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Thursday, February 23 2023

The Jesus Movement

The Asbury Revival

The time was the early seventies. I was a sophomore at St. Albans High School in St. Albans, W. Va.  At lunchtime, students gathered in small groups on the front lawn to talk about Jesus and learn more about the Bible. My best friend from Junior High invited me to come and sit in with a group, but time after time, I refused until she stopped asking. I thought to myself very adamantly; I grew up in Church and Sunday school. I know who God is. My church is where Jesus lives! Why aren't they keeping this activity in a Church setting? It seemed kind of hippie and weird to my heart. But after years of struggling and fighting against God, I completely surrendered my life to Christ. Several years after my conversion (at thirty-nine), I was led to search out any information I could about the Jesus Movement. I discovered through my research that God had a bonified move at that time in America.

At the writing of this blog, there is a movie getting ready to hit theaters, on February 24, 2023, about the movement entitled Jesus Revolution. Those touched by the presence of the Holy Spirit impacted not only their lives and a generation of youth but many others who were led to repentance and renewal. It was one of this nation's first significant collective "trickle" effects.

Don't be hard-headed or harden your heart when the Holy Spirit comes knocking on your door, for today is the day of salvation. Hindsight (Good 'ole 20/20) revealed that the Holy Spirit knocked on my door through my best friend. We parted friendship due to my pride. The Jesus Movement wasn't fabricated or conjured up. It was a grassroots movement of the Holy Spirit to help quell the nation's racism (Yes, that was prevalent then too.), unrest due to the Vietnam war, drug-riddled youths (Marijuana, LSD, Cocaine), and murders. Sound familiar? With the writing of this blog, I have once again cried sorrowful tears at my past ignorance with a renewed sense of purpose and repentance. And as a side note: I wrote to my ninth-grade friend, who lived in France then, and I apologized for not listening to her turning down her dear friendship. 

In Christ, thank God, finally,


"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit" (John 3:8).

The Asbury Revival began on February 8, 2023. Is this another outpouring of the Holy Spirit and move of God Almighty to help revive us again? Is the Holy Spirit wooing you to the Father? Please don't be foolish like I was. Answer the call for the lives that will depend on your willingness to surrender all. God is calling those of us who will listen to repentance and renewal. Don't miss this boat! Your life depends on it.

Dedicated to the Pioneers of the Jesus Movement 

I pick up my pen. I begin. I want to tell you the story of a brave and courageous group of kids. 

They loved the Lord so much that they gave their hearts to sing "the songs."

They would tell of His mighty grace, forgiveness, and love that abounds.

It didn't matter what others would say.

It didn't matter that most places turned them away.

They would sing praises to their King anywhere, anytime.

It wasn't for the money or for their glory.

It was because God Almighty had called them to tell a story of how much He loves us all, of salvation, of the redeeming power of His only Son's spilled blood, of the highest price ever paid by anyone so we could come home one day.

Walking by faith, they set out to fulfill the call on their lives to give the honor to God, not mankind.

Where are they now? They are still singing "the songs," those still alive, to anyone who will listen and anyone who comes along.

What did they receive for such obedience? Eternal life with the author and finisher of their undying faith.

That was 25 years ago. The pioneers of the Jesus Movement.

Eve of Destruction rolls through my mind as I put down my pen.

Tears start rolling down my face as I realize what an excellent time in America it was but how I hardened my heart to it all.

But, more importantly, how a group of kids just wanted to sing about their Lord and King.

And how they would give everything for the Son of Man because He had died for them.

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 06:13 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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