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Sunday, November 08 2020

The Election

Don't panic! God is in control. As God's children and Christ-followers, we are not to worry about the outcome of the election of the seat of the presidency between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Did you know that worrying is a sin? I didn't. But when I read the scripture years ago when I was just a baby Christian (Mt. 6: 25-30) and meditated on it for a while, I knew somehow, I had to do my part and try not to worry, even though looking at my life was cause enough for anyone to worry! It took me several years of one on one practicing with the help of the Holy Spirit through real-life circumstances to realize that worrying never changed any outcome. It only made my circumstances seem worse and caused me harm. I learned to stop the flow of doubt, and I knew that only at the Cross could I ever overcome.

True character transformation (of anyone) and correct thinking can occur, which dispels doubt and worry, but it will take effort on your part. But I have learned that if I do my part, God always does His part. For example, when I learned what occurred in the election yesterday (Saturday), I turned off the television, prayed, and fasted and am standing on my faith. God has seen all of this election since He is omnipresent and will intervene with the truth.

This process will take some time, but as long as I have done my part, knowing millions are doing their part, I can accept the outcome of the election no matter what it is. That, my brothers and sisters, is the way through any storm. Is this walk of faith easy? No. Don't let anyone tell you any different. Do you want to scream and cry at times? Yes. Does it change anything? No. But it might release your pressure valve! So, today as we all go throughout this day, do not panic, but pray. God is in control. We have the God-given rights to defeat any enemy, whether for an election or in our own personal lives. Don't let doubt or fear or worry consume you. Do your part by faith and stand strong in the midst of this battle.

Not one time has God let me down, not once. I might not have always liked the outcome (at first), but I learned as I continued to walk with Christ (having no other choice but to get up and keep going) that it was always His will that mattered, and it was always for my good.

Take heart today, knowing that God loves you. Don't panic and don't worry! Allow Him to comfort your heart at the Cross.


Posted by: Molly Painter AT 08:12 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Sunday, October 25 2020

Can one voice make a difference?

There are nine days until the election is decided for the next President of these United States. Begin today to pray scripture, for it is only God's Word that will not return void (Is. 55:11, NIV), and Satan cannot stand against it ( Matt:4:1-11). Proclaim a fast at the altar of God (Lk. 5:35), for when you do, it is like putting a noose around Satan's neck. Use your God-given tools to war in the heavenlies, for this is where the battle takes place between light and dark. Followers of Christ, America needs every voice and every heart on deck for what is coming. Fight on your knees for your President and the soul of America!

Now is the time to stand up and be counted!

God bless you,


Posted by: Molly Painter AT 10:26 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Sunday, August 02 2020

The problem is Trump.

Let me be clear—Trump is to blame.

The narrative that has been agreed upon by the far-left Democratic Party, which is a Socialist agenda, is: Trump is to blame. For what, you might be asking? Isn't it crystal clear? In the alternate universe of far-left individuals, who want us to take a seat and go along with their plan, I also suggest to you the following: President Trump is responsible for the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Bobby Kennedy. And it goes without hardly saying, even though I will, that he started the Civil War, the Vietnam War, and initiated the Cuban Missile Crisis. Isn't it crystal clear to you? Trump is guilty. The argument could be made that there is no way he could be responsible for all of the latter since he wasn't born until June 14, 1946, but I say to you, Bah Humbug! He is responsible.

Watch how you try and desensitize true patriots of America, thinking that we will swallow your nonsensical narratives. Do you honestly believe that we are gullible enough to consume what you are peddling? You are not my voice. But, please, far-left, don't stop with the talking points! Please continue because when November hits, there will be shock waves in favor of Donald J. Trump. You are awakening the sleeping giant. Those who live in this great nation are hardworking and would like to have the America of truth, liberty, and justice for all; America outlined in the Constitution.

Right is might, and we have truth on our side(not to mention God). We do not have to peddle a "back-room" narrative of destruction while the trumpeting voices of socialism live off the government, I might add.

Did you know that there are seven things that God hates? A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in the running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren (Proverbs 6:16-19). We, bible thumping, flag-bearing, and one nation under God-fearing will not allow this nation to be turned into a Socialistic society. America was founded and built by God-fearing men and women, and one must always gaze through the lenses of God's eyes to be socially productive; He is watching.

