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Saturday, June 21 2008

Good News!

How many of you could use some Good News?  Good News to me is like medicine to my soul.  It is “Soul Food.”  There are a lot of hurting people today.  Instead of going through a list of these hurts, why not just fill in the blank?________ (your hurt goes here).  Then what I want you to do right now is close your eyes and picture that hurt or need being met in the fullest capacity…How does that make you feel?  

Well, Good News is here right now.  Jesus came and died for your sins and mine (Thank God!)  so that blank I used as an example could be filled.  We don’t have a big, bad wolf as a Father in Heaven but we do have a Father who does require that sin be atoned for.  But, the best news of all is that He is willing and ready to fill that blank in your matter what it is.

The only requirement is that you have to accept Jesus as your personal Savior.  It won’t cost you one thin dime. (And they are getting thinner as I write this.)  Jesus came so we could have life and have it more abundantly, but there are many of us walking around in lack in one form or another.  But, the Good News is that you don’t have to. It doesn’t necessarily have to be money.   We have all been deceived by Satan long enough.  When is enough enough in your life?  Well, I don’t know about you, but I had had enough when I turned to Christ with my heart.  The unfortunate thing is that no one was telling me or explaining Him to me in a way that I could get it and partake in what He died for me for…. 

There is a lot more that we have available to us as God’s children than you know.  It is more than church and working yourself to death in the name of Jesus.  But, YOU have to want more than you have right now…it is there for the taking and yes, it does take effort.  I have discovered that I have more grit than I ever knew and I have also discovered that the GOOD NEWS is that Jesus did, in fact, die on a cross for me over 2000 years ago so I could have life and have it more abundantly….what about you?  Couldn’t you use some Good News for a change?

Remember, Good News is like medicine for your soul…let your soul be cured by the greatest medicine man that ever lived….Jesus Christ of Nazareth. 



Posted by: Molly Painter AT 04:13 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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