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Saturday, March 03 2012

I have a sincere concern in our election primaries this year that God is being used on the national stage to tout selfish agendas.  This nation is floundering and at the brink of certain disaster; the truth of the matter is that individuals need to stand on their own merit. 

Don’t just spout religion at me.  Banging others with God and condemnation only turns people away.  This frame of thinking makes me think that you will sit behind the greatest desk in this country and judge everyone for what you believe to be their personal shortcomings.  How will you be able not to truly judge others, I ask? When I push the button in the 2012 election  I want to know the qualifications an individual has that will help turn this nation around, making it solvent again because if you have those then this country needs you. 

Whether or not someone considers themselves a conservative, moderate or liberal, how can you really determine if they are a true man or woman of God? 

First, individuals who truly know, believe and trust in their divine creator don’t always have to talk about God in every little thing they do.  I have been around many who don’t talk Jesus all the time and at the same time; it is clearly evident that they have a heart for God.  Watch them closely and they will show you God. 

Secondly, incontrovertible proof of a man who truly puts God first can be seen with how he handles his money.  Political candidates’ published tax returns (for this election cycle) and how much they have given to charity will tell you who is truly being obedient to God. This small but effective gauge can assure you who is telling the truth about how much they love God and the underprivileged.  We can sit and listen to men and their rhetoric all day long, but the real “proof is in the pudding.”  If you can actually let go of your money that tells me about your heart.

Lastly, we are not the judges of human beings.  There is but one judge and we have all fallen short of holding that position.  Unless you are a prophet of God and have been sovereignly called to send forth judgment by the hand of living God, then you need to know that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. 

Exposure to the men and women of God and their endeavors, successes and failures need thorough examination.  Read up on these candidates.  When someone has history in the political arena, others come to know what that person will and can accomplish.  Also, when someone’s colleagues are standing up for them then you can bet they think he can do the job.  Just as telling, are those long-standing government officials who are running but not being endorsed by their peers.

God’s man, I believe, will clearly surface and then it is our job to pray, seeking God’s face (for our own confirmation).  People have an affinity to drag their feet in decision making, even though God has clearly confirmed His choice.  Decide!

Political experience is a necessity and should be a prerequisite, in addition to a person having “cut his teeth” in the management and administration of the corporate and business world, before assuming the position in the oval office …haven’t we learned our lesson yet?   One more thing—Moses couldn’t speak well, but he was God’s man.  Look what God accomplished through his hands.  Do not be led by your emotions.  The facts are staring you in the face.

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 05:39 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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