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Thursday, February 23 2023

The Jesus Movement

The Asbury Revival

The time was the early seventies. I was a sophomore at St. Albans High School in St. Albans, W. Va.  At lunchtime, students gathered in small groups on the front lawn to talk about Jesus and learn more about the Bible. My best friend from Junior High invited me to come and sit in with a group, but time after time, I refused until she stopped asking. I thought to myself very adamantly; I grew up in Church and Sunday school. I know who God is. My church is where Jesus lives! Why aren't they keeping this activity in a Church setting? It seemed kind of hippie and weird to my heart. But after years of struggling and fighting against God, I completely surrendered my life to Christ. Several years after my conversion (at thirty-nine), I was led to search out any information I could about the Jesus Movement. I discovered through my research that God had a bonified move at that time in America.

At the writing of this blog, there is a movie getting ready to hit theaters, on February 24, 2023, about the movement entitled Jesus Revolution. Those touched by the presence of the Holy Spirit impacted not only their lives and a generation of youth but many others who were led to repentance and renewal. It was one of this nation's first significant collective "trickle" effects.

Don't be hard-headed or harden your heart when the Holy Spirit comes knocking on your door, for today is the day of salvation. Hindsight (Good 'ole 20/20) revealed that the Holy Spirit knocked on my door through my best friend. We parted friendship due to my pride. The Jesus Movement wasn't fabricated or conjured up. It was a grassroots movement of the Holy Spirit to help quell the nation's racism (Yes, that was prevalent then too.), unrest due to the Vietnam war, drug-riddled youths (Marijuana, LSD, Cocaine), and murders. Sound familiar? With the writing of this blog, I have once again cried sorrowful tears at my past ignorance with a renewed sense of purpose and repentance. And as a side note: I wrote to my ninth-grade friend, who lived in France then, and I apologized for not listening to her turning down her dear friendship. 

In Christ, thank God, finally,


"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit" (John 3:8).

The Asbury Revival began on February 8, 2023. Is this another outpouring of the Holy Spirit and move of God Almighty to help revive us again? Is the Holy Spirit wooing you to the Father? Please don't be foolish like I was. Answer the call for the lives that will depend on your willingness to surrender all. God is calling those of us who will listen to repentance and renewal. Don't miss this boat! Your life depends on it.

Dedicated to the Pioneers of the Jesus Movement 

I pick up my pen. I begin. I want to tell you the story of a brave and courageous group of kids. 

They loved the Lord so much that they gave their hearts to sing "the songs."

They would tell of His mighty grace, forgiveness, and love that abounds.

It didn't matter what others would say.

It didn't matter that most places turned them away.

They would sing praises to their King anywhere, anytime.

It wasn't for the money or for their glory.

It was because God Almighty had called them to tell a story of how much He loves us all, of salvation, of the redeeming power of His only Son's spilled blood, of the highest price ever paid by anyone so we could come home one day.

Walking by faith, they set out to fulfill the call on their lives to give the honor to God, not mankind.

Where are they now? They are still singing "the songs," those still alive, to anyone who will listen and anyone who comes along.

What did they receive for such obedience? Eternal life with the author and finisher of their undying faith.

That was 25 years ago. The pioneers of the Jesus Movement.

Eve of Destruction rolls through my mind as I put down my pen.

Tears start rolling down my face as I realize what an excellent time in America it was but how I hardened my heart to it all.

But, more importantly, how a group of kids just wanted to sing about their Lord and King.

And how they would give everything for the Son of Man because He had died for them.

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 06:13 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, January 12 2023

His Eyes

By Susan Gahan

If you would look into Jesus' eyes, what would you see? I would see kindness, passion, and love. I picture them blue like the ocean, and I can see the happiness that makes me smile from the top of my head to the soles of my feet—such joy. Sunshine. Warm and cozy. Safe. Loved. Right now, typing this, I am smiling. I feel secure. I have no worries. I don't have a care in the world. I don't need anyone but him. I want to fall into his arms. I know, there, that I will be safe. That he will take care of me. I don't need anyone else but him. I want him to kiss my forehead and tell me I've done a good job. Don't we all want this?

