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Friday, February 05 2021

By Susan Gahan


Last night as I lay in bed, I thought about how my life is full of lessons. I often wonder if God is tired of being my teacher. I have a lot of things to re-do according to His will. He probably is up in heaven just shaking His head. I bet He says, "Will she never learn?"

Life is a Lesson

I have learned in the past few months that I need to get my life straight. How many times do we rehash what we need to do? For instance, I should pick up my Bible more. Why don't I? I don't have an answer, but I can tell you one thing, I need to figure it out. God has shown me that life is very precious and short. Many people say it but honestly, unless it happens to really doesn't have much impact. You cannot even grasp the magnitude of how precious life truly is.

Making a List

I decided that I need to make a list. Let's face it. We are all busy, and you cannot even remember what you need to do until you make a list, let alone even to do it. So my goal is to make a list this week of things that I need to do. I want to incorporate it into my life, taking out things that really are worthless and non-beneficial. Staring at my IPAD or something ridiculous on TV needs to be dealt with. Incorporating more Bible studying, helping others, doing more for the ministry, and going into areas that God wants me to go in needs to be front and center.

Getting my Priorities Straight

We all need direction, and first and foremost, we need to pray about it. So I need to make sure that before my two big feet hit the floor, I give my attention first to God. It truly makes my day so much better. I am scurrying around the house so many times that I get ready for work or running somewhere that I forget to give the most important person center stage. Of course, I repent for it, and it is over. It is easy to move on and put it behind me, but I know better seriously. We all do. How many times have I been told, "Put Him first." Priority number one...God is First. Everything else will fall into place after that. Now everyone will have to figure out what the rest of their priorities are, but I know that it refreshes my soul, knowing that I am pleasing God.

Staying on Track

Once I have made my list and gotten my priorities straight, I will have some peace. I feel like I have let God down at times. I cannot go back and change things, though. I cannot go back and redo life to make things right. My heart hurts knowing that I could have done more, but all that I have left in my portfolio is that I Love God, and I know that He loves me. Otherwise, I would have been just sand running through His fingers. He could have walked away and never looked back at all, but He didn't. He is still with me, and I owe it to Him to get back on the God train and stay on track.

So CHOO CHOO! Let's board the God train and stay on the RIGHT track.

I don't need any more detours or delays.

Matthew 6:33 "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."

Posted by: Molly Painter AT 10:36 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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