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Thursday, August 10 2023

Checklist for the Heart

    • Forgiveness: If you cannot forgive yourself, you cannot truly forgive others. You do not only have to forgive as a follower of Christ, but you have to forget. It will take time and patience, sometimes a lot, but don't give up.

    • Trusting God is a relational building process. As you grow, one rung at a time, through the power of the Holy Spirit, a greater understanding of His nature will shine through in your heart, and your mind will follow. It's about believing by faith to receive.

    • Respect the process of God. After accepting Christ into your heart, life is not what you are doing through God; it is what He is trying to accomplish through you so that your purpose and His kingdom's purpose can be realized. Remember: He is God, and you are not. Step down off the throne, be submissive to His will, and let Him wear the crown.

    • Learn to love yourself. Why do you think others will love you if you do not love yourself? Being downtrodden within your mind can cause defeatism in facets of your life, which, I guarantee you, will trickle down to those around you, especially children. Go to God with your issues and allow Him to help you be set free. Let Him deliver you from you.

    • "Clean Hands" before God. If you have anything against any man, go to the source and tell them asking for forgiveness, then repent of it. Your heart before the Lord needs a daily cleansing.

    • Attitude is crucial. When you get fussy, and we all know when we get fussy, it's time to lay down, zone out for an hour or two, take a mental break, or do some physical activity to refresh yourself. You will like yourself better, and those around you will, too.

    • Words you speak. The enemy of your soul will use your own words against you. Be wise in what you say. We will give an account for every idle word we speak.

    • Do not point fingers at anyone! Remember: Judge not.

    • Do not ever run from confrontation. God is your shield and buckler. God will be with you if you stand for truth and justice (Psalm 91:4).

    • Be congruent. Mean what you say and say what you mean; let your yes be yes and your no be no so the power of the Holy Spirit can freely flow through your spirit. Know who you are in Christ, and stand up for that.

    • Have "bulldog" faith. Grab God with your teeth, and never let go, just like a dog with a steak bone.

    • Stop focusing on others, what they have, what they are doing, and where they are going. Focus on Christ and delight yourself in Him, and He will give you the desires of your heart because by the time you delight yourself in Him, then His desires become your desires, and He gives them to you. Simple!                       

    • Thank God continually. I have to work on this one, too a lot! But, when I stop to recall what the Father has done for me in the past, I can genuinely and sincerely thank Him for all He has done for me in the here and now. I do it out of a grateful heart, not to get something. I truly love Him.

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 05:48 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
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