Then I look in my mirror and look at my eyes, and what do I see? I should see the same thing. When we accept Jesus into our hearts, we are born again, and we are to be like him. When I look into the mirror, do I see his eyes? Do I see the world as he sees it? Do I have the same compassion and kindness in my eyes for others? Would I put a smile on someone's face just by making eye contact? That is what I strive for. I dig deep into my soul to find something good in everyone. It doesn't matter if you are a friend, a relative, a stranger, or an enemy. He treated people the same way, no matter who they were. He healed people that most people thought did not deserve to be healed. Think of people in the Bible that he blessed. I want him to look at me like that. I want him to know that I'm trying. I want him to love me like no one else ever has, for his love is unconditional. His love overlooks all my faults. His passion goes above and beyond.

Allow the Bible, God's holy Word, to mirror back to you how you should not only be seen by others but how we all are to behave as Jesus did. He is our mirror. Please pass this on.

Rev. Molly & Susan

Jesus Without the

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 04:50 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, December 27 2022

Another New Motto.

By Susan Gahan

People always tell me thank you so much. I don't know how I could ever repay you. Payment is not an option for me because it came from my heart, and you know my first motto is to do the right thing. My new one is payment is not necessary, but prayers would be appreciated. As I'm sitting here after all the presents are opened, and it's another Christmas that is over, I think about how many people need presents. I personally don't need anything. God provides all. It is a learning curve for me to rely on him totally, but that's what I need to do every day. It's a new thing and not an easy thing, but I'm learning. Could we not use a prayer or two in place of a present? Our greatest gift was Jesus. Something that you cannot wrap or put a bow on. Someone who can and is willing to answer our prayers.

I have heard many people say that we all have a gift from God. After all this time (and many years), I am finally figuring out my gift. I'm a giver. I do not want one thing in exchange, but I would take a prayer or two. It warms my heart to help someone or give someone something. I have learned that very few things mean anything to me. I can live without a lot of things. But one thing I cannot live without is Jesus. Many people say, "Jesus is the reason for the season." Jesus is the reason for everything. I don't know what I would do without him. I can tell you that I know what I was like before I had him in my heart. I am so happy being a giver. I am thankful that I have something to give. It doesn't have to be money, and it doesn't have to be a gift. Give someone an ear to listen to their issues and problems. It could be a shoulder for them to cry on. It could be a hug, and if any of you know me well, I am not a hugger. But I'm learning. It could be a text message or a phone call, or a card in the mail. Just reminding someone that they are special. Let me tell you something: a prayer will suffice for me any day. I can always use one or two 😊

Happy New Year, everyone!

Thank you all for the positive feedback on these blogs. It makes a difference.

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 05:16 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, December 27 2022

Another New Motto.

By Susan Gahan

People always tell me thank you so much. I don't know how I could ever repay you. Payment is not an option for me because it came from my heart, and you know my first motto is to do the right thing. My new one is payment is not necessary, but prayers would be appreciated. As I'm sitting here after all the presents are opened, and it's another Christmas that is over, I think about how many people need presents. I personally don't need anything. God provides all. It is a learning curve for me to rely on him totally, but that's what I need to do every day. It's a new thing and not an easy thing, but I'm learning. Could we not use a prayer or two in place of a present? Our greatest gift was Jesus. Something that you cannot wrap or put a bow on. Someone who can and is willing to answer our prayers.

