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Thursday, May 09 2013

You Do Not Have to Apologize for Telling the Truth We all know the uproar ESPN commentator, Chris Broussard, caused recently when he announced on TV that, ".if you are living openly in unrepentant sin, whatever it may be.I believe that's walking in open rebellion to God." Due to Jason Collins' recent "coming out," Broussard's comments have come under fire. The knee-jerk responses to Broussard's stance leave out that he is talking about sin inclusively, and instead chooses to zero in on a claim that he expressed intolerance for Collins and others that choose to live a homosexual lifestyle.

I feel compelled to address a couple of issues here and then I will get back to Broussard. Feedback posted in the media about Collins' announcement drew reactions such as these: A former professional footballer said, "Congrats to Jason Collins" and then wondered why a church that hired him to speak withdrew their offer. ESPN's view was that they were fully committed to diversity and welcomed Collins' announcement. They then said they regretted that Broussard's personal opinion caused a "distraction." Heaven forbid they should lose any audience or sponsors.

A Christian group has asked ESPN to suspend Broussard. President Obama praised Collins for being brave. An actress who writes for a newspaper said, "Welcome to the light, Jason Collins." Lastly, someone posted this: "Collins changed the world forever when he told the truth." I am not surprised at the bashing Broussard has received but I've hardly read any reactions from those that call themselves loving God.

Are there others willing to stand up for God and announce Broussard correct? Some that call themselves knowing truth and light are misinforming others. This is not about being intolerant of others or pushing religion on the masses. This is pointing out sin, calling it what it is and praying that others come to understand the real way, the truth and the life. The wages of sin are death and Broussard and others know that no matter what any have done, we want to take as many souls to Heaven with us as possible. Now. that is the truth.

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 08:11 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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