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Thursday, February 25 2021

God has your best interest!

By Susan Gahan

I don't have a spare minute, and I blame it on everyone but myself. God is working on me in different areas, and this is one of them. I am a giving person, which is not bad unless you give so much you are exhausted. If you ask me to help you with something, I will be there. It doesn't matter if I have worked a long day and I am worn out. I have always believed in doing the right thing. If someone needs me, I am there because it is the right thing to do. I wonder, does God want me worn out? How can He use me for His kingdom if I am so tired that I cannot keep my eyes open? Those times when I don't have a spare minute, I blame it on everyone but myself. Finger-pointing, judging? Nah!

Recently, I have been pressed to get my priorities straight. I need to be kind but learn to say no more often. Should I be on the computer (social media, cruising the net), or should I be reading my Bible, which can help transform my thinking? Should I be out with friends or at home talking to God? If it is not in your best interest, then the answer is no.

This world is going through some tough times. Marriages are falling apart. Businesses are closing. Money is tight, but you can rise above it all with God. It is time to say no to anything that is coming between you and God. To repair marriages and money issues, you need to put aside everything stealing your time, and pray. God (always) wants what is best for you. Before you make big plans, pray about it first, not second or third, and be willing to accept the answer and outcome.

There have been times in my life when it has just been easier to say yes. Still, I am finding out that when I put on the brakes, if possible, and wait to pray about doing anything (everything!), it all goes much smoother. I feel more confident that I am doing the right thing.

Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 04:52 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Friday, February 19 2021

Me, Me and Me!

By Susan Gahan

I want to share something with you all. I have had a "me" problem. I had a revelation from God last week, and He was talking directly to me. God is sick of hearing me, me, and me. I found as I would pray that everything went back to poor me. It was either about me at work, me at home, or plain me. He said that I need to get "the me" out of my prayers, and I did. I do plead the blood over myself, but that is it. There is no more help me with this or help me do that. It is not that I was praying just for myself. I prayed for others but to tell you the truth, a lot of it was about me. Since I stopped praying the "me prayers," things have changed. I have seen God move! I can see where I was stopping God's hands in different matters. He gets all the glory in my book.

Also, sometimes you cannot help the "me people." I think that they have to help themselves. I have prayed repeatedly for someone very dear to me that cannot let go of herself. I believe that you know that kind of person. It isn't that they are spoiled, but everything is about them. When something happens to them, it is everyone else's fault. Those types of people want and want. Life is never fair to those people. I have given and given. I have listened and listened, but I cannot take it anymore. I have prayed and prayed, but sometimes you have to let them go. You need to leave them in God's hands. They can literally bring you down. I have sobbed and sobbed over it. She cannot see beyond what is happening to her. I also feel that she doesn't care beyond herself for anyone else's burdens. It is such a heartbreaking thing for me. I realize I cannot do anything about it. I have surrendered her to the Lord, and I am going to go on for now. The worst part of it all is that I probably contributed to this, and it tears me apart. Even though we walk and talk to Jesus, we are human. We think that we know what is best. We know all the answers. We want to make everyone happy. I pray that God can straighten out the mess that I have made. She is so wonderful when the "me" light is not flashing. Oh, Lord, help her!

Instead of me, I really feel it should be Him, Him. Do we remember that He is the one who died to set us free from our sins? It is so easy to put that out of our minds. We were freed from corruption but look at us all now. It is so easy to point the finger at someone else. If you are not going to point the finger at yourself where it belongs, point it at heaven and pray for God to help you. Keep your eyes on Him. Times are tough, and they will get tougher until Jesus comes AGAIN. Oh, Jesus, my heart hurts right now for your sacrifice! Please forgive me!

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 07:10 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Friday, February 05 2021

By Susan Gahan


Last night as I lay in bed, I thought about how my life is full of lessons. I often wonder if God is tired of being my teacher. I have a lot of things to re-do according to His will. He probably is up in heaven just shaking His head. I bet He says, "Will she never learn?"