I have heard many people say that we all have a gift from God. After all this time (and many years), I am finally figuring out my gift. I'm a giver. I do not want one thing in exchange, but I would take a prayer or two. It warms my heart to help someone or give someone something. I have learned that very few things mean anything to me. I can live without a lot of things. But one thing I cannot live without is Jesus. Many people say, "Jesus is the reason for the season." Jesus is the reason for everything. I don't know what I would do without him. I can tell you that I know what I was like before I had him in my heart. I am so happy being a giver. I am thankful that I have something to give. It doesn't have to be money, and it doesn't have to be a gift. Give someone an ear to listen to their issues and problems. It could be a shoulder for them to cry on. It could be a hug, and if any of you know me well, I am not a hugger. But I'm learning. It could be a text message or a phone call, or a card in the mail. Just reminding someone that they are special. Let me tell you something: a prayer will suffice for me any day. I can always use one or two 😊

Happy New Year, everyone!

Thank you all for the positive feedback on these blogs. It makes a difference.

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 05:16 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, December 22 2022

I wrote the following poem one day after encountering a homeless man on the street. The stoplight happened (?) to turn red right at the place he was sitting, so my car was right beside him. I couldn't ignore him, look away from him, or run away. There he was, staring me right smack dab in the face. I felt a rush of heat flow over my body. I couldn't believe that I didn't have any money. I think I had some change that had dropped in the bottom of my purse, but I thought to myself, by the time I scramble for it, the light will turn green, and the car behind me will be anxious for me to go and begin honking., at least that is what ran through my thoughts.

I drove off, praying that God would send someone to help. I felt awful. The poem below began flowing out of me, and I knew I must use it somehow. So, this is the way I choose to use it. Through prayer, I knew that I was going to propose to keep a specific amount of money in my side purse for anyone who sat on the side of the street begging. I wasn't going to judge or curse them for being there; I was going to help them.

I have heard all sorts of people condemn people who beg on the side of the road. Yes, some are doing it unjustly, and God will deal with them, but it takes more time to complain about someone than just opening your purse and giving the poor fellow a dollar. We don't know what happened to get them there. Sometimes we have a person summed up before they can even speak. And we say, many of us, that we are followers of Christ.

Therefore, the next time you see someone on the side of the road, I challenge you to help them. Don't judge them. Who knows, maybe it is a test from God!

Please Don't Pass Me By

I held up a sign.

You passed me by.

Little did you know I'd just lost my home.

I had a job, but it wasn't enough.

I wanted to give up.

I wanted to quit.

But something said no, not yet.

So I stand on the street with a sign in my hands.

I've been reduced to this even though I have tried as hard as I can.

I just got so I couldn't fight anymore, you know?

Surely, there is someone when they see I wrote "God Bless You" who would help me, isn't there?

Isn't there someone who won't judge me?

Everybody needs help sometimes, haven't you?

Isn't there someone who will help me get back on my feet?

Or even give me enough so I can eat?

Please. Please. Please.

Merry Christmas!

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 02:50 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, November 23 2022

Where are you looking?

By Susan Gahan

Turn your eyes upon Jesus and look full in his wonderful face; the things on earth will go strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace. Do we have our eyes upon Jesus, or do we have our eyes turned on the things of this world?

I am looking at myself now. Are my eyes on my phone too much? Am I concentrating on my bills too much? Am I thinking about Christmas too much? Am I having the world interfere with my life too much? There's so much going on today. People have their minds on too much today. Even as a Christin, are my eyes looking at the right thing? Are my eyes looking at Jesus, or are my eyes looking at what surrounds me? What should we look at if we've given our hearts to Jesus? Where should our focus for each day begin?

There are days that my heart hurts. My mind runs and runs and runs and runs. How can I get something accomplished? How can I get a bill paid? How can I help someone? Sadness comes upon me. But if I look into his eyes (through the eyes of my heart), I do know that all will be well. I wonder if the scriptures say what color eyes Jesus has. Are they blue, or are they brown, or are they green? It doesn't matter. I visualize blue eyes, clear blue eyes, and a smile on his face saying let me take this from you. I would like to take this burden from you. We have many hurdles, and He can take them from us if we ask.

