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Monday, December 30 2013

The New Year—some things have passed away…

It is with great sadness, as we embark upon 2014 that I write to you.  I have withdrawn from any blogs, newspaper articles or posts to our webpage since December 4, 2013.   I was thrown into a sort of turmoil and depression state that has not been equaled.   The reason?  The ministry suddenly lost one of its foundational members—Katie Altobellis. 

Katie contracted bronchitis in mid-October.   Although she continued to work (she was standing on her faith), and seeing different doctors she never fully regained her health.  I have known her well over the past seven years and she was anything but sickly.  The condition worsened and she contract pneumonia.   To make a long story short she ended up at her mother’s home for care and then finally at the emergency room.  She was placed ICU and then suddenly, as her mother and brother walked out of room, she was taken home.  It was that quick.  She did not go to the hospital thinking she was going to die.  I cannot describe to you the depths of grief felt from this ministry and what an impact her demise has taken on us all.  You see, she was saved under Jesus Without the Junk, taught about the things of God week after week for almost seven years.  If no one else showed up at the weekly meetings I could always count on Katie being there.   I performed her Eulogy on December 7, 2013.

Faith—The Firm Assurance In The Holy One—is the ability to believe in something that most will never see but yet is what is required of us who call upon the name of Jesus for salvation.  Many people sing praises to God for those who have passed through to heaven and yet my heart grieved in the here and now.  We do serve a mighty God and yet many try to take what his Word says and twist it into something that is not there.  Believe?  Yes.  Stand on your faith in the midst of storms but do not have such crazy faith that God will not honor.  Tithe?  Yes, you need to learn about tithing and giving from God’s perspective and the ‘whys’ as to what he means for us by doing so.  That money principal is given to us for us…not because God needs our money or a ministry is trying to take something from us.  Our Father in heaven is an all-suffering, loving and merciful Father who wants only the best for us all and we have to understand that we cannot jerk his chain for things he knows will be detrimental to us.  He also gave us a time to mourn to help heal our souls so grieve…it is okay, but don’t stay stuck there.   

Learn who your Father truly is in this upcoming New Year and let Him do what he ‘sees’ needs to be taken care of in your life.  He so longs for us all to mature into him so we can be a blessing to someone else.  I can tell you from someone ‘just like you’ that there is nothing he won’t do for you.  I have walked through years of trials to find out if he was really real and I can tell you firsthand that if you will walk with Christ daily you will get everything that he has for you along your path of life and you will fulfill your destiny.

As we enter into this New Year of possible hopes and dreams let the reality of Christ overtake you in your heart.   There is no better place for you to be and no other place that will protect you as well…not even Obama Care can do that!    

God bless you all and have a Happy New Year!


Posted by: Molly Painter AT 12:18 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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