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Friday, June 13 2014

            The other day I did something for someone.  I was not told to do it although I certainly felt in my heart that I probably should.   It was what I fondly called later, one act of kindness, as I got the revelation of what it actually meant for me. 

            I have walked (or certainly tried to) walk closely with the Lord for well over eighteen years now.  I am not an expert on the subject by any means and do not profess to be so but, I do know what I have been tangibly taught.  And these lessons can only be experienced.  To really gain the fullness of God Almighty you have to sacrifice something.  Whether it is your time, talents or money, he waits to see what you are willing and/or going to do. 

            The other day I was in the midst of yet another trial.  Knowing I had to walk through it to get to the other side I did something for someone because it was the right thing to do.  And, after this particular incident something broke off me that I could not describe. Immediately, I knew that my one act of kindness (to someone else) right in the midst of my worstness (It is not a word but it sure does say what I felt!) actually ‘loosed the hand of God’ in my situation.  This was not the first time this has happened but the first time I really felt I needed to share with others this concept.  I thought, I think God is happy with me.

            There are times when I know I should ___________ (fill in the blank) but I don’t want to do it.  I have learned though, through the school of hard knocks, this is the time that I need to force myself through whatever is being asked or placed in front of me. It is also what I fondly have come to call, one act of obedience time.

            Doing what you know should be done does something supernatural in your heart that can make your day, your week, or your month go a lot smoother, happier.  We miss out on a lot of good things, from the Father, because quite frankly it is hard to push through when you don’t want to or don’t feel like doing this or that for whatever reason.

            I challenge you today to ask the Holy Spirit to show you the one act that only you can perform in your sphere of influence/life.  It really can make a difference for you.  And what is more know that you, in your efforts, are never alone.  I am here trying to do/behave in the right manner as well.  No one said following Christ would be easy!


God bless you!


Posted by: Molly Painter AT 09:57 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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