Christmas is a special time. It's supposed to be a happy time. The same for Thanksgiving. It is supposed to be a thankful time. We forget what these holidays are supposed to mean. Instead, we worry about finding the money to feed our families for a holiday. It is time to pull people close. Family, friends, coworkers, and anyone that you encounter. Little things bless people. Just a smile. Just a hug. Let us remember that Jesus came for us and for everyone. Let your light shine bright these holidays! ❤

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 05:27 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Saturday, October 29 2022

What I Am Thankful For

What am I thankful for? Well, let me think. That is a good question. I believe that sometimes it is easy to just receive things and go on with our lives without a response one way or another. We really don't have to utter a word of gratitude. I watched a lady today bark at a waitress for another cup of coffee and not even utter a simple "thank you." How often do I receive something that I have either asked for or just gotten and never thanked God for?  I told myself this morning that it is time for me to thank God for things when I pray before I start asking for more things.

Some things we just plain take for granted. Then I got to thinking of how thankful I really am. So many parents say to be grateful for the food on your plate because some children have no food to eat at all. I often stand in the shower and thank God for the hot water. I am thankful for my job, car, home, healthy family, and loving husband. I thank Him for the sunshine, the rain when needed, the spring flowers, the chirping birds early in the morning, and my ears to hear them. What would I do without a hot cup of coffee in the morning, mail without bills, and gas for my car as the prices keep going up, a needed hug or a kiss on the cheek just to say I love you? I am thankful for a bed to sleep on, clothes to put on my back, eyeglasses so I can see, and air to breathe. How blessed I am that I got the opportunity to move south to the beach that I can go to every day if I want to. Not many people can say that. I have 5 fingers, 5 toes, 1 head, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 nose, 1 big mouth, 2 arms, and 2 legs. They are all working, and I am thankful for that. I can go to God anytime and have someone to talk to. How many people have no air conditioning, no heat, no appliances, no washer and dryer, and no running water?

It is easy to just say thank you, yet we forget to. Nowadays, it is just nice to hear those words. I imagine that God feels the same way. Thank you, God, for a good night's sleep. Thank you, God, for letting me be here another day. Thank you, God, for being there for me. Take the time as you sit here today and think of what you are thankful for. It will make you smile. We are so blessed and don't even know it. Thank God for the small things, and who knows, maybe big things are coming in your future. Thank God!

 “Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:19-20).

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 03:12 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, August 31 2022


By Susan Gahan

Standing in the shower this morning, I looked up and said I am so tired. I cannot tell you how many times a day I subconsciously mumble that I'm tired. This lady gets over eight hours of sleep a day. I always think that I'm tired because I'm old. People say you're not that old. You don't even look your age. But let's face it, I am 62 years old. I have a husband, two children, and five grandchildren. I work full-time, and I'm talking over 40 hours a week, but I have been blessed to work from home. I have a little farm to take care of, a house to take care of, and anything else that comes my way. But everyone's life is this hectic.

I go to the doctor, and they ask, what do you do for yourself? How do you pamper yourself? The first thing that comes out of my mouth is I work. I love my job. I was blessed with my job. I love what I do. So I work a lot. I also read sometimes, and I get a mani-pedi every three weeks, but that's about it. They always say you need to do more for yourself. It will help if you quit working so much. My husband even said you work too much. So all of a sudden, and I don't know how it happened, I changed my work schedule. I get up from my computer more often. I don't sit there for a constant five hours. I do something around the house for a minute to rest my eyes. What do we do for ourselves? When do we have time to relax? This world has us by the tail instead of us having the world by the tail. Jesus said to rest in Him. Rest in Him!

