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Friday, August 08 2008

Summer Overhaul

Summer is here.  I live where it is beautiful.  Things are indeed beautiful on the outside but on the inside, for a lot of people, it isn’t so pretty.  It is time for us to stop and look at the things we don’t want to look at so no matter where we are, we can be happy.  Flowers are beautiful, as well, but if you are miserable inside, it will have a determination on how you perceive those flowers.  Your smeller might feel broken right now but all is not lost.

Having been truly saved by Grace was a BIGGY for me.  But, that was not the end-all.  I didn’t know it then but that was the beginning.  What I have learned and what I have been taught was not taught to me by anyone.  It was taught to me by the Holy Spirit.

What about you?  Are you just saved or have you experienced the fullness of the Godhead within you?  If you haven’t, it is time for you to do an overhaul in your heart.  There is a baptism in the Holy Spirit that will give you the power you need to accomplish God’s will for your life.  It will open up to you the more of God.

It is my job to prod you to make you think about these issues so you too can walk in the fullness of the Cross on earth.  There is a marked difference in being saved and then being baptized in the Holy Spirit.

I have seen people who are saved, yet they fall away because the “going gets tough.”  They don’t have the staying power.  They tried it, they liked it, but then Satan came along and stopped them.

Where are you with all of this today?  It is time to check yourself.  Life, as we have known it, is over.  You won’t make it just warming a pew week after week after week anymore.  Satan is stepping up his game and we have got to mature into the Body of Christ.  It is time that we grow up.

When I was young, at family gatherings we had a big table for the adults and a little table for the children. God is not going to do all of it for you.  This is a proactive walk with Christ, not religion. 

The best is before you if you want it but it is time to grow up.  We are losing our children all over this county by heinous crimes.  People are on more medications than ever before in our history.  There are malls for medical practices.  It is like we can shop for each illness we have.  What is going on?  We have more available to us as a child of God but, mind you, being a child of God does not mean we are children.

It is time to check yourself.  If you don’t have the power that the Bible talks about, then it is time for a summer overhaul.  Stop “doing” church and get with the greatest teacher that ever lived and find out what needs to be replaced, tuned up, changed , traded up or traded in.  But, one thing is certain:  It is time to grow up so we can take this nation back for Christ.  We need to take back what Satan has stolen from us…that is IF you are a child of God.

Don’t  just give yourself a check up this summer;  give yourself an overhaul.  Put on the mind of Christ.

1Corinthians 13:11

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

You are invited to the BIG table....are you coming?





Posted by: Molly Painter AT 09:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
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