Can it be possible to combat an invisible enemy that is destroying one's foundational belief system? A capitalist system is fighting for its survival, and yet the truth remains clear—President Donald J. Trump is not to blame for our ills. Instead of the lies, which are political talking points, we would do much better in asking: how do we help the homeless living on the streets of America? How do we feed the people with small children in our nation that go hungry each day?

2 Chronicles 7:14 "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

It is time to fast, pray, and sacrifice ourselves for the nation that we love.

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 07:52 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, June 09 2020

A Truman Moment?

On Monday, June 1, 2020, President Trump gave a speech in the Rose Garden, addressing the unjust murder of George Floyd and all of its ensuing effects. He left the podium and walked through the White House gates across Lafayette Park amid protesters to stand in front of St. John's church, which was torched the night before. He came about-face and held up a Bible in his right hand. His silent statement, coined by the media as nothing more than a "photo-op," could not have been more explicit: I am not afraid. This nation was founded on godly principals, which I am tasked to represent. I will stand for the people against the destruction of this country and the Church universal. For me, it was a Truman moment.

For those who do not know a lot about Harry Truman, our thirty-third (33) President, he hailed from Lamar, Missouri. He was the only President in the 20th century who did not hold a college degree. He kissed the Bible (can you imagine?) when sworn into office just eighty-two days after President Roosevelt succumbed to his ongoing illness. He held his own (with a great backbone) against the days' (swamp) establishment with a common-sense education that heralded him as one of our great Presidents and leaders. His background was varied, but one thread rang throughout his entire life; he knew that right was might, and wrong was not to be tolerated.

Socialism and control by the government with inciting violent behaviors is not why America was founded. All one has to do is read through the Constitution. But just last week, President Obama made the statement, "make those in power feel uncomfortable." Wow! Really? His slogan "Hope and Change," which almost ran this country into the depths of depression and socialism, is seen through the hindsight of black and white figures. Most certainly, he now will become more visible for the Democratic ticket of Joe Biden. What a sad tale to think that because the Democratic party can't stand Bernie Sanders that those behind the scenes in power feel they have to prop up an individual who needs to retire with what dignity he has remaining. How pitiful. How underhanded.

President Trump's statement of unity that many are continuing to clamor for was on full display June 1 if one bothered to be led by his/ her spirit. You can tell what is in the heart of a man by his actions. Anyone can speak mere words and smile while making backroom deals. Many believed that Obama's way was the way, but hindsight has shown us clearly that it wasn't. Do we want four more years of that through Mr. Biden? For those "woke" individuals, Donald Trump will again be elected President of the United States. Hell, and unjust narratives with spinning truth cannot stop it.

Kudos to you, Mr. President!

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 05:24 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, May 19 2020

Daily Devotional-Jesus Without the

Jeremiah 17:10. "I test the mind. I test the heart."

A specific feature of God's nature is that "When the student takes the test, the teacher is silent." God will test you with your finances, your temperament, actions, and willingness to be obedient, especially with the money he gives to you. For me, the latter has been (and sometimes still is) my greatest struggle. Think about this as you go throughout your day.

Have you felt God close during the pandemic? Is he answering your prayers? If you feel alone, lonely, or far removed from him, perhaps you are being tested by God to see how well you are applying his Word to your circumstances and those who can be impacted by THE JESUS in you. He is an individual God and knows, with deep understanding, what you need to become the individual He has created you to be.

His longing is that you grow into the likeness of Christ. God is faithful. He is just, and He is at work to try and fashion in you your unique (divine) destiny. He will test you, and sometimes it is so intense you want to cry "uncle." BUT NEVER QUIT OR SATAN WINS.

When God is silent, stay the course and don't give up. He is always watching you.

God bless you this day.