Life is a Lesson

I have learned in the past few months that I need to get my life straight. How many times do we rehash what we need to do? For instance, I should pick up my Bible more. Why don't I? I don't have an answer, but I can tell you one thing, I need to figure it out. God has shown me that life is very precious and short. Many people say it but honestly, unless it happens to really doesn't have much impact. You cannot even grasp the magnitude of how precious life truly is.

Making a List

I decided that I need to make a list. Let's face it. We are all busy, and you cannot even remember what you need to do until you make a list, let alone even to do it. So my goal is to make a list this week of things that I need to do. I want to incorporate it into my life, taking out things that really are worthless and non-beneficial. Staring at my IPAD or something ridiculous on TV needs to be dealt with. Incorporating more Bible studying, helping others, doing more for the ministry, and going into areas that God wants me to go in needs to be front and center.

Getting my Priorities Straight

We all need direction, and first and foremost, we need to pray about it. So I need to make sure that before my two big feet hit the floor, I give my attention first to God. It truly makes my day so much better. I am scurrying around the house so many times that I get ready for work or running somewhere that I forget to give the most important person center stage. Of course, I repent for it, and it is over. It is easy to move on and put it behind me, but I know better seriously. We all do. How many times have I been told, "Put Him first." Priority number one...God is First. Everything else will fall into place after that. Now everyone will have to figure out what the rest of their priorities are, but I know that it refreshes my soul, knowing that I am pleasing God.

Staying on Track

Once I have made my list and gotten my priorities straight, I will have some peace. I feel like I have let God down at times. I cannot go back and change things, though. I cannot go back and redo life to make things right. My heart hurts knowing that I could have done more, but all that I have left in my portfolio is that I Love God, and I know that He loves me. Otherwise, I would have been just sand running through His fingers. He could have walked away and never looked back at all, but He didn't. He is still with me, and I owe it to Him to get back on the God train and stay on track.

So CHOO CHOO! Let's board the God train and stay on the RIGHT track.

I don't need any more detours or delays.

Matthew 6:33 "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 10:36 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, January 28 2021

Jan. 28, 2021

A Common Sense Approach to the Bible "Bringing Heaven down to earth one rung at a time."

Check List for your Heart

Forgiveness. If you cannot first forgive yourself, then you cannot truly forgive others (Do not just forgive but forget).

Trust God. It is a relational building process as you grow (which will take time) to understand God "one rung at a time" walking through your life and circumstances. Everyone's is different.

Respect the process of God. After accepting Christ, life is not what you are doing through God; it is what He is trying to accomplish through you so your purpose can be realized. Remember: He is God, and you are not. Step down off the throne.

Learn to love yourself. If you do not love yourself, then why do you think that others will love you? Being downtrodden within your own mind can cause defeatism in your life facets, which trickles down to those around you, especially children.

"Clean hands" before God. If you have ought against any man, go to the source and tell him/her and repent of it. Your heart before the Lord needs a daily cleansing.

Attitude is crucial.

Words you speak. The enemy will use your own words against you.

Do not point fingers.

Do not ever run from confrontation. Put your big pants on and face it. If God is with you, you have nothing to fear.

Be congruent.

Be consistent.

Have "bulldog" faith. Grab God with your teeth and never let go.

Stop focusing on others, what they have, what they are doing, and where they are going, and stay focused on yourself and what God is trying to do through you. Angst will stop.

Thank God continually.

Join me each Thursday on or at as we endeavor to learn about God and His ways together. Molly

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 02:47 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Sunday, January 10 2021

Psalm 37

My Ten Cents Worth.

Today's post is an interactive one. You have to do your part by reading Psalm 37. I was given this specific Psalm by the Holy Spirit yesterday morning in prayer. One important (concrete) factor I have learned with God over the past twenty-three years: If I do my part, God always does His part. Now, to be clear, God is not Santa Claus or sits in heaven ready to loose a new home, car or give you a "100 fold return" on an offering that you provide for His work. But in His divine nature, He does hear the faithful, earnest cries (prayers) of His children and, due to this nature, responds in some manner. Like you, I have been miffed over the past week's events, no matter how one looks at it.

