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Friday, August 27 2021

Kabul, Afghanistan

The Old Testament is sown together with stories of great evil and defeat, but then God divinely intervenes. These stories are greater in weight than any famous or beloved comic book story you could ever dream up; what is more, they are real. One has not truly "lived Jesus" until they have read about our icons in the faith, their journies, and overcoming belief in a righteous God. Truly, from Genesis to Revelation, it is the greatest story ever told. Humanity rebels, sins, and is redeemed. But, the horrific story we, most of us anyway, have seen play out on the world stage is not over yet. And then, God! My Redeemer lives.

I have been praying, fasting, and holding the Kabul Airport and Afghanistan situation up to the Lord these past days, as I know, many of you have. Afghan and American civilians look to the strong arm of America to help save them, no matter how they got to their current position in the world. America stands for liberty in every sense of the word. Still, sadly freedom is not what is being touted politically. Instead, a "strong-arm" of doing it our way or no way (Washington) has placed many in danger, and I mean a deadly threat that most will never experience.

I asked God to do something. I said, “Send one angel and wipe out this heinous ideology playing out through the Taliban, ISIS, and various factions in the Middle East. After all, in 2 Kings 19:35, one angel was sent to wipe out 185,000 Assyrian soldiers.” That is my passion for good versus evil speaking. But, fortunately, my spirit man (I am trying to have some godly reason at this time) tells me that God controls this situation. He has allowed this military and political blunder to occur for His greater purpose. One must understand that freedom is never free and that the souls who were lost who knew Him as Lord and Savior hold a place at the King's Table for eternity. No one knows precisely how many have given their lives yet, but the count is, so far, 90 killed, 150 injured, 13 American servicemen. God bless their families.

My heart grieves for the military who now serve in Congress who live by the "No man left behind" rule and want to put boots on the ground and go clean up this mess. What courage and conviction! If only they were in charge. If only we had a government that felt this way.

On the cusp of September 11, 2001, how could an American President look into a camera and tell Americans that we are assured the Taliban is doing the right thing (they are helping us!) as we watch war crimes unfold? Who drank this Kool-Aid? Honestly? God help us all because only God can get us out of this mess of loss of precious lives of men, women, and children. And you know what the big kicker is? It didn't have to happen at all.

I know my Redeemer lives, and no matter what anyone does, He will serve up justice to each and every person. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebrews 10:31, NIV).


Charles E. Weller said, "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country."

Stand up and be the change.

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 08:14 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Friday, July 02 2021

Who is sitting on your throne?

Exodus 6:2-3 God also said to Moses, "I am the Lord. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as God Almighty, but by my name the Lord, I did not make myself known to them."

Do you know God as Father? Last week, I helped contribute to a memorial service for a friend who is now in heaven with the Lord. At one point in our friendship several years ago, pressed by the Holy Spirit, I was led to minister to him and ask him this question: Do you know God as Father? It was a new concept to his spirit.

Many years ago, I, too, was convicted in my heart to begin praying to the Father. The words conveyed to me were straightforward: 'Molly, you need to start praying to God the Father through Jesus the Son." Without understanding much of anything spiritual at that time except Jesus this and Jesus that and Jesus saves, and Jesus heals, I honestly did not quite comprehend the nature of "God, the Father." Still, I knew that God was the Father due to years in Sunday school. So, I was just obedient to follow my instructions in the way I think, believe, and process.

How would I make God the Father of my heart? How would He take that position? What took place, though, was miraculous. You see, I had not allowed God to take the role of Father in my heart. You know, the one who disciplines or provides or cares for you without any measure. My faith in Jesus Christ began the journey of God taking His rightful position in my heart. Without realizing it, I needed God to sit on my throne. I was tired of being in control and doing a poor job of my life.

I continued doing what I knew to do:

• My studies in the Word of God

• Praying

• Learning from those the Holy Spirit placed in my path

I tried to consecrate myself unto Him (without joining a nunnery!), and somehow, He began to take the position in my heart of more than I had thought possible. It took time, diligence, and grace (I have always needed an abundance of grace, it seems!), but little by little, God became my Father on earth, and I do what I am told, for the most part. Do I slip? Yep. Do I still sin at times? Yep. But I have learned that repentance (turning from sin and going in another direction) sets me free from guilt and shame.

