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Sunday, November 15 2020


Rev. 12:11 "They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death"(NIV).

Who are they? They are us. Who did they overcome? Satan. How? By speaking scripture into a battle situation. Our example? Jesus (Matt. 4: 1-11). Common sense tells me that if Jesus had to do it, we have to do it. That is where the power is. But the last phrase in that scripture is key: "They did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death."

Do you wonder why Donald Trump will not concede this election?

1. All of the votes of the states in question have not been tallied.

2. There have been sworn affidavits signed (notarized) of election interference and fraud by poll workers from Republicans and Democrats.

3. Donald Trump is a fighter and knows that this is a spiritual battle for the United States' freedom. He won't shrink back.

4. Yesterday, and the exact numbers have not been verified yet, but thousands, if not one million people descended upon Washington, D.C. (peacefully-can you imagine?) to be counted and stand against ballot harvesting, voter stealing, fraud, and injustice in our elections for the generations to come (our children and grandchildren).

When is the last time you heard a President speak the name Jesus Christ from behind a podium? Trump did. When is the last time we have had a President fulfill all campaign promises? All of them. When is the last time you heard a President speak about God unashamedly? His White House prays through Jesus Christ knowing it will take divine power to overcome all the spiritual attacks against him and his family. Think about it for a minute: Could you have stood the constant attacks for four years?

The deception of the swamp has been revealed to such an extent and people are rising up not only for Trump but for Christ. Our nation is turning back to God. This is why Satan has raised his ugly head. He is working through individuals who will fight, loot, and destroy cities across America. This has gone way beyond George Floyd. Don't you want peace, justice, and righteousness to reign? Wonder why all the destruction stopped suddenly? I don't understand leaders who are supposed to love their fellow man and continue to allow killing and destruction to overrun their cities just for political advantage. That to me tells me something about those individuals. But I have a scripture for that as well: John 10:10 "The thief comes but not to kill, steal, and destroy."

Trump has gone into Satan's lair and he is furious.

Do your homework as I did over the summer. Why in the world would we take the words of about twenty-five news pundits (not journalists) allowing their narratives to dictate our lives? Go on Utube and search out Church Militant, Drew Berquist, Newsmax to name only a few. Tune in to Right Side Broadcasting when they cover events. They pray! Then, take your concerns and newfound knowledge to the Cross and ask God for clarity. He will confirm His word to you (Isaiah 30:21; Jer. 33:3; Ps. 91:15; Matt. 7:7; ) The whole truth is what we all seek, isn't it? No one can be ruled by emotions and be the true victor in the society in which we live. Before Christ, I was defeated totally. Of course, you couldn't have told me that God could answer me back then.

As for the election, I am still standing, fasting, and praying for only God's will to be done. And then, if my choice does not get reelected, I can live with that. But to sit and grip and complain and do nothing is not acceptable to me. I did my homework and research through the lens of Jesus Christ and found the way to have peace in the storm. I refuse to be ruled by emotions.

Lay your life down for something worthwhile, the security of this nation. Don't shrink back. I haven't.


Jesus Without the Junk

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 08:12 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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