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Thursday, December 03 2009

Are You Mad At God?



I was walking down the corridor of the hospital last week awaiting the delivery of my grandson and noticed two nurses huddled in the corner.  As I walked by I overheard one of them say, “I am so mad at God for letting this happen.”   I didn’t stop and blast them with what I knew to be the truth but waited upon the Holy Spirit to guide me.


My heart sank at hearing the statement, and I knew that they, along with millions of others, needed to hear the complete truth of who God really is and that none of us has any cause to be mad at Him.  What we need to do is turn our pointing fingers around at the one we need to be mad with…ourselves.


In my PJ (Pre-Jesus) days, I often made the same statement because I didn’t know any better.  Through years of various experiences of “walking through” life with Him, I learned that God was never to blame for my circumstances and that what happened was due to my lack of knowing Him.  Also, I had no clue that I had the resurrection power in me to combat most things that would try to destroy me and the temple I lived in.


God doesn’t hide the truth from us but most of us either take someone else’s word or don’t want to take the time to find out whom God truly is.  From the very beginning of creation, God tells us that what we sow we are going to reap.  Everything we do operates by some sort of seed.  Our words, our actions, and our thoughts can be seeds that we actually put into play in the earth and then we reap a return of these words, actions, and thoughts.  What we reap may be something good; it may be something bad.  Here is an example of this principle.  I have been around many people who constantly go to the doctor for help due to not taking care of the temple we have been given by God.  (Remember that this is the only one we get.)  This may be because of overeating, lack of exercise or overindulging in drugs or alcohol.  The list goes on and on but you get my point.  All sorts of sicknesses arise from human weaknesses but they can be overcome with the power of the Cross.  However, we have to understand that we have this power and then to have to know how to use this power so we can help ourselves.


To be certain, Satan is alive and well.  He is repeatedly attacking God’s children in some form or fashion and people lack the knowledge to know it is he, not God, causing these attacks.  But God is blamed for all their misery.  I want to state for the record here and now:  God DOES NOT do bad things to us….we, whether by choice, ignorance or by the devil, have bad things occur to us, all the while thinking God is doing it.  We end up blaming the very and only one who can help us.  This is twisted thinking.


I can’t even imagine what God thinks of us bickering at Him for things we have allowed to happen.  We are ignorant of the ways of God and it is time that we help ourselves so we can help those around us. 


God is not mocked…whatever a man sows, not what God sows he shall also reap.  We are reaping what we have sown, or more importantly, we are reaping nothing because we have sown nothing.  I can tell you that God is bigger than your life and there is nothing He won’t try to do to help you.  But you have to go to the SOURCE and that is God, the Father, through Jesus Christ.


Don’t blame God.  Learn to take your feelings to Him and tell Him how you feel and let Him talk to you.  YOU have an inheritance as His child if you call upon His name and you need to start to learn to talk to Him instead of everyone else.  THEY (whoever they are) can’t fix the situation for you.


If you hear nothing else from this, hear this:   GOD IS YOUR SOURCE alone….go to Him.  Stop blaming Him because it keeps you from wanting to tell Him anything and that is just what Satan wants…




Posted by: Molly Painter AT 08:30 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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