I will leave you with the intentions of Jesus concerning the Father. While preparing to go to the Cross, He asked the Father to come and dwell with those He had given to him so that they would be one as he and the Father are one (John 17: 21-23). On the Cross, Jesus asked God, the Father, to forgive them (Luke 23:24). It has always been my goal to "follow" Jesus. If Jesus does it, Molly does it, but I can testify from experience that many times I followed "the father of lies" (John 8: 42-47-eye-opening). I ask you today: Has God, the Father, taken his rightful position in your heart? Ponder this concept to mature into God the Father.

Rev. Molly

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 08:05 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, June 17 2021

Matthew 18:12-14 “What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?”

The Oklahoma County Detention Center

Spiritually, I grew up in the late nineties. When the year 2000 hit, Christianity became a worldwide celebrity platform, mainly due to Trinity Broadcasting Network. The intention, I believe, was forthright with Paul Crouch having received a divine vision from the Holy Spirit. Christianity became a "who's who" in the Kingdom, and I benefitted from many teachings, but something inside me (PRIDE) began to want to be just like Joyce Meyer or Paula White or anyone who stood on the platform.

In prayer, I vividly recall telling God that I would be happy with reaching "just the one" if their life could be transformed by my story. But did I really mean that statement? Deep inside, I wanted to be on a big stage preaching the gospel, healing individuals, and bringing souls into the Kingdom.

It has been over twenty-five years since I turned my heart fully to the Lord, and I have learned much. I have been disappointed and hurt through my wilderness years (when no one was watching), but I have learned many things. I believed I was doing the right things all along the journey, but today I can look back, with great humility, realizing how much pride was hidden in my heart. God loved me too much to leave me with this massive problem and certainly would not use me due to it.

So here is the ONE I said I wanted to reach to be happy. The letter is from the Oklahoma County Detention Center. It is verbatim:

Molly                                                                                                                    June- 28-14

You're a Godly Woman or lady, whichever I mean, no disrespect, but I want to tell you how your book impacted my life and how I've learned a few new things about God and pleading in the blood of Christ. I've only been a Christian for over a year now. I have been struggling with my staying on the narrow path.

Your book is very powerful. I've read a lot of Christian books. They all have an impact, but yours I cried, and I felt different afterward. I know why the devil was trying to stop you from writing your book because it's a powerful book.

Will you please pray for me please I'm in a real tight spot. My life either way is on the line. I don't want to go into details, but I want my freedom back. I've really changed and gave my life to Christ. I Love the Lord our God so much because he truly loves me and has saved my life too many times, and wants to have me in Heaven with him.

I wish I had your strength and faith. Your faith, wow, it's so awesome how your faith is so strong. Again, thank you for your book, and I'm going to read it again. I've also told my friend and others about your website and your book.

God bless you,

In Christ.

You see, I was the "one" out of ninety-nine that needed a Savior, Jesus Christ, to rescue me. Prayerfully, this young man was saved and redeemed by Him as well. He was my "one." My prayer was answered. What more do I need to say?

In Christ alone,


Posted by: Molly Painter AT 06:01 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, June 10 2021

My I AM Story

Red Chair Confessions

The Confession                      

The world couldn't cure me of agoraphobia and anxiety. The fear and panic attacks were crippling. Working became difficult. Paranoia would set in. I always drove on the far right-hand side of the road, keeping a weather eye for the next exit sign, my escape. I carried a brown paper lunch bag with me to breathe into when I gasped for air. Life was a living nightmare.

The Sordid Past

What the world offered me? Medication. My first Psychiatrist assured me that I was not going crazy. The world couldn't quench my problems with alcohol; it only numbed the pain. When I drank, I drank to get drunk. Men couldn't fill the void in my heart. I had had abortions and shock treatments. One weekend, I tipped a bottle of Jack Daniels up and drank it until I passed out, hoping I would die, but then I woke up.

