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Monday, October 21 2013

            Let me begin by introducing myself.  My name is Molly Painter.  I began a ministry out of my studio apartment in January 2006 which came to be known as Jesus Without The Junk.  The ministry has been ‘behind the scenes’ doing mission work on Carolina Beach for the last six years.  The recipients have been:  The Help Center, Back Pack Buddy Program ($7,000.00-which specifically targets Carolina Beach Elementary school), Back-to-school, Christmas and Easter outreaches to the tune of $ 19,269.38.  And now we are embarking upon our largest effort ever for children who come from impoverished conditions by putting together the “Heart of Hope” Run for hunger October 26, 2013 8:00 am. 

            First we began by trying to uncover the real truth of the need on the Island.  After meeting with the Director of the Help Center and then speaking with the counselor and social worker of Carolina Beach Elementary School I discovered that the need is not only present but dire.  The following is a story that came to my attention quite accidently.  This is an excerpt from an article I have written—

            I was delivering some posters garnering support for the upcoming “Heart of Hope” Run for Hunger 2013 and a particular individual told me a story—

            She said, “I thought of you this morning when I was dropping off my child to Carolina Beach Elementary School.  I heard a little girl tell someone that her tummy hurt.  She was asked if she had had anything to eat that morning and she replied, “No.”  The woman gave her a cupful of Cheez-Its and told her to tell her teacher that she could have them in class.”

            The exact phrase that keeps running through my heart, at this time in the history (and this will become history someday), of our community is:  “Unity in the Community.”  By garnering support for the “Heart of Hope” Run for Hunger 2013 I have listened and heard hearts as they, too, want to reach out to the little children who do not ask to be born into financial constraints.  I told a friend, “You know, we can walk for everything else.  Why in the world wouldn’t we walk for the basics of life?” 

            Won’t you be a part of a ‘cause’ that will have lasting benefits for little children who cannot otherwise help themselves?  Be a part of a community wide outreach for local children.

             Registration is $25.00 and you get a great looking t-shirt designed by the one and only Dara Newberry (my daughter!)  Dr. Jimmy Brown (the Pastor of First Baptist Carolina Beach Church), has agreed to sit on the board of the “Heart of Hope” Run which, I believe, adds another dimension to the quality of this effort.  And let me thank each and every person who has stepped up to be a Sponsor for what I like to fondly call “The Love Walk.”  It has been such a pleasure (no pun intended) to get out on the Island (and beyond) to personally meet individuals who want to help children right in front of our faces.

            It roughly takes $6,000 to take care of 18 children throughout the school year with supplemental weekend food.   And that figure does not even touch breakfast, dinner, breaks or summer’s. At the end of the school year (2013) there were 12-17 additional children who needed to be added but there was not enough money to go around.

            Lastly, why this article?  I need your help one last time in ONE final push to reach anyone who does not know of this event on Saturday, October 26, 2013.  Call them, go see them or email them and let them know what “Heart of Hope” is all about.  I personally cannot reach every person who lives on this Island in the next week and half… but YOU CAN by spreading the word.  I realize that most everyone on the Island is now gearing up for wonderful festive events in the ensuing weeks (and I fully understand) but this is a one-time occurrence that will have lasting repercussions for little tummies.  

            Teams for Run are now available—4 for $50.00 which breaks the cost down to $12.50 a person.  Registering over the internet is safe and easy and we have a great looking site designed by a local friend and pastor.  I want to close this article with a poem and thank you for taking your precious time to listen to what I needed to tell you.  I hope to meet you there! 

The Love Walk

“Heart of Hope” came to point the way to children who need help in a mighty way.

Kids don’t ask to have no food or lack or even go without—

Be a part of something BIG -help us stuff their backpacks!

For if we say we love but close our hand – we are telling them we don’t really understand.

If we see the need and don’t help them out, they’ll give up…don’t you see?

Come on ya’ll let’s give them hope, that’s my plea; it’s what we do Carolina Beach! –

Be there bright and early (8 am) where the race begins—3rd and Cape Fear Blvd…meet us at the gazebo, yeah!

Let’s send a message – no child here will go hungry again.

Spread your love come on sign up!

Come run, come walk, come roll or relay. 

“Heart of Hope!”  “Heart of Hope!” “Heart of Hope!”

(910) 228-5282

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 10:18 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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