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Thursday, August 13 2009

August 2009


Broken Lives


My heart is grieved.  I am around all sorts of individuals, from the wealthy to the poor.  The “word” that is on my spirit this week is:  I believe that you do not accept that God is real.  God is just someone your mind just cannot grasp.


Day to day God sends me to those He wants or brings those to whom I am to minister.   It has always been a “two-fold blessing.”   People have received what they needed either by way of a manicure, heavenly advice, healing, deliverance or a kind word.  I in turn have been obedient to do what I promised God years ago.  I told Him I would “go” to everyone He sent me to.  I have brought the kingdom of heaven, in varying degrees, into people’s lives, one at a time for years now.  History has shown me the truth. 


I could give several good illustrations where the “word” was heeded and as a result, lives were changed for the better.   But, then I see the other side of what happens in a person’s life, when due to their own hardheadedness, their lives suffer.  They are nice and listen to me but choose not to receive the clear instructions given and it turns out to be to their own detriment. 


I am deeply saddened when I see the utter disbelief that exists in some hearts.  People will cry out to God for help when they find their lives or something in their lives in chaos.  God responds to their pleas by sending His answer through his messenger, but then they refuse to believe the word delivered by God’s messenger is really from God.


I have been called by God to teach His children what He has taught me in a simple and clear way.  I know what I have learned through walking with Christ.  I know what it is like to have a high level-paying job and then work at the other end of the spectrum making minimum wage.  I have known what it is like to have absolutely nothing having to depend on the support of my family.  I know what it is like to work my up from “the pit.”  I have had more highs and lows than you can imagine.  But, I have lived on raw faith and seen the mighty hand of God move tangibly in my life.  I have seen the hand of God move in a person’s life so much so that I am distressed when people do not heed the “words” delivered.     


I have seen and heard firsthand defeat in people’s lives.  Defeat is in their thinking and then their thoughts are spoken out in the atmosphere.  They purely think and speak defeat.  People are scared.  I get scared sometimes too.  But, I KNOW who my source is.  I KNOW that God can move ANY obstacle in a person’s life, from money to health.  Don’t tell me I don’t know. 


I don’t know who you are or who is going to read this, but the best can be before you if YOU will be obedient to the prophet God sends or be obedient to the word of God.  When a man or woman of God is sent to you to deliver a word, you just know it.  Listen and heed the voice.  Then if you are in doubt as to what you have been told, go to the Bible. EVERYTIME you should be able to trace what they are saying in the word of God.  Don’t be stiff-necked any longer.


Go to God and ask Him for forgiveness, repent of your sins and turn over a “new leaf.”  If you don’t like what is going on in your life, then you need to do something different.  But know this: Once He has gotten you the answer He expects you to follow through.   God is not going to make you. 


For this day as delivered in this blog: “The kingdom of God has come near you.”  Are you going to listen this time?   


Matthew 7:8  For everyone who asks receives. 


Everyone, everyone, everyone has received the answer this day whether you realize it or not.   God has answered.



Know what you believe and believe what you know…



Posted by: Molly Painter AT 08:20 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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