Now that I've rearranged my work schedule, I need to figure out how to rest my mind. We all have to figure out how to unfrazzle our lives. It's not an easy thing. My newest thing is to not work on Sunday. I'm going to get everything done before Sunday. I can tell you one thing; I never work if my husband is home. After he commented about me working so much, it made me rethink things. Evidently, it bothered him so much that he said something. I've been married for 38 years. I think I owe him something. That is why my mindset changed. And I actually believe it was God putting it on my heart to change my perspective. Maybe we need to pray for that. Perhaps we need to pray for guidance. It doesn't matter how young or old we are; it doesn't matter how much we have on our plates because we all have a lot. What matters is that we pay attention to what God is telling us to do. It may be through your husband. It may be through your children. It may be through your doctor or even how your body feels. Let's all pray about that. Let's give us what we need during these trying times. Let's rest in Him. It makes me think about lying in some cool grass with my eyes closed, giving him all our worries and troubles. Picture yourself taking in the noises of the chirping birds and the smells of honeysuckle and fresh cut grass; soul-soothing! When was the last time you took the time to open your imagination?

Podcast: Me, Me, Me!


Molly Painter Ministries


Posted by: Rev. Molly AT 05:45 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, August 10 2022

The God List

By Susan Gahan

There are so many lists that we make for our lives. How many have we started and then thrown away, only to make another?

There are wish lists, guest lists, and grocery lists. A list of favorite baby names, a list of chores, and sometimes we are on the waiting list. Santa even has a list. Either you are good, or you are bad on his list. Does God have a list? What kind of list would it be? Would there be a good person or bad person list? I want to be on the God woman list. I want to have a couple of gold stars next to my name. I want to find favor with Him.

I try so hard every day to be a good person. I pray every day to keep my big mouth shut and be a good Christian. I want to be a God woman. I want to be at the top of His list with you.

People say they cannot think of anything nice to say about someone. She isn't a very nice person. She doesn't listen. She continues to talk right over the top of what I am saying. She is always negative. Nothing positive comes out of her mouth. Blah, blah, blah. She is always picking on someone. Have you prayed for her? I thought that scriptures in the Bible say to pray for your enemies. Have you tried it? Instead of complaining about her, pray for her. It is your obligation. You are a Christian and know better. If I were that person, I would want you to pray for me. Wouldn't you? Let's be God-people. Godmen. God women. Pray today so that more unhappy people can be happy in Christ just like us. Let's get them on His list. How about it?

Posted by: Rev. Molly AT 03:04 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Saturday, July 30 2022


By Susan Gahan

What do you do when you don't really know what to do? I can tell you that all you have to do is pray about it, and the answer will pop right into the air like a bubble cartoon. But life's answers just don't quite come that way.

I can also tell you that when you sit and stew about problems, circumstances, or situations if you are anything like me, you allow them to consume you. You cannot seem to think of anything else. Experience has taught me that those kinds of patterns of thinking don't get you anywhere. This behavior continues until one surrenders them all to Jesus.

It is hard to give everything over to Jesus. It is easy to say or sing the hymn "I surrender all" if you think about it, but how many people do it? I mean, surrender it ALL. That means giving it ALL up and not taking any of it back. It is over. It is finished. You've drawn a line in the sand. Your pain, money problems, family, and work issues are all given over to Jesus at the Cross, understanding in your heart that He has heard you and will take care of them. It is that simple, but we just don't do it.

Why don't we do it? Why do we continue to talk about these problems continuing to have issues with them? Do we want to stay on this merry-go-round for the rest of our lives while we are here? No, but I think we don't have the concept or belief that it will be done when we get rid of it all with Jesus. Turn it over, get rid of it…surrender it.

In my life, I have dealt with a lot on my own. I like to control anything if I can, and if I can't, oh, boy!!!! God wants you to give up that control and feel free to live for and in Jesus. If you are truly walking with Jesus, you will do it because it will set you free to be with Him. Let Jesus handle the problems. Let Jesus control your life and live free.

Biblical Truth—Liberation costs you nothing, but holding on to patterns will cost you and everyone around you.

Posted by: Rev. Molly AT 10:49 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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