When I was much younger, there was a song the church used to sing:
“Count your blessings; name them one by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done. Count your blessings; name them one by one. Count your many blessings, see what God has done.”
How often do we count our blessings? Do we honestly realize how blessed we are?
Every morning when I get up, I look up and say, ‘Thank you.’ It is a thank you for everything. Without Him, I have nothing. I have been so blessed in my life. Even when I have gone through trials, I have been blessed in some way.
People say that sometimes walking with Jesus is a learning curve and not easy. I have learned that I must walk through the tests or trials with Him (the key word being WITH).
There are many places that do not tolerate the Word of God. I think back on the disciples and how they were persecuted. Yet when Paul and Silas were in jail, they were singing songs. Why? Because they considered themselves extremely blessed to suffer for the cause of Christ, or maybe they simply just trusted He would rescue them.
I wonder when people sing that song if they honestly understand how blessed they truly are. They can come to church, relax in a pew, hear the Word of God preached, and sing songs of praise in air conditioning.
Remember to count your blessings when you are feeling lost or down. Name them one by one. Do it out loud. Then, consider your life before Jesus. Thank God (out loud) for what He has done.
Have a great Thanksgiving 2024!
“Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18).
"Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it" (NIV).
This was one of the very first scriptures that was enlightened to me in 1996. My first thought was, 'What, do you want me to die or something?'
I was a very insecure and fearful individual at the time who tried to hold the reins of life ever so tight—so tight, in fact, that I feel certain that my knuckles were white from gripping so hard!
I learned, day by day, that God's ways were not my ways and that if I did "die" to myself every morning to my selfish desires and wants, my day would go much better.
Eventually, I did lose my life, but I found it through the cross of Christ, the place I hadn't bothered to look. Hit me over the head with a two-by-four, somebody!
Not everything in God's will is handed to you or laid at your feet when you ask or pray. It is given to you as you walk along, and you learn to become obedient to His will day by day. It is not an easy walk, but it is the BEST path for your life. On this path, you will finally find yourself.
God bless you and have a wonderful week as you lose yourself! Until next week!
We are moms, dads, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, and cousins with real-life, everyday jobs, concerns over paying bills, and sometimes what we will eat or if we can afford to eat.
It is not a fantasy world.
It is a real-life world with real-life problems that must be solved daily, sometimes moment by moment.
We bleed red.
We cry tears.
We hate injustice.
We abhor crime.
We love God.
We love our country.
We hate abortion.
We are Americans.
We are the heart of America, not hate speech or lying rhetoric that is recited over and over, thinking we will buy into it if it is repeated enough.
We love the 1st and 2nd Amendments of the Constitution.
Have you ever heard of anyone with the Positive-Negative Syndrome? They might state, for example, how kind a fellow believer is and then, right behind the syrupy sweet declaration, say something negative such as Can you believe what they did to so and so? Or did you notice what they were wearing in church? This type of gossip always boils down to seemingly positive praise followed by a negative utterance. Always.
The Bible teaches that we all will eat the fruit of our lips and be judged accordingly. The give and take with humans is how we communicate; we can’t escape that, but I have witnessed many who claim the name of Jesus yet stand and gossip in a crowd to those who are willing to listen. Be wise. Walk away if the Positive-Negative Syndrome begins. Rule of thumb: If anyone is talking about someone else to you or you are around anyone who is talking about someone, I guarantee you they will talk about you behind your back. Don’t be fooled.
Be wise about the company you keep. One bad apple can ruin the whole bunch. Sometimes, you must love people from afar until you are strong enough in the Lord to be around them and able to minister to them about the PNS. Stand up for the truth of God’s Word.
“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit (Proverbs 18:21)
Do you ever come across people or a particular person who continually seems to bring you down? Is it hard to go to work some days knowing your happiness might go down the tubes? Are you having a great day when you first wake up, and then while driving to work, someone cuts you off in traffic, or do you come home to a mess after a long day that someone else made and should have cleaned up?
Well, let me tell you a story about JOY. My friend and I have issues like everybody else, and I told her we needed to start carrying our JOY in our back pockets. By carrying our JOY in our back pockets, we have to make an honest effort not to let anyone steal our JOY. Now, that is a tricky thing. Let's face it, for every kind person, unfortunately, 5 mean, hateful people really want to steal your JOY. I would look in my back pocket at the end of the workday; sometimes, my JOY was there, and sometimes, it was just OY. And I started thinking that when your JOY becomes just Y, thoughts begin rolling around in your mind, such as, WHY am I here and WHY am I doing this? It frustrates me at times and makes me mad because I realize the devil is winning. What right does he have to steal my JOY?