Check out the new teaching from "Miss Molly and Princess Buttercup": Manners Matter—" Respecting Older People" @

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 08:02 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, April 23 2020

A Taste of Socialism

My Opinion

I hear the echoes of socialism in our nation. If anyone espouses to the Green New Deal or Climate Change know this— our green earth is evolving and culminating precisely the way it is supposed to. Yes, we should be mindful of taking care of our planet but not at the expense of real-life human beings who need help, for instance, the homeless, the hungry, the widows, and the orphans. God help us all if we vote for issues of climate change before the latter matters. There would be no justification except greed and self-seeking for America to pass such legislation spending billions of dollars on anything but tent cities or calling in the National Guard to help secure and house the homeless on the streets of America first.

I have been watching and intently listening to world news. The news pundits, from both sides of the aisles and the glaring opposite opinions, are staggering. We, my friends, are witnessing a move of socialism vs. capitalism.

On Tucker Carlson's Fox News show, which aired on April 22, 2020, the following content was reported. Mayor de Blasio (NYC-D), has enacted a snitch hotline for anyone to tattle (are we in sixth grade?) on unlawful gatherings. He further continued to say if everyone will do this now (call 311) after the coronavirus is over, he will host a ticker-tape parade to honor health workers and first responders (Why not do that anyway?). There was a tweet from Ross Barkan on April 21, 2020, that stated, "In November 1918, San Francisco celebrated the end of the Spanish Flu. The Flu came back in January, nearly doubling the death toll. If Bill de Blasio stages a parade in 2020, he will kill people."

Mayor Eric Garcetti (D) of Los Angeles was on CNN on March 27, 2020, and touted obey or be hunted. In other words, do as I say or else! Studies have now concluded that the virus was widespread in LA despite lockdown efforts and that, according to Dr. John Ioannidis, Stanford Professor of Medicine, that 5.6 percent of adults in LA County have had the coronavirus. Finally, there is one more Governor (D) who is taking a hard look at using drones for offenders of crowd gatherings with heat sensors that can determine temperatures. Really?

Our country was founded on godly principals, as much as the so-called liberal values want to negate that fact. Secondly, America is a free-market society, which means that there are rich, middle income, less fortunate, and the very poor among us. This nation is God's design. One must be mindful of what God tells us in that He tests the mind and heart (Jeremiah 17:10). How do you think He does that? He is watching to see tangible actions of those who call upon His name in helping those who are less fortunate and desperately need our helping hands and pocketbooks.

We hear what a socialistic nation would be comprised of –wanting the money(all of it) to place where it wishes, having you sit on welfare checks begging for bread from the government and holding total control. That is what you are witnessing taking place in this nation right now. If you vote for Joe Biden and whatever socialist running mate (make no mistake, it will be someone he needs to fill his gap in a demographic/ ethnic area "to take Trump down"), they will undo everything that President Trump has accomplished. Your religious freedoms will be squashed, and the right to work for yourself and be a millionaire if you can be (if it is in your cards) would be removed-no gun rights. A capitalistic nation would be gone. The economic backdrop would be worse than you could imagine. Not all espouse to the draconian measures touted, but for those who are coming from a place of thwarting the American values of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, be aware.

Stand up, have belief in God Almighty, fast, pray, do what the Holy Spirit is telling you and of course regarding the rule of law, always follow the rule of law, but fight for your freedom!

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 05:31 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Sunday, March 08 2020

The Mighty Men (and Women) of Donald

Matthew 7:20 "Therefore, by their fruits, you will know them."

Wednesday, the 5th of February, marked a sad day for our nation. One witnessed what will now become our history for generations as the far-left Democratic system relentlessly tried to impeach a sitting President over a nothing burger. I, along with millions, have not seen such constant and destructive assaults against one human being in decades. I will not sit idly by saying nothing continuing to allow this nation to be torn to pieces by voices who are not coming from a rational standpoint. Our democracy is in jeopardy, and the very threads of our country are unraveling.

I have given myself a long moment to reflect on what has taken place in Congress over the last several months arriving at several conclusions. In this day and age of civilization, men and women in Congress are behaving like wild beasts. The backbiting, finger-pointing, lies, and vitriolic behavior seen across the globe are an embarrassment. We must be likened from afar to wild animals in a zoo. The sickness of the lack of comradery has grown like cancer in our society and must be cut out. Warriors, whose hearts were pricked by the Holy Spirit, rose to this specific onslaught with fasting and consecrated prayer.