My emotions, most of my life, were either high or low. I was always too quick to jump to conclusions. I learned to incorporate the 24-hour patch test with the Holy Spirit to help my roller coaster ride. I color my hair, and the store-bought boxes tell you to try a test patch to see if the color is compatible with your skin type. The instructions tell you to wait for 24-hours, after the test, before fully processing. Now, for someone who always knew best, I didn't have time to wait. Twenty-four hours? No way! I jumped and did everything my way, no matter what or who my speech or actions affected. It was a frustrating way to function. It never got me anywhere positive, and I always felt frustrated and angry. After I began to learn about God and His ways, I (step by step) learned to get my flesh under the control of my spirit-man and what a difference the 24-hour patch test made in my reactions.

My question for those who say they follow Christ is: Where is your mercy? And where is your grace?

With life events and the circus that took place this past week, I went to the Lord with my heart in turmoil. Once again, I knew the 24-hour patch test had to be incorporated. I also did my research, and in the times we live in, why aren't we doing more of our own research before jumping? The hatred and spewing of vile comments and "hang him" lynch mob was uncalled for. Within 24 hours, the truth began to spill out. Antifa and BLM were embedded in the crowds that came to Washington to stand for truth, justice, and righteousness. Did anyone happen to see the children with parents? They believed they were doing the right thing to stand for their country. One (or a cluster) of bad apples seem to always ruin the bunch.

Beginning the last week in January 2021, I will start to teach (The forum now is uncertain, but I will be visible somewhere!) in a "simple and clear" way the truths of our God, based on what He says, not what CNN, FOX (so disappointed in them), MSNBC, and other news outlets say. Yes, one must stay informed to be useful, but if one bases their worldview only on what secular outlets tout, we will continue to be outraged. Our spirits will never mature into the things God has prepared for us since the beginning of time. It is a maturation that is coming in the body this year, specifically that we might rise and defeat the enemies of God.

But for today, take heart and read Psalm 37 this morning. Allow it to give you a greater understanding of the nature of our Father in heaven and bring solace to your soul.



Posted by: Molly Painter AT 02:43 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, January 03 2021

"Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country."

The above statement seems apropos for the time we live in. It is a very cool statement and one that I thought I recalled was made by Patrick Henry. This phrase was dropped into my spirit this past week, and I knew that something would come of it. Yesterday, I Googled the phrase (Thank God for Google for its information only!) and discovered that the exact saying that Patrick Henry uttered was, "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party." The former (the first one) was proposed by Charles E. Weller for a typing course. It was a rich one-liner having seventy (70) exact characters making it easy to remember and type over and over and over. Yes, I remember learning to type in High School! But the phrase itself is poignant (deeply affecting) for the times in which we all live.

Ephesians (I fondly named this the warfare book over twenty years ago) 6:10-12 (NIV) "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Lots of unknown entities by most accounts for many.

The Bible teaches that "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6). I hold responsible for America's current condition, a nation of pulpits for not preaching/teaching that Satan was real, ready, willing, and able to destroy us all (John 10:10). He comes through various means and ways of deception, physical destruction, and spiritual lack. He has manipulated this country (in my generation) from the early sixties and is showing himself today (peacocking around) in full bloom.

However, these heinous deceptors have finally caused those who walk with Christ to rise, fight, and come to “the aid of their country.” The 2020 Presidential Election was stolen. The concrete evidence will be outlined on Jan. 6, 2021, when the new session of Congress meets.

But we serve a faithful God, and He has had his remnant fasting, praying, offering of themselves to the point of weariness, and standing against this demonic onslaught. Yes, there are so-called, and I use this term very loosely— prophets (be careful of those who call themselves such) proclaiming "A Word" from God. No one but God knows what the outcome of Wednesday will be. No one. There are signs and confirmations but be wary.

The Gospel we have today, passed down to us from generation to generation, which can grant us an overcoming victory, piece by piece, and step by step, is not a FLUFFY Gospel. It is not a “feel-good” or “name-it and claim-it” work. I wonder what Paul, John, Peter (who was crucified upside down because he didn't feel worthy to die as our Lord!) must be thinking. And Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, and Jerimiah. A sobering thought.

