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Saturday, July 21 2018

It would seem (to some) that the wrong side is winning. Evidence of this has crept its ugly head in the past month or two not only over the issues of immigration but just about anything that is stated from anyone associated with the White House. Specifically speaking, crowds are angry (supposedly its real anger not having been coerced, or paid for by anyone) over the separation of families at our American borders. It is coupled with an overwhelming hatred towards our American President, regardless of any positive actions or outcomes he might have negotiated for this nation thus far. 

There was an opinion stated in my Sunday school classroom this past week that Satan and his minions are winning and that civil war might be at hand.  This, my friends, is one of the biggest tactics of the devil.  He raises his ugly innuendos with shouting and yelling, (cursing in some cases) and calling for crowds to gather and, for a better terminology, "take people out" who follow conservatives or Donald J. Trump. But burning the American flag should be outlawed if you live in the United States of America.   

Rest assured Satan is not winning. The inner witness of the Holy Spirit testifies to us who to believe, at least he does for me. There are only thousands who are raising unquestionable almost treasonous actions through protests, and there are millions (over three hundred fifty-two) who live here who are not. We all are not being crushed by this ugliness yet, however, the time has come to stand up for what you do believe in and call “a spade a spade.”  The Bible tells us (believers) clearly to follow the Lord Jesus and we will hear His voice, what is incorrect behavior, and who is or is not on the side of justice. We are to test the spirits (1 John 4:1).

Competition. I love a healthy competition and it is now time to show our enemy (the devil) who is on the throne. The Bible teaches us that the government shall be upon his shoulders (Is. 9:6).  God has not been dethroned. Jesus still is guiding this nation and it is still, whether arguments continue to rupture around spots of this country, his nation founded upon Godly principles.

The earth groans for the sons of God to come forth (Rom. 8:19).  You know who you are.  You are trained and readied for battle against the forces of darkness and it is time to use your spiritual authority to fight this enemy who is trying to destroy the foundation that has been built upon godly principles. The solution is simple. Begin to pray and fast for our country. Take authority over the forces of darkness in spiritual combat and stand to see the salvation of our Father who is in heaven. This is your clarion call. The time is now. Satan will be defeated. The country will remain “red” due to the blood of Christ, and Donald J. Trump will be one of the greatest President’s we have known (history will prove this) who will fight for this nation. Now is the time. Awaken to the voice of the Holy Spirit and let’s win this demonic battle that is trying to break forth in our nation.


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