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Thursday, April 15 2021

The Chosen

April 14, 2021

A friend told me about The Chosen television series last spring (2020) while on lockdown. Several times, "Have you seen The Chosen yet? You need to watch it, Molly." Easter came the following year (2021), and I felt I needed a time of solitude with the Lord. Besides writing and working for the only ministry duty left to perform was to deliver Easter bags stuffed with goodies (27) for the children on the Nourish NC program at the local school. Of course, I continued my daily work of caring for my eleven-year-old grandson, JC (my most important job!). During Passover week, the Spirit's prompting to watch was intense enough to get me to tune in on YouTubeIt began a journey of rebirth I had not anticipated.

I hold a two-year Biblical Studies degree and a BS in Religion (lacking one Math credit!) from Liberty University. I was ordained as a reverend in 2014 into Gospel Ministry through my local Baptist church. I have tried to walk with Christ for the last twenty-five years closely. I thought, well, I will tune in and watch at least one episode; I have the time. I fast-forwarded through most of the first episode and then clicked on another and did pretty much the same thing. Then, for some odd reason, I skipped to episode five. I sat mesmerized. I wondered who is this Jesus that is being portrayed? Then, I continued with episode six. Tears streamed down my face as I continued to watch episode after episode. Then, after going back to view all eight episodes, I knelt before the Lord to repent for my self-centered pride. It is what I fondly call one of my “ice-cold bucket of water” in the face moments.  Additionally, I grieved for other things that I didn’t realize had been hiding in my heart. I rambled on to the Lord, feeling liberated, reborn.

Clearly, God uses what He chooses to reach His children. His message hasn't changed, yet His methods have. The last portrayal and story of Jesus Christ that touched my soul on such a deep level was The Passion of the Christ. As I walked away from the theater years ago, after sobbing so loud during the crucifixion scene that a woman turned around a patted my knee telling me it was going to be alright, a voice whispered into my heart, "It was as it was." But The Chosen is a unique vehicle for this generation and is unequaled in its story-telling. Each episode brings one closer to what it might have been like walking, eating, breathing the same air, and learning from Christ.

Has literary license been taken? Is it exact in all instances? Overall, the body of work is nothing short of stunning. Do you know that this project is solely crowd-funded with the most significant donations ever? The back story of its creator, Dallas Jenkins, is awe-inspiring as well. The Holy Spirit has accomplished (so far) through this outreach what can only be touted as divine. If you want to witness the hand of God move, watch and learn about The Chosen. But don't listen to my advice; when the time comes, the Holy Spirit will give you your own “ice-cold bucket of water” in the face. He is no respecter of persons!

Rev. Molly

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 03:49 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
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