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Tuesday, June 09 2020

A Truman Moment?

On Monday, June 1, 2020, President Trump gave a speech in the Rose Garden, addressing the unjust murder of George Floyd and all of its ensuing effects. He left the podium and walked through the White House gates across Lafayette Park amid protesters to stand in front of St. John's church, which was torched the night before. He came about-face and held up a Bible in his right hand. His silent statement, coined by the media as nothing more than a "photo-op," could not have been more explicit: I am not afraid. This nation was founded on godly principals, which I am tasked to represent. I will stand for the people against the destruction of this country and the Church universal. For me, it was a Truman moment.

For those who do not know a lot about Harry Truman, our thirty-third (33) President, he hailed from Lamar, Missouri. He was the only President in the 20th century who did not hold a college degree. He kissed the Bible (can you imagine?) when sworn into office just eighty-two days after President Roosevelt succumbed to his ongoing illness. He held his own (with a great backbone) against the days' (swamp) establishment with a common-sense education that heralded him as one of our great Presidents and leaders. His background was varied, but one thread rang throughout his entire life; he knew that right was might, and wrong was not to be tolerated.

Socialism and control by the government with inciting violent behaviors is not why America was founded. All one has to do is read through the Constitution. But just last week, President Obama made the statement, "make those in power feel uncomfortable." Wow! Really? His slogan "Hope and Change," which almost ran this country into the depths of depression and socialism, is seen through the hindsight of black and white figures. Most certainly, he now will become more visible for the Democratic ticket of Joe Biden. What a sad tale to think that because the Democratic party can't stand Bernie Sanders that those behind the scenes in power feel they have to prop up an individual who needs to retire with what dignity he has remaining. How pitiful. How underhanded.

President Trump's statement of unity that many are continuing to clamor for was on full display June 1 if one bothered to be led by his/ her spirit. You can tell what is in the heart of a man by his actions. Anyone can speak mere words and smile while making backroom deals. Many believed that Obama's way was the way, but hindsight has shown us clearly that it wasn't. Do we want four more years of that through Mr. Biden? For those "woke" individuals, Donald Trump will again be elected President of the United States. Hell, and unjust narratives with spinning truth cannot stop it.

Kudos to you, Mr. President!

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 05:24 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
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