I applaud President Trump, Melania, and the members of his family. For the past three years, one has witnessed attacks against a man who is trying to help turn this nation back to God down to the very last unborn child. I do not know of many men or families who could have withstood the continued harassment. After the impeachment vote was in and President Trump was acquitted in Congress (forever), it was not a full twenty-four hours before the enemy at the gate was pointing fingers again, crying with a loud voice, "He is impeached forever!"

Kudos to the mighty men and women who stood against what is popular in order to stand up for justice. Several visible (to me) on Fox News were Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, John Ratcliff, Doug Collins, Kevin McCarthy, Lindsey Graham, and Ted Cruz. They were relentless in standing up buffeting the arrows of the enemy day in and day out. And the team of lawyers (men and women) sovereignly placed together recounting endless credible facts and figures with step by step building blocks of how this heinous crime of injustice occurred are to be commended.

Everyday' ole deplorables just like me are watching, and we don't espouse to the Democratic impeach, impeach position. We are tired of seeing time busters and wasted money in Congress when millions suffer and cry out for help on the streets of America. Do your job.

"We, the People" have had enough.

"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."

George Washington

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 03:36 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, December 24 2019

Why we do what we do...

In the polarized nation where one finds himself, it is hard to focus on life's true meaning. With the hustle and bustle of Christmas and all that goes with it, such as wrapping presents, baking all kinds of yummy treats, visiting friends (old and new), etc., it becomes harder to take in a deep breath and relax. Generally, the day after Christmas, I am exhausted. The constant I have, which has gotten me through many years, has been prayer. I don't get caught up in things that I have no business getting tangled in, such as spending too much money, eating out instead of eating at home or charging things I cannot afford.

Years ago, I attended a local Baptist service on Christmas Eve. I hadn't been (genuinely) saved for long but felt compelled to go. I was a stranger to this body of believers, and due to this, it enabled me to drawback and witness for myself how a local body of believers worshipped. As I left their service that evening, the poem below began to flow out of my heart. One never knows what one act of obedience will bring.

One can find life depressing, turbulent, lonely, joyful, and can teeter-totter back and forth from one end to the other. But due to the self-sacrifice of Jesus Christ, one has the opportunity to change. 

Have a wonderful Christmas! 

The Christ

We gathered one night in the church to praise His name.

The child who was born of a Virgin, Mary was His mother's name.

Songs were sung to glorify the Father for sending His only Son, who was born many years before.

The story was told of the child in a manger, of a star that led three wise men who had come to bear gifts to honor the baby who was born of a Virgin Mary.

The rafters shook as the voices rang with joy that night, rejoicing in the birth of the little boy.

Oh, how all of heaven rejoiced!

Mary would raise Him as her son and call Him Jesus, the name that God had chosen.

But she knew inside she was looking upon the Christ who was sent to save the world from all its sin. She wondered how. What would become of Him?

The singing stopped, and we bowed our heads to thank God above for sending His one and only Son.

My heart welled up with sadness because I knew that Jesus had been born to die for all of us.

Tears rolled down my face as I walked away from the church that night because I finally knew that from now on, I would never forget what Christmas was all about. Christmas wasn't about the gifts, the food, and the decorations.

There wasn't a baby in a manger to adore once a year at Christmas, but God had been born through a virgin to die for each one of us. It was about the Christ who came one night, lowly in a manager who was crucified on a cross at Calvary so that I could be free.

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 09:10 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, November 07 2019

Exposure is Essential.

With the movie Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood in theaters, it is fitting to applaud a man who mirrored unconditional love. Fred Rogers knew exposure to life with its broad spectrum of emotions and the vast knowledge available through arts and commerce was an essential element in the maturing and equipping of children.

Over the summer months, I had the privilege of babysitting my grandson, who, by the way, will be ten this Veteran's Day. One morning, as I was folding clothes while the neighborhood children were playing on the sunporch, I turned on the television to see Tom Hanks sitting in a red sweater with grey hair. I knew who he was supposed to be. I thought to myself, Tom Hanks? Mr. Rogers had seemed kind of goofy to me as a young adult in what I like to call my PJ days (Pre-Jesus). He would step onto the set of Neighborhood while singing a little ditty, walk over to his coat closet while removing his jacket only to replace it with a zip-up sweater (which I later discovered were all made by his mother). He would then go sit on a bench and remove his loafers one at a time while tossing each in the air as he changed into his "tennis" shoes. Real-life stories have always been a passion of mine, so it was a natural step to search for a documentary on the life of Fred Rogers. I found Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood: It's You I Like. I wanted to know the who, what and why of the man Tom Hanks was going to embody.