Our prayer, as faithful followers of Christ, should be that "Thy Kingdom come and thy will be done." And, of course, take authority over Satan and his hold on Republican and Democratic hearts. For our nation to survive this onslaught, we must all come to our country's aid in some fashion.

God save us,


Posted by: Molly Painter AT 08:34 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, December 27 2020

Unplug today!

Exodus 20:8 Keep the Sabbath holy.

If God can create the world in six days and then take a day off, so can you. Even our President has to have some time off from work. We were not designed to work (24/7) all the time.

I have had the last several days off from "work," i.e., ministry and outreaches that help others, homeschooling, housework, clothes (Of course I love everything I do), and then add to that list taking care of myself and my home (It's at the of the bottom of the totem pole). My schedule doesn't leave much time to take in a deep breath and enjoy my family and be alive. I always feel that I have to "prove" my worth to God by doing, doing, doing. So the outcome? Exhausted in my spirit-man, my physical body, and my mental-mess! Tired! I have come to realize that it can't please God when I am rundown, being barely able to pray effectively.

My spirit was getting so clogged with news of the day and work that I couldn't "hear" God well. Testing this out over the last several days, I see clearly that I have been too busy yet again (This happens to me every year, it seems!), and for me to be standing on the rock for my family, my ministry, and those I minister to, I have to be rested.

I have had time to rest, bake (I love to bake!), and enjoy my family. So, for me, I am committing to unplug at least once a week from everything I can in the New Year. I actually picked up a book to read in bed over the last several nights (To do this, though, I had to turn off the telly!). It was soul-soothing. No wonder my creativeness was stifled and dry! I realized that it can't please God when I am rundown barely to speak out prayers every morning and throughout my day.

So the moral of this story? Once again, if God can create this earth in six days, remembering He is God Most High Jehovah, He is trying to tell us something. And His Word is always correct. There is no room for deliberation or personal interpretation. When you exercise faith, amazing things can happen. It isn't easy, but it is worth every ounce of obedience you can give.



Posted by: Molly Painter AT 10:02 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, December 24 2020

Merry Christmas 2020! Truly, what a year this has been. I wanted to share a poem I wrote with you in 1996 after attending a church service in Richmond, Virginia on Christmas Eve. I walked through my door, after service, and the following poem began to flow.

God bless you all this beautiful season,


P.S. I didn't even know I could write poetry!

The Christ Child

We gathered Christmas Eve in the church to praise His name.

The child who was born of a virgin, Mary was His mother's name.

Songs were sung to glorify the Father for sending His only Son, born many years before.

A story was told of the child in a manger and a star that led wise men who had come to bear gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to honor the baby who was born of a virgin Mary.

The rafters shook as the voices rang with joy that night, rejoicing in the birth of the little boy.

It seemed as if all of heaven rejoiced!

Mary would raise Him as her son and call Him Jesus, the name that God had chosen.

She knew she was looking upon the Christ who was sent to save the world from its sin. She wondered how. What would become of Him?

The singing stopped, and we bowed our heads to thank God above for sending His one and only Son.

My heart welled up with sadness because I knew that Jesus had been born to die for all of us.

Tears rolled down my face as I walked away from the church that night because I finally knew that I would never forget what Christmas was all about. Christmas wasn't about the gifts, the food, and the decorations; there wasn't a baby in a manger to adore once a year at Christmas.

The Christmas story was about the Christ who came one night, lowly in a manger, so I could be set free and live with Him for all eternity.

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 01:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Friday, December 04 2020

What are presents on Christmas morning when you

have a hungry stomach?

Please join me, "Miss Molly," and the children of First Baptist Church for the annual benefit concert, Joy of a Child, December 6, 2020, @ 6 pm. Grab your favorite beverage and snacks and snuggle up for a Christmas cause at: or

Facebook live @ First Baptist Church of Carolina Beach.