"Why are you allowing this to happen to me" I cried out? God heard. My life was dismantled brick by brick until I had almost nothing left. I had no self-worth, dignity (what was that?), or self-respect.


In 2006, based on a word from the Lord while taking a shower, I began a weekly bible study and charged $1.00 from anyone who would attend. In 2007, the ministry received a $10,000 check, and I began a 501 c 3 ministry: Jesus without the In 2010, the ministry received a $100,000 donation which further confirmed the call of God. Jesus without the has been privileged to help individuals tangibly through intercession and financially one by one, in prison and globally. Collectively, the ministry has given over 77,000. 

Today, I don’t take anti-depressants. It has been twenty-nine years since I have had a social drink. My memory is fully intact, and I am healthy. I went back to college, on a word from the Lord, at 54 years old. I didn’t even know if I was up to the task. I hold a two-year Biblical Studies degree from Liberty University (with honors) and a BS in Religion (with a 3.79 GPA), except for my final Math credit! I was ordained a revered by my local Baptist Church in 2014 by a panel of eleven individuals (4 Pastors, two of which hold their doctorates.)

Jesus Christ has delivered me free from deep-rooted strongholds, patterns of thinking, and demonic spirits. You can read more in-depth details of my sordid life through The Stained Glass Window at Jesus without the I was the 1 out of 99 who needed a Savior.

I am Reverend Molly Painter, and this is my "I Am" Story.

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 05:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, May 27 2021

Luke 4:18-19 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

The Elephant Rope

As a man passed the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at any time, break away from their bonds, but for some reason, they did not. He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to getaway. "Well," the trainer said, "when they are very young and much smaller, we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it's enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free." The man was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds, but because they believed they couldn't, they were stuck right where they were." Anonymous

How many of us are still held by the small rope of doubt, disbelief, or defeat in our minds and cannot move forward when Christ tells us all he came to set the captive free? There is hope if you feel trapped in your circumstances of life or bound by generational patterns of belief. Nothing can stand against the blood and power of Jesus Christ. Ask Him to help you. If He has done so much for me, what is it that you need?

God bless all of you this Memorial Day Weekend. Be safe, and remember God loves you!



Posted by: Molly Painter AT 06:10 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, April 15 2021

The Chosen

April 14, 2021

A friend told me about The Chosen television series last spring (2020) while on lockdown. Several times, "Have you seen The Chosen yet? You need to watch it, Molly." Easter came the following year (2021), and I felt I needed a time of solitude with the Lord. Besides writing and working for the only ministry duty left to perform was to deliver Easter bags stuffed with goodies (27) for the children on the Nourish NC program at the local school. Of course, I continued my daily work of caring for my eleven-year-old grandson, JC (my most important job!). During Passover week, the Spirit's prompting to watch was intense enough to get me to tune in on YouTubeIt began a journey of rebirth I had not anticipated.

I hold a two-year Biblical Studies degree and a BS in Religion (lacking one Math credit!) from Liberty University. I was ordained as a reverend in 2014 into Gospel Ministry through my local Baptist church. I have tried to walk with Christ for the last twenty-five years closely. I thought, well, I will tune in and watch at least one episode; I have the time. I fast-forwarded through most of the first episode and then clicked on another and did pretty much the same thing. Then, for some odd reason, I skipped to episode five. I sat mesmerized. I wondered who is this Jesus that is being portrayed? Then, I continued with episode six. Tears streamed down my face as I continued to watch episode after episode. Then, after going back to view all eight episodes, I knelt before the Lord to repent for my self-centered pride. It is what I fondly call one of my “ice-cold bucket of water” in the face moments.  Additionally, I grieved for other things that I didn’t realize had been hiding in my heart. I rambled on to the Lord, feeling liberated, reborn.

