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Thursday, April 15 2010

The Hundredfold Return


We need to talk openly and honestly about “The Hundredfold Return.”  For the sake of this Blog, I will be targeting this concept alone.  I have discovered in the Word of God there can be man’s truth (which can become twisted), and then there is God’s truth…the REAL TRUTH.  When I came to the Lord I was hungry to know what was in the Word for my life.   I found I needed to be led.   I truly was lost about the things of God.   I have “walked through” the last fourteen years of my life having tried and tested most things in the Word.   Right now, my heart is grieved, due to the fact that God’s children are being misled about this very serious matter.  This confusion, if not cleared up, will cause them to suffer consequences, thinking God is not who He says He is.


Since I have been solely raised by faith, I can tell you that at one time I believed I could sow any amount of money and get back a hundredfold return.  I believed this due to the teaching I received coupled with my total ignorance in the ways of God.   I read the section in the Bible that talks about the hundredfold return and since I had no clue what it was talking about, I took the word of a very famous individual and believed what he said about this would come to pass.  Each time I sowed any money, I claimed a hundredfold return.   I truly looked for it.   I believed that if I sowed ten dollars, I would receive 100.00. 


What I learned as I continued to do this was the revelation that sowing money in this way was not a guarantee I would receive a hundredfold return in cash.  If God’s will was that I not receive money as I sowed, then I did not receive money.  Maybe His will was for me to receive a thirty, sixty or hundredfold return in some other area of my life where I needed something other than money.   I can tell you from having pushed the envelope of Heaven in regard to this issue, I had been misled.   There were certainly times when I sowed money and got back money but it wasn’t always a hundredfold.  The thinking of this concept is immature and it is not from heaven but not knowing that at the time is actually how I learned the truth.   There is more to this scripture than meets the “eye” being revealed by the spirit.


I learned the hard way that you can’t just pull any scripture out of the Word of God and claim it to be something that it is not.   If your motives (and God knows your heart) are self-seeking, do not think God is going to honor that.


The scripture we need to go to is found in Matthew 13:23.  The Word is crystal clear on what the hundredfold return is and how it is dispersed.   The scripture is talking about an individual hearing and receiving “the Word” of God, doing what it says and then because of what he has heard and done with it, produces for the Kingdom in his or her life (and destiny), some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.


The people Christ is talking about receiving these different amounts of return are those who have received “the Word” on good ground (solid teaching).  When “the truth” of the Word is brought to bear in a situation by faith, it causes you to obtain what God has for you but this in no way says, “If you sow 100.00, you are going to receive 1000.00.”   Do you actually think Jesus would have said that?  Knowing the Word of God and exercising the truths that God has firmly established in this earth will cause you to triumph in obtaining what God has for you.  But when you take to heart lies that follow human reasoning in regard to the hundredfold return, you are only allowing yourself to be deceived.  When people get in radical money binds, they will believe anything they hear that gives them a momentary “fix.”  I did.   Do you actually think God wants this kind of capricious existence for His children?


I have been sent to “bring to the light what is in the dark.” Now, you can keep on believing someone else with what is in your wallet, or you can wake up, get in the Word of God for yourself, and find out the truth like I did.   Do not take anyone else’s word for what is in the Word of God or you are only harming yourself.  God wants more for you in this life than for you to use Him in that way and that is what you are doing.   Yes, God has put out the fires in my life more than once over the past fourteen years as I have learned to trust Him to meet all of my needs. But, you have to come to the place in your life and learn that money is only a tool for you…it is not the “end” to the means.  You will always have to have money and God knows this. 


However, understand this-just because God raised a ministry up giving them monetary blessings to fulfill HIS will, giving them hundredfold returns, does not mean He is going to do the same for you.  God is such an individual God that YOUR path and YOUR life might have similar aspects to the ones who preach the Gospel in the body of Christ, but it doesn’t mean you can clump God into some hundredfold formula and get what you want.  You are misled if you believe this.  


The Holy Spirit is grieved.  And I can tell you one thing: this kind of prosperity preaching is over in the Kingdom.  Yes, God does want you to have an abundant life but abundancy isn't always in the form of a dollar.          




Posted by: Molly Painter AT 08:46 am   |  Permalink   |  1 Comment  |  Email
Posted by Andy Capagcuan on 03/09/2010 - 03:40 PM
Very well said and explained...abundance in life is not all in terms of dollars given out but on many good things in life. Thank you.

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