My new thing is that I am not letting the devil win. Is it going to be a struggle? Well, YES! He really tries to make life miserable. Doesn't he do that to you sometimes? So, we need to take control of the issues. Use the ten-second rule of waiting ten whole seconds before you answer anyone (which can seem like a lifetime in an upsetting situation). Allow your emotions to calm down. Make certain that what is coming out of your mouth is what God wants you to say. Guard your JOY.
At the end of your day, be proud that you have come home with JOY in your pocket (and in your heart). Remember, although you are gonna have those days where you end up with just OY or Y, God is with you through it all. HE loves us, and he is Y we are all here.
Take the J.O.Y of life with you this morning. It's easy to remember: Jesus first, Others second, and You last! Don’t let the devil steal your joy! I have the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart to stay!
“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” (Proverbs 17:22).
My whole life, I've taken and taken. I have prayed about it, received it, and taken it. Now, it is time to return it. Somewhere in your family, church, work, or community, somewhere, someone needs something.
What have you done for Jesus today? Yesterday? Have you given your money (Yes, money!), time, a listening ear, or open arms for a hug needed? It takes you to give, and then He will provide. Somehow, He always makes a way. Maybe not in the way you think, but there is always an answer.
I have always been fearful about not having enough money. My thoughts are that I cannot give because I cannot pay the bills. What would happen if I couldn't make the house payment because I gave it to God or someone who needed it? It has taken me several years to figure out that He makes sure that my bills are paid if I give either with my time or tithes. You must realize that you only have money to pay your bills because God gave you your job to make money. He is there for you, but to receive, you must give. Pray about this today and give back some of what was given to you.
Listen, if I can do this by faith (all it takes is a little mustard seed worth), you can, too. You can’t be any more scared than I was!
“One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty” (Proverbs 11:24).
"Lord, I am the one who sang "Jesus Loves Me" each night before going to bed when I was young. Do you remember that?
I am sorry I haven't been very faithful recently. It’s just that I've been so busy; you do understand, don’t you?
I am older now and have a wife and son of my own. Out of the blue the other day, I asked my son if he knew the song "Jesus Loves Me."
He said, "What are you talking about, Dad?" Suddenly, it was as if a knife struck me right smack dab in the heart, and deep down in my soul, and I realized I hadn't done my job as a father. Lord, forgive me. What have I done?
My son doesn't know who you are because I didn’t think telling him about you was important."
Soon after my conversation with God, I tucked him in bed, turned off his lights, and kissed him on his forehead. Then, without thinking, I knelt beside his bed and began to cry from somewhere deep within.
"Please, oh Lord, may I have another chance to make this right?
I've been so busy making a living for my family that I forgot where my treasure truly always has been."
My son reached over, placed his young hand on my face, and asked why I was crying.
I told him I hadn't taught him about the most important person in heaven and on earth. Then, I wiped the tears from my eyes and began to tell him the old, old story and how God sent his one and only Son to earth to die just for him so that he could live free and walk in victory while he was here. And that He would grant you peace in your heart and rest for your soul until you come to be with Him again in eternity.
He leaned over and kissed my cheek, and we hugged and said our first prayers together as a Father and son.
Forgiveness: If you cannot forgive yourself, you cannot truly forgive others. You do not only have to forgive as a follower of Christ, but you have to forget. It will take time and patience, sometimes a lot, but don't give up.
Trusting God is a relational building process. As you grow, one rung at a time, through the power of the Holy Spirit, a greater understanding of His nature will shine through in your heart, and your mind will follow. It's about believing by faith to receive.
Respect the process of God. After accepting Christ into your heart, life is not what you are doing through God; it is what He is trying to accomplish through you so that your purpose and His kingdom's purpose can be realized. Remember: He is God, and you are not. Step down off the throne, be submissive to His will, and let Him wear the crown.
Learn to love yourself. Why do you think others will love you if you do not love yourself? Being downtrodden within your mind can cause defeatism in facets of your life, which, I guarantee you, will trickle down to those around you, especially children. Go to God with your issues and allow Him to help you be set free. Let Him deliver you from you.
