrated prayer.

I applaud President Trump, Melania, and the members of his family. For the past three years, one has witnessed attacks against a man who is trying to help turn this nation back to God down to the very last unborn child. I do not know of many men or families who could have withstood the continued harassment. After the impeachment vote was in and President Trump was acquitted in Congress (forever), it was not a full twenty-four hours before the enemy at the gate was pointing fingers again, crying with a loud voice, "He is impeached forever!"

Kudos to the mighty men and women who stood against what is popular in order to stand up for justice. Several visible (to me) on Fox News were Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, John Ratcliff, Doug Collins, Kevin McCarthy, Lindsey Graham, and Ted Cruz. They were relentless in standing up buffeting the arrows of the enemy day in and day out. And the team of lawyers (men and women) sovereignly placed together recounting endless credible facts and figures with step by step building blocks of how this heinous crime of injustice occurred are to be commended.

Everyday' ole deplorables just like me are watching, and we don't espouse to the Democratic impeach, impeach position. We are tired of seeing time busters and wasted money in Congress when millions suffer and cry out for help on the streets of America. Do your job.

"We, the People" have had enough.

"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."

George Washington

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 03:36 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
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