The Blood Of Christmas
I was thinking this past week about “What If”? As we approach the Christmas season, I was thinking about “what if” Jesus hadn’t been willing to come to earth and die for me? What if He wasn’t willing to be born as a mere human, even though divine, who could bleed like me, hurt like me and be tempted like me? What if He hadn’t been willing to come for me that fateful night in Bethlehem? Where would I be right now?
It is one of those times in which I ask myself, where would my life be today if He had not made that decision? So I thought I would jot down a few of the things that came across my heart….
I honestly can tell you that I wouldn’t have stepped out in faith and believed for a house for my daughter and myself to live in. (We lived there for free.) I also wouldn’t have known about the prayer of agreement, offerings and standing on faith…
I would never have been delivered from all of the prescriptions drugs I took and from drinking like a fish as I took these drugs in order not to feel anything. I knew nothing of taking authority over the devil and his hold on my addictive personality and body.
I would have probably been killed by my second husband, preventing me from writing this blog to you at this time in history.
I know that I would have griped my life to death because of my trying to make my life happen by myself. I would have not known that there was a specific purpose and plan tailor-made by God just for me.
I would not have known that there were generational curses on my life that tried to overpower me and had much to do with the way I thought and felt inside.
I know I would not have had the love of one special daughter whose whole life has been saved from the grasp of the devil because I chose to just believe in Christ.
So, you see, Christmas means so much more to me than what I see in a store, buy as a present for someone, or bake as a token of my love to others. Christmas is everything to me as a human being because it was the night that my Savior chose to come here for the one who needed Him the most.
My prayer this season is that you stop and allow yourself to wonder what would have happened to you if Christ had not come that one fateful night in order to die for you so that you could have the greatest gift imaginable…
God Bless us everyone!
Your faithful servant,