I soon discovered that Fred knew what it felt like to be teased by children who called him "fatty."  He began to play the piano at a young age. He overcame severe shyness and loneliness through what I believe to be a divine encounter in High School (must watch the doc!). He graduated magna cum laude from Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida, with a degree in music composition. He received a divinity degree from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary(he was ordained a Presbyterian minister) and attended the University of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Child Development. Who knew?

Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood exposed children to classical music through Yo, Yo Ma (world-class cellist), and Itzhak Perlman (Israeli-American violinist/conductor/teacher). He discussed the subject matter of death, divorce, and fear, which was not the norm in children's programming. Fred exposed human emotions we all possess by telling the world "mistakes are part of learning and sometimes are hard to learn." Through the pretend television "Picture picture," he broadened horizons of children by teaching them how to eat out at a restaurant, showing how companies made erasers, crayons, harmonicas, and musical instruments. On and on, the exposure went. As Mr. Rogers said, "There is so much in this world we learn no matter how old or how young we are."

Exposure is essential for knowledge. Fred Rogers and his story is a remarkable story of love without limits. Discover what I did this past summer. I can almost hear Tony Bennett as he serenades Lady Elaine Fairchild (puppet) on station MGR TV: It's You I Like! Thank you, Fred Rogers, for who you were. You are helping me become a better me.


Posted by: Molly Painter AT 06:40 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Friday, October 11 2019

Matt. 7:1 "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged."

I cannot count how many times have I read the above scripture. I knew that the bible taught not to judge anyone, but did that include when I looked at someone who wore clothes not up to my standard?  Or how about when someone cussed (as if I didn’t cuss)?  I had to practice learning not to judge anyone through the power of the Holy Spirit after fully turning my heart to the Lord. Curbing my tongue has been a task in and of itself! Where is the masking tape?  

The year was 2001, and a friend of mine handed me a monthly newsletter by David Wilkerson, author, Cross and the Switchblade/ Church planter of New York Times Square Church. In it, he recounted a story that I continue to recall when the temptation to judge tries to overtake me.

He recounts his story of being on the mission field and, while heading to his destination, found himself sitting in the back of a taxi with two other individuals. The taxi driver (if memory serves me well) said something untoward, which caused him to roll his eyes in disgust.  Almost immediately, the Holy Spirit conveyed to him that he had just unknowingly judged the man and that he was never to do that again.  My first thought was what a humble man he must be to receive such a stern rebuke and follow the instructions. The Spirit of the Lord has used his story every time I heard someone say something odd, off-color, or off-putting. I would catch myself recalling the rolling eyeballs. It has always been a come to Jesus at the cross meeting!

Fast forward to this past summer, (knowing I had the eyeball thing under control) I happened (?) to see a commercial advertising Tom Hanks in the role of Fred Rogers. I thought to myself, Tom Hanks portraying Mr. Rogers (Come on! Was this an eyeball judgment moment?).  I almost immediately located a documentary about Fred Rogers. What caught me off guard, first, was that Michael Keaton appeared and began to narrate (Who knew he worked for Mr. Rogers for the first few years of his career?). The story of his life was spell-bounding. It wasn't too long after I finished processing the documentary, maybe several hours, that I went to the Lord, knelt and repented (means I am going to turn and go in another direction!) for making fun of Fred Rogers most of my adulthood. Was I judging again, Molly?  Eyeballs!

Take a listen, will you, to the Mr. Rogers podcast at or go to (type in Jesus Without The Junk) and download the app to your phone. It is easy listening! I think you will enjoy the message and if nothing else, you will enjoy Mandy's singing.

God bless you and remember the rolling eyeballs! Also, it is never too late in life to learn.

"Pray hard and listen well."


Posted by: Molly Painter AT 07:46 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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