Playing the God card
I think it is interesting that in this election year (especially), how much God’s name has been brought into the political arena not that that is a bad thing. But I also do not think that it is necessary for a presidential candidate to have to constantly wave a big red flag for all to see in order for voters to know that he has God in his heart. Jesus clearly tells us that we will be known by the fruit we bear.
As mentioned in an earlier writing, this ministry does not endorse any candidate or political party. However, what I mean to do here is remark on a comment made by a writer for the Washington Post. She said that one of the candidates handed the other “the God vote” by mentioning the Creator’s name during the debate. I do not disagree with the comments made during the debate but the reporter’s statement of opinion is interesting. She stated Obama “needed to wear God” if he wanted to win the next debate. I get what she is saying but on the other side of the coin, no one can manipulate the name of God by “wearing” Him or just invoking His name and then think they will win anything…it goes deeper than that. The mere use of God’s name is not to be used as some good luck charm in order for us to get a higher standing with Him. God knows fake when He sees and hears it. Incidentally, have you ever been around people who have said absolutely nothing but you still knew God was with them? It is by the words of our mouth but we also represent God by how we act, how we carry ourselves and how we treat others. What God stands for, his people will also stand for (or against).
It is quite easy to see if someone is truthful when it comes to his belief in God. His words and actions will line up with the Word of God. And by the way, God owns us, not the other way around.
Katie Altobellis