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Friday, December 11 2009

I believe that all would agree there are times in everyone’s life when they feel the pressures of life try to overtake them.  This seems to be more evident now because of what is presently going on in our economy and most could use some much-needed relief.  Whether these difficulties are in our personal finances, careers, or relationships, we are left wondering where will it all end and you may be crying out, “Someone please deliver me!”


Some people feel they can solve whatever is causing struggles in their life by going to bed and pulling the covers up over their heads.  Others just know that all their problems would be solved if they fell into a pile of money.  Yes, then they would want for nothing else in their life and every problem they have, whether financial or not, would either be easier or just go completely away…if only.


I am here to tell you that when you think that way, recognize this as a sign that you are being deceived and in your heart you are making money your “god.”  Others think that if God would just deliver them out of whatever mess they are in (quickly), everything else in all other areas of their lives would be okay.


I want to testify to you today that if you are “under the gun” in any area of your life, then your ONLY answer will be found at the Cross and you will have to “walk through” what you are facing in order to get clear of these barriers.  Most of the time God will not swoop down and deliver you out of something, but He will place the answer in front of you.  He will expect you, if you are trying to seek Him out, to confront your issues.


You might very well call me a Bible thumper, always preaching that God is the only way but if you only knew me you wouldn’t say that.  I am able to make this declaration (that He is the only answer) because I am someone who has walked through the tunnel of the darkness of life in most every area that a human could experience coming out on the other side.  Jesus is the only answer to your woes, no matter how dark or deep they seem to you at this moment.  When you are in the midst of your worst times, you do not want Jesus “shoved” down your throat and I am fully aware of that but you need to come to terms that if your life is in the toilet then He is the only answer.


However, know that if you feel God ISN’T the answer it is a sure sign that Satan is trying to stop you from getting what you need.


Many feel that accepting Christ as their Savior will not help their situation.  Many are suffering right now and wonder how someone they cannot see can possibly help with tangible life problems.  I am here to declare to you that I do not care what you want or think, you need Jesus.  He is the ONLY one who can get what you need to you in the way He sees fit, and He does it in a tangible way.


Do not throw the towel in on your relationships (whether it is marriage, dating or children) unless you have had divine wisdom from God as to why it has gone astray.  Perhaps it is YOU who are the problem.  Learn not to quit so easily at everything.  Quitting and running are not from God.  When you feel like drawing the covers up and burying your head under them, know that this is not from heaven either.  Get up and face what you are dealing with, even if you must go through extreme pain to get on the other side of the situation.


The race of YOUR life has been established by heaven, by God, but most don’t believe He is big enough to really help in our everyday lives.  YOU definitively have to make the choice to want to have something better than you have at this exact moment in time.  IF you are willing to make a choice for Christ, then I assure you He is willing to come and help you in ways you cannot imagine.  It is time to face the music and if you are feeling pressure, then the ONLY place to run to is the Cross.


When financial worries hit people, the last thing they want to hear is that they need to tithe and give offerings to God, but I attest to you that it is the ONLY thing that will open the windows of heaven over your life so God can get His divine will to you.  Money is a sore subject with most people right now and that is just what Satan wants it to be.  It becomes a stronghold for people and the thought of giving to God irritates them.  You think that it is the silliest thing you have ever heard of.  I am and have been a tither since 1996 and wouldn’t stop if my life depended on it.  I have heard people say over and again, “I can’t afford to give to God.”  Well, everybody has something to give even if it is just a penny.  If you don’t have a penny then you certainly have YOUR time.  Tell God you are going to give Him your time so you can get your life straight and He will honor that.  He is always looking at your heart and your motives.


He KNOWS exactly why this pressure is upon you.  Understand you have to go to the source to get away from the problems and the Holy Spirit will guide you in doing this but you have to want it.  I cannot stress that enough.  God has taken pressure from me in many ways and He will do it for you.  Your answer to every problem, pressure, and bad thing coming at you are at the Cross and going there won’t cost you one thin dime.  People are so bogged down with everything else that they feel they don’t have the time to give to God, but Satan has got you again if you feel this way.  If you give God your time, He will give it back to you.


Mental pressure over your life, lack of money, broken relationships, broken bodies…exactly what is it that is giving you this pressure right now?  You don’t have to carry it alone but you will have to be the one to go to the Cross.  God is not going to make you.  I have to stay at the Cross in order to weather the pressure that comes at me, and even I get weary but what I get from going there is certainly more than what I give.


It is Christmas and this is the time that our focus needs to be on Christ, our living Savior, who is the ONLY one who can help any of us.  And if you need money He can get you that as well but it isn’t His MAIN focus for you….get your mind on Christ and He will show you the way.


I want to leave you with a scripture that I learned early in my own walk with the Lord:  If you will give your life to Me, then you will find you life (Matthew 16:25)….And I am a living witness that “your life” encompasses everything from money, health and relationships.  The choice though has to be yours…He is not going to make you do anything. 



Posted by: Molly Painter AT 10:43 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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