"Clean Hands" before God. If you have anything against any man, go to the source and tell them asking for forgiveness, then repent of it. Your heart before the Lord needs a daily cleansing.
Attitude is crucial. When you get fussy, and we all know when we get fussy, it's time to lay down, zone out for an hour or two, take a mental break, or do some physical activity to refresh yourself. You will like yourself better, and those around you will, too.
Words you speak. The enemy of your soul will use your own words against you. Be wise in what you say. We will give an account for every idle word we speak.
Do not point fingers at anyone! Remember: Judge not.
Do not ever run from confrontation. God is your shield and buckler. God will be with you if you stand for truth and justice (Psalm 91:4).
Be congruent. Mean what you say and say what you mean; let your yes be yes and your no be no so the power of the Holy Spirit can freely flow through your spirit. Know who you are in Christ, and stand up for that.
Have "bulldog" faith. Grab God with your teeth, and never let go, just like a dog with a steak bone.
Stop focusing on others, what they have, what they are doing, and where they are going. Focus on Christ and delight yourself in Him, and He will give you the desires of your heart because by the time you delight yourself in Him, then His desires become your desires, and He gives them to you. Simple!
Thank God continually. I have to work on this one, too a lot! But, when I stop to recall what the Father has done for me in the past, I can genuinely and sincerely thank Him for all He has done for me in the here and now. I do it out of a grateful heart, not to get something. I truly love Him.
Now is the time to get real with ourselves. One cannot be whole until one searches one's heart. Many are trying to do the right thing. We try to be compassionate, loving, and caring (all good biblical things), but we have things in our lives that need attention. One cannot live in the past or dwell on things that have happened. You know, the things that can haunt our thinking, things we have done or said. These issues must be dug out of our inner spirit and let go. From experience, I have learned over the years that there can be things that linger, causing great harm.
Deep-seated issues can be buried deep within that lie dormant. As they grow and take on greater roots with age, they can consume us even to the point of lacking concentration on anything but what is eating us alive. The issue might be something that happened in our childhood or something that happened as recently as last year, but it is buried. However, to be set free from these emotional strongholds, they must be confronted and confessed to God, for it is how He sets you free.
For example, one must forgive those who have hurt you, whether intentionally or not. One cannot possibly function fully (in life or for God) if one cannot forgive. The issue might be terrible and continues to fester in your heart, but do not allow the one responsible (don't give them the power) to keep you bound. You change. The person who has wronged you might see the change in you, which, in turn, might produce some kind of change in them. Remember: Forgive as you have been forgiven! That is a biblical truth. The individual journey to this freedom, though, lies with each one of us. Face the big, bad wolf inside and pray for God's guidance.
Give it all to Him at the Cross and feel your freest in years. Many (me) have wasted a lot of life thinking and dwelling on things that only God can heal.
Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you" (NIV).
Now is the time to get real with ourselves. One cannot be whole until one searches one's heart. Many are trying to do the right thing. We try to be compassionate, loving, and caring (all good biblical things), but we have things in our lives that need attention. One cannot live in the past or dwell on things that have happened. You know, the things that can haunt our thinking, things we have done or said. These issues must be dug out of our inner spirit and let go. From experience, I have learned over the years that there can be things that linger, causing great harm.
Deep-seated issues can be buried deep within that lie dormant. As they grow and take on greater roots with age, they can consume us even to the point of lacking concentration on anything but what is eating us alive. The issue might be something that happened in our childhood or something that happened as recently as last year, but it is buried. However, to be set free from these emotional strongholds, they must be confronted and confessed to God, for it is how He sets you free.
For example, one must forgive those who have hurt you, whether intentionally or not. One cannot possibly function fully (in life or for God) if one cannot forgive. The issue might be terrible and continues to fester in your heart, but do not allow the one responsible (don't give them the power) to keep you bound. You change. The person who has wronged you might see the change in you, which, in turn, might produce some kind of change in them. Remember: Forgive as you have been forgiven! That is a biblical truth. The individual journey to this freedom, though, lies with each one of us. Face the big, bad wolf inside and pray for God's guidance.
Give it all to Him at the Cross and feel your freest in years. Many (me) have wasted a lot of life thinking and dwelling on things that only God can heal.
Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you" (NIV).