Clearly, God uses what He chooses to reach His children. His message hasn't changed, yet His methods have. The last portrayal and story of Jesus Christ that touched my soul on such a deep level was The Passion of the Christ. As I walked away from the theater years ago, after sobbing so loud during the crucifixion scene that a woman turned around a patted my knee telling me it was going to be alright, a voice whispered into my heart, "It was as it was." But The Chosen is a unique vehicle for this generation and is unequaled in its story-telling. Each episode brings one closer to what it might have been like walking, eating, breathing the same air, and learning from Christ.

Has literary license been taken? Is it exact in all instances? Overall, the body of work is nothing short of stunning. Do you know that this project is solely crowd-funded with the most significant donations ever? The back story of its creator, Dallas Jenkins, is awe-inspiring as well. The Holy Spirit has accomplished (so far) through this outreach what can only be touted as divine. If you want to witness the hand of God move, watch and learn about The Chosen. But don't listen to my advice; when the time comes, the Holy Spirit will give you your own “ice-cold bucket of water” in the face. He is no respecter of persons!

Rev. Molly

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 03:49 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, March 25 2021

Am I silly?

By Susan Gahan

I have been a bit overwhelmed recently. I don't think there is a person out there that does not understand what I mean. There are times that I want to cry (or scream). I want to climb right back into my bed and pull the covers over my head. I get mad for no reason. I pout and mope around. I begin to wonder what my problem is. It seems that when one battle ends, another one begins. How much can I take? I think to myself, am I just being silly?

He is trying to teach me something. I feel that my life is a puzzle, and God puts one piece in at a time to make sure that it fits and looks correct, understanding He is working on different situations in my life. If He were not working on them, I wouldn't be here (or sane) now. At times, I feel like I am holding on to the edge of a cliff by my fingertips, yet I know I am secure because that cliff is my Savior. He is not going to let me fall. We do not have perfect lives and need to remember that He wants the best for us, but it is what He wants for us.

At the time when you don't see an outcome, stay steadfast. Down the road, it all falls into place. Believe it or not. But the most important thing ( I have realized-hit me over the head with a two by four!) is to learn to be happy right in the midst of it, and He will bring you through. Without pain, there is no gain, and we do gain from the pain. The Holy Spirit will be there to guide you (if you allow Him) whenever you are lost, lonely, or at your wit's end. Thank Him today for loving, caring, and coming to earth to save us from our woes, selfishness, shortcomings, and sin. God knows I'd really be upset without Him!

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 05:54 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, March 18 2021

The Simple Things

By Susan Gahan

Do you stop to enjoy the simple things in life? I remember when I was a child and would walk to the corner store. It was really just a little store with a wooden floor that sold penny candy. The man behind the counter would put all of my choices in a tiny paper bag. Heaven, I'm in heaven! Do you remember playing kickball, Red Rover, Mother, May I, and just having a total blast? My mom would let us buy popsicles from a Jingle Scoot man who drove a truck around our neighborhood. Times have changed, but God hasn't.

Our bible study group got together, and we were going on and on about what some think of the Bible today. One comment was that the Bible is old-fashioned and not up-to-date. I could not even imagine the Bible changing to conform to today's times. People seem to want to rewrite the Bible to suit their needs and desires. I don't think that everyone truly understands that the Bible is the holy, inspired Word of God. You can't change that.

I miss the carefree life of a child. I miss being able to play a softball game in my backyard with just my neighborhood friends. I miss root beer floats on a hot day and hotdogs at a baseball game. I know that those days are over, but people seem to make life so hard. What happened to birthday parties with just family? What happened to stay married to one person for the rest of your life? What happened to worship one God? The media would say we want the freedom to choose what we want. So what if, back in the day, Jesus chose at the last minute not to die on the Cross to save my pitiful soul? One has to have rules to live by whether one likes it or not. I did not always like the rules that my earthly father gave me, but I obeyed them. The Bible is our moral compass, and, once again, God never changes.

The Bible doesn't need to be rewritten, updated, or retranslated. We need to be rewritten. Our minds need to be rewritten and reprogrammed. People of today need to get back to a more simplistic belief system. For some, I guess that it is just easier to conform than stand on what you believe. Well, I believe in God, and I will stand firm on it. Do I struggle? Yes, but I am still standing.