Over the past twenty years, there have been wishes, wants, and needs fulfilled for children who do not ask to be in needy situations at Christmas. Additionally, we make sure that each family receives a gift food card. What are presents on Christmas morning when you have a hungry stomach?

Additionally, there are anywhere from seven to ten children through Carolina Beach Elementary school on the Nourish, N.C. program who must attend a local daycare facility for academic help, structure, and guidance. Otherwise, one of these precious children might fall through the cracks (on our watch) due to various foundational reasons that are kept confidential.

Won't you be a beacon of hope for a child in need this season? Whether it is $1.00 or $100.00, 100% of the funds raised will support their need. The cost per child is $30.00 per day. Currently, they attend two to three days per week.

To make a tax-deductible contribution, please go to and click on "Joy of a Child" and follow the promptings. If you would rather you can mail a check payable to:

Joy of a Child

409 N. Lake Park Blvd.

Carolina Beach, N.C. 28428

Attention: Joy of a Child. 

God bless you this holiday season!

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 04:31 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, November 15 2020


Rev. 12:11 "They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death"(NIV).

Who are they? They are us. Who did they overcome? Satan. How? By speaking scripture into a battle situation. Our example? Jesus (Matt. 4: 1-11). Common sense tells me that if Jesus had to do it, we have to do it. That is where the power is. But the last phrase in that scripture is key: "They did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death."

Do you wonder why Donald Trump will not concede this election?

1. All of the votes of the states in question have not been tallied.

2. There have been sworn affidavits signed (notarized) of election interference and fraud by poll workers from Republicans and Democrats.

3. Donald Trump is a fighter and knows that this is a spiritual battle for the United States' freedom. He won't shrink back.

4. Yesterday, and the exact numbers have not been verified yet, but thousands, if not one million people descended upon Washington, D.C. (peacefully-can you imagine?) to be counted and stand against ballot harvesting, voter stealing, fraud, and injustice in our elections for the generations to come (our children and grandchildren).

When is the last time you heard a President speak the name Jesus Christ from behind a podium? Trump did. When is the last time we have had a President fulfill all campaign promises? All of them. When is the last time you heard a President speak about God unashamedly? His White House prays through Jesus Christ knowing it will take divine power to overcome all the spiritual attacks against him and his family. Think about it for a minute: Could you have stood the constant attacks for four years?

The deception of the swamp has been revealed to such an extent and people are rising up not only for Trump but for Christ. Our nation is turning back to God. This is why Satan has raised his ugly head. He is working through individuals who will fight, loot, and destroy cities across America. This has gone way beyond George Floyd. Don't you want peace, justice, and righteousness to reign? Wonder why all the destruction stopped suddenly? I don't understand leaders who are supposed to love their fellow man and continue to allow killing and destruction to overrun their cities just for political advantage. That to me tells me something about those individuals. But I have a scripture for that as well: John 10:10 "The thief comes but not to kill, steal, and destroy."

Trump has gone into Satan's lair and he is furious.

Do your homework as I did over the summer. Why in the world would we take the words of about twenty-five news pundits (not journalists) allowing their narratives to dictate our lives? Go on Utube and search out Church Militant, Drew Berquist, Newsmax to name only a few. Tune in to Right Side Broadcasting when they cover events. They pray! Then, take your concerns and newfound knowledge to the Cross and ask God for clarity. He will confirm His word to you (Isaiah 30:21; Jer. 33:3; Ps. 91:15; Matt. 7:7; ) The whole truth is what we all seek, isn't it? No one can be ruled by emotions and be the true victor in the society in which we live. Before Christ, I was defeated totally. Of course, you couldn't have told me that God could answer me back then.

As for the election, I am still standing, fasting, and praying for only God's will to be done. And then, if my choice does not get reelected, I can live with that. But to sit and grip and complain and do nothing is not acceptable to me. I did my homework and research through the lens of Jesus Christ and found the way to have peace in the storm. I refuse to be ruled by emotions.

Lay your life down for something worthwhile, the security of this nation. Don't shrink back. I haven't.


Jesus Without the Junk

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 08:12 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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