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Thursday, January 28 2010

Today is February 12, 2010. 

There will not be a new Divine Revelation yet due to the fact that the message below is the message for this particular time.  This will not be changed until the Holy Spirit gives me a new word.


We need reformation not only in the body of Christ but also in the earth.  I am angry when I see the condition of the lives of people I am around and of those I see in the news. 


I am appalled at the so-called Pastors and alleged teachers of the day who preach and teach Christ and proclaim to the masses, “You can buy a miracle.”  I am sickened when I watch these “feel good” evangelistic preachers, who have great big grins slapped on their faces, telling people that all they have to do to get out of the jam they are in is to give money.  I liken those who preach this principle to a piranha who is smiling all the way to the bank...I know because I have fallen prey to their tactics, willing to do anything to get out of my own jams.  The formula they sell for alleviating one’s troubles is almost the same thing that went on in Martin Luther’s day (The Great Reformer of the 1500’s).


The bible in and of itself is not going to be enough for you to overcome whatever your issues are.  It takes the presence of the Holy Spirit with God, who backs it all up, and then doing what it says.  If you think that all you have to do is read and your life will be better, then you are sadly mistaken and are not knowledgeable of the whole truth.


If you think that all you have to do is give money (even at the word of the so-called prophet), then you are wrong.  You cannot buy a better life, no matter how many times you are told this.  Not only that, you can go to church day in and day out and still stay in the same state of existence with defeat and negativity ruling your life.  In God’s world faith and works go together coupled with your obedience of tithing and offering. 


We need the truth….and we need someone to stand up and call “a spade a spade.”  The day of playing games is over.  For the most part, God's children are suffering.  People all over this earth are in spiritual and financial lack because it takes more than a financial investment to obtain what you need from God.  Don’t be deceived. 


I am here to stand up and go against anyone who is in the public arena who preaches and teaches this way.  God requires of you your heart, mind, and soul.  He is a jealous God who requires your devotion.  This requires your participation, not just the contents of your wallet.


It is time for a reformation in the body of Christ so the body can mature into the things of God and in turn, help a sick and dying nation.  God have mercy on us for trying to “sell” a miracle.   


God’s children are suffering at the hands of the big bad wolf and they can’t see it because it is what they have been conditioned to “do” for years.  Because of the fire I have walked through, I am qualified to tell you this truth:  the way the world is being taught about how to access the blessings of Christ is out of joint.  Someone has to have the guts to go against the norm for the sake of the elect.  Who are the elect you ask?  YOU are…everyday normal people who need a living Savior.  Think about it.  Jesus went in the temple with a whip and cursed all the moneychangers…saying, “My Father’s house will be called a house of prayer.” 


Picture Jesus standing on the hillside getting ready to preach the Beatitudes.  Can you see Him in your mind’s eye?  You have heard rumors that He is the chosen one of God…the Messiah.  You have been waiting for someone such as He and you are sitting there to hear something from another world on how to live your life.  You are excited at the prospect of something that will finally help you.  You are sitting there with baited breath waiting for the truth to spill forth.  He stands up and says, “If you will give me your money, I will give you a miracle.”   I will bless you with a blessing if you just “sow a seed.”  Money is what comes to your mind.  I am in desperate lack and have no hope and you want my money?  I don’t have any money.  You have no clue about money, tithes, and offerings.  No one has taught you the things of the kingdom and when you hear Him say it, something inside you wrenches and you are immediately turned off, thinking He is just like everybody else and you get up to leave…or turn the channel.  All you wanted was hope.


We are in desperation in this country and I blame those who use the public spotlight to present the Lord as someone who trades miracles for money.  Woe be unto you.  The imagination of man’s heart in many cases has taken over.  If you cannot go to the Word of God and prove what a person says then something is wrong.


It is time (way past time) for a changing of the guard…. To the law and to the testimony!   


If you believe in God and you are trying to walk with God but you find yourself in the same state you were in a year ago (maybe your circumstances are now even worse), something is wrong.  Turn off the TV, draw back from where you are going to church, sit before the Father, and tell Him what you are up against.  He will help guide you into all truth with pure motives.  He has nothing to gain from you.  The job of the Holy Spirit is to guide you into all truth.


When I first turned my heart to Jesus, I knew nothing of kingdom life, so I literally learned from scratch.  My life was a mess and I was taught by the Holy Spirit to use my money in ways I hadn’t known before.  I had been in banking and investments all of my life but knew nothing of what Malachi 3:8-12 talks about.  I hadn’t been raised on tithing.  The only thing I had ever heard of was pledges but I didn’t understand that concept either.  I realized that if I was going to go after God that I would have to believe Him with regard to my finances, as well as doing all other things His way.  At the time, I was a single parent living in a four-bedroom house for free (I had believed Him for a house), needing every cent that came into my hands.  I knew God was telling me that if I would give Him my tithes, He would open the windows of heaven over my life and I wanted that so badly.  My first thought was “How do you give to God?”  He is in heaven.  How was I going to get it to Him?  Did He need my money where He was?  I wanted answers to my questions so I asked Him.  Over the next few weeks He revealed to me just how to do it.  I didn’t attend a church so I gave my tithes where I was being fed spiritually, and God honored my effort.  I began from scratch to give money to God and things started to change for me.  


I want you to know that, yes; I have given to ministries that preach the Gospel on TV but only as I am led by the Holy Spirit.  Yes, I have been duped concerning giving as well, but I never gave up trying to get it right.  I learned valuable lessons by learning when I had been taken.  How else can I tell you that everyone is not preaching and teaching the true, undiluted word of God regarding money?   


When it comes to money you have to go God to get His will on where to tithe, when to offer and what to offer.  The bottom line is this: learn to tithe.  Take 10% of your gross paycheck and give it where the Holy Spirit tells you.  Not every place is good soil to sow your money into and there have been several times when the Holy Spirit told me to stop sowing my money there…even if it was a local body.  There are many who are using money to build bigger buildings while neglecting the truly needy who sit in their church pews week after week.


God is the ONE who sees a man’s heart and his true motives.  If you are feeling led to sow into any life, whether it is based “on a word given” or not, pray to God about it and then wait for Him to answer you….He always has gotten the truth to me so I can in turn tell you that He will get the truth to you. 


WE need reformation in the body of Christ.  WE have given Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit a bad name where money is concerned and we need to fall on our knees, repent and ask God for mercy.


We owe God our devotion in our heart, mind, and soul.  With that comes obedience in honoring God with our tithes and offerings.  Test what I am telling you for yourself.  I don’t who you are but I can tell you that I was one hardheaded woman and if I can believe God about opening the windows of heaven over my life, then anyone can.  It is real.  Go to the scriptures for yourself. 


I am the voice crying out to you to help you….for I am one just like you.



Posted by: Molly Painter AT 11:00 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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