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 Rev. Molly's Blogs  
Thursday, August 16 2012



A couple of centuries ago a Frenchman named Alexis de Tocqueville made this observation:  “There is no country in the world where the Christian religion retains a greater influence over the souls of men than America.” 

I was brought up to believe and taught that our country was founded on moral convictions based on the Ten Commandments.  While not all the founding fathers may have had Christian roots, their philosophy respected the Creator of this universe.  Samuel Adams said our Ruler rewards people based on their general character.  Ben Franklin said,” God governs in the affairs of men.”  There was once was a reverence given to God by the leaders and people of this country.  I believe that at one time our national prosperity grew out of our respect for God’s statutes. 

At what point in our history did the train jump off the tracks?  It’s as if “anything goes” now.  I think that our economic and political issues are caused by the decline in our moral interpretations.  At one time in our history, our moral and spiritual actions walked hand in hand but now these two things are in decay and decline.  We have slowly taken God out of the school and court systems.  It is ok to offend Him but gosh forbid we should trample on any citizen’s rights or liberties.  We have redefined what the family unit is.  Half of Americans believe homosexuality is acceptable.  And 54% think gambling is ok, 59% find acceptable premarital sex, 38% believe in abortion.  Many folks now vote for the politician who is in favor of these things, not against them. 

Rick Santorum said, “Satan has his sights on the United States.”  Why do we make it so easy for him to succeed?  He hardly has to put forth any effort. 

Thomas Jefferson said, “To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”

Now is the time to let justice reign down from heaven…not from man.

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