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 Rev. Molly's Blogs  
Monday, December 28 2009

This week’s blog, if I am not careful, will turn people from this ministry and me, but I know what the Lord is saying to me and I am known for “calling a spade a spade.”  Over and again for years, I have heard bigotry coming from the mouths of people who claim to be Christians…the very followers of our Lord. 


I have a question to pose to all the people of the earth today.  Whatever in the world makes you think that needy children and adults are any different from those who have jobs, homes, and money?  Why would you think that needy children deserve or desire second best?  What makes you think God would not want them to have the very things that others desire and have?  Why do some Christians hold their hands clasped so tight when it comes to helping needy people?  Why do they want to give them “sloppy seconds?”


Jesuswithoutthejunk  just did the largest outreach, in terms of material goods, we have ever done….so far.  The help that has come forth this year to accomplish God’s will in the lives of the less fortunate has been truly amazing.  I am overwhelmed at the generosity of some.  However, on the other side of “the some,” I witness jealousy, backbiting and bigotry over the items that were purchased by our outreach to help six needy children, one mother without a job and another family who needed help with food items.  I was brought to tears and anger, moaning so deep within me over the griping of individuals that I wasn’t certain I would be able to stop…and then I knew the tears were coming from heaven.


The Lord, through different tangible circumstances, has allowed me an up close and personal view into people's true feelings who camouflage themselves as so-called Christians, but have such bigotry and hatred in their hearts.  Then He lets me see others, who are not regular churchgoers, hold out their hands unselfishly when a situation of need is placed before them. 


I was reading in Corinthians this past week about such people who, really by they own ignorance, don’t even realize that they truly are being the hands of Jesus, yet I have seen and heard firsthand that “churched” folks would be offended by those kinds of individuals….the very ones who have reached out to help those in need mainly due to their personal appearance.


I am appalled at the hate in people who say they call upon the name of the Lord Jesus.  I am sickened in my heart and had to talk to God about everything that had transpired this week just so I could calm down and get His divine wisdom on what I was feeling about others.  The Holy Spirit responded by saying, “remember Lot?”  Then it hit me that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because He couldn’t find 10 righteous people in the city…are you 1 of 10 or will you be numbered with the ones God destroyed? Of course, He couldn't even find 10.


I have been doing mission outreaches for seven years now and through experience, the Holy Spirit has taught me:  Always buy name brand items because those in need get enough “hand me downs.”  Don’t buy anything for anyone YOU wouldn’t buy for your own self.  Always consider what you want and “do that unto others.” And above all, give what I tell you to give. 


Then a new revelation came to my heart that just ONE new item wanted and received by a child could give him the confidence to go a little further and a little longer, knowing in his heart he was just like every other child he encounters.  One kind act of kindness could turn a child or adult’s life around for the common good making a difference in how they perceive their life. 


This blog is being written for repentance of the heart to come forth for the way we see the less fortunate, thinking of ourselves as being better or more than we are.  For those of us who have been blessed (am I am one of the first to stand up and say, “I have been blessed”), we need to take what we are given by God and turn around and do with it what the Holy Spirit tells us.  God is watching and judgment is raining down on us from heaven.  Why do we think bad things happen to so-called “good” people?  


Peace on earth?  Well, I know you don’t want to hear this but as long as Satan is here we aren’t going to have any “Peace on Earth.” 


And Goodwill towards men? Well, I do believe we are starting to rise up and help our fellow man but, there are still those who are all about “ME.” 


But, let me close by saying this:  Jesus tells us in the word that if you have helped the least of these you have done it unto Him. 


I leave you with the question?  Do you want to do something unto the Lord? 



Posted by: Molly Painter AT 12:14 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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