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Tuesday, May 19 2020

Daily Devotional-Jesus Without the

Jeremiah 17:10. "I test the mind. I test the heart."

A specific feature of God's nature is that "When the student takes the test, the teacher is silent." God will test you with your finances, your temperament, actions, and willingness to be obedient, especially with the money he gives to you. For me, the latter has been (and sometimes still is) my greatest struggle. Think about this as you go throughout your day.

Have you felt God close during the pandemic? Is he answering your prayers? If you feel alone, lonely, or far removed from him, perhaps you are being tested by God to see how well you are applying his Word to your circumstances and those who can be impacted by THE JESUS in you. He is an individual God and knows, with deep understanding, what you need to become the individual He has created you to be.

His longing is that you grow into the likeness of Christ. God is faithful. He is just, and He is at work to try and fashion in you your unique (divine) destiny. He will test you, and sometimes it is so intense you want to cry "uncle." BUT NEVER QUIT OR SATAN WINS.

When God is silent, stay the course and don't give up. He is always watching you.

God bless you this day.


Check out the new teaching from "Miss Molly and Princess Buttercup": Manners Matter—" Respecting Older People" @

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 08:02 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
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