We are the sequel in our generation to the written Word. In television lingo, the word would be "spin-off." We are act two of the play. How we live and worship God will affect the next sequel, our children. I do not want my children to conform to this world, and I do not want them taught that it is fine to rewrite God's holy Word. The thought of that is not okay with me. We are children of God and not supposed to conform to the world and its values.

I had a dream last night that a man came down the hall and was throwing things at me. They were big and hard things. I did not fall, and I did not cry. I stood. When things are coming at you, you need to stand on God and His written Word. Do what it says, and He will always take care of you. Cast your fears on Him and believe.

Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 03:09 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, March 11 2021


By Susan Gahan

There has been something bothering me for quite a while. It is the negativity in the air that we breathe. Now, I know that sounds rather dramatic, but when my daughter comes home and says that everyone she encounters is stupid, there is a problem. I have talked to her about projecting a positive attitude. She feels that everyone has a negative attitude, so why be positive? She said, "Look around, Mom. Everyone around you is negative. They complain all the time. They are unhappy." Now that upsets me.

I started looking around. I started listening to people I encountered. She is right on the one hand. People are negative and unhappy, and what is more, it seems to be getting worse. It is at work, at home, even in our churches. What is the cause for all of this? It isn't only because they don't know Jesus. People I know who love Jesus are miserable. What has happened?

When Jesus was here on earth, I do not remember any negativity coming from Him. Yes, He did overturn the money changers tables in His Father's house, but I don't recall anywhere in the Bible where He called someone stupid or dumb. He loved everyone; even when they crucified Him, He forgave them. He loved his enemies. Isn't that a biblical principle?

Where have we gone wrong? If we love Jesus, should we not project something positive in negative situations, even when it hurts? Sometimes, those who are the most negative need a smile or kind words. It would mean so much if we could show them a positive gesture. If you have Jesus in your heart, you have something far greater than those who don't. Allow the Holy Spirit to help guide you through those negative situations.

I have talked to my daughter quite a bit about positivity. I told her if anything, I would hope that before she says someone is stupid, she would think, my mom wants me to project a positive attitude. I guarantee that she will be very tired of hearing this from me, and by the time she goes back to college, I pray that I have made an impact on her. I would also pray that she would make an impact on someone else. Honestly, what harm is there in projecting something positive? It probably would stun a lot of people, as I am sure that Jesus stunned a lot of people in His time.

I want to be like Jesus. How about you? Try to "think positively" and then act upon it. It will not only help the other person, but it just might do you a world of good as well.

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 04:21 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, March 04 2021


By Susan Gahan

Now is time to get real with ourselves. One cannot be whole until one searches one's heart. Many are trying to do the right thing. We try to be compassionate, loving, caring (all good biblical things), but we have things in our lives that need attention. One cannot live in the past or dwell on things that have happened. You know the things that can haunt our thinking, things we have done or said. These issues must be dug out of our inner spirit and let go. From experience, I have learned over the years there can be things that linger, causing great harm.

Deep-seated issues can be buried deep within that lie dormant. As they grow and take on greater roots with age, they can consume us even to lacking concentration on anything but what is eating us alive. The issue might be something that happened in our childhood or something that happened as recently as last year, but it is buried. However, to be set free from these emotional strongholds, they must be confronted and confessed to God, for it is how He sets you free.

For example, one must forgive those who have hurt you, whether intentionally or not. One cannot possibly function fully (in life or for God) if one cannot forgive. The issue might be terrible and continues to fester in your heart, but do not allow the one responsible (don't give them the power) to keep you bound. You change. The person who has wronged you might see the change in you, which, in turn, might produce some change in them. Remember: Forgive as you have been forgiven! That is a biblical truth. The individual journey to this freedom, though, lies with each one of us. Face the big, bad wolf inside and pray for God's guidance.

Give it all to Him at the Cross and feel the freest that you have in years. Many (me) have wasted a lot of life thinking and dwelling on things that only God can heal.

Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you" (NIV).

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 07:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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