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 Rev. Molly's Blogs  
Friday, August 15 2008

·        He Ain’t Heavy…He’s My Brother

This last week I was shopping at the Dollar Tree.  I love the Dollar Tree.  There were times that if it hadn’t been for that place, I don’t know what I would have done.  Being a good steward of what Gad has given me keeps me going back there.  I have often thought of writing them a note to tell them “thank you” for helping me when I was trying to help pick myself up in life.  I want to thank them now for still being there and being one of my favorite places to go and shop.  I know people who would never darken the doors of a Dollar Tree but they really do not know what they would be  missing.  This brings me to the point of this week’s BLOG.

As I was standing in the checkout line, a couple came up behind me.  The circle of people I have been around most of my life would have shunned this couple because of the way they “looked.”  As I have become “born again,” I have changed in most areas of my life, especially in my thinking in regard to how people look, although sometimes I still slip.  She and he were tattooed and had earrings in places I know had to hurt them when these areas were pierced.  Her hair was coal black, but what grabbed me was how really cute she looked in the haircut she had.  I thought whether or not I should tell her how cute she looked.   It was then I knew the Lord wanted me to reach out to them.  There is a scripture in the Bible that says, “ Judge not, lest ye be judged.”  Well, once again, the Lord was trying to remind me of that.

I turned around and said, “I love your haircut.”  She was very pleased and smiled and said thank you.  What a sweet girl. Who was I  to judge the way she looked?  Yet, most of the so-called Christians in the churches and circles I have been around in my life  would have dismissed her as being way out, funky, or even worse.

This ministry challenges you to “reach out and touch” someone this week with the true LOVE of Jesus.  Over and over again in the Word we are taught to give honor to the lowly and to humble ourselves.  We are no better than anyone else and we need to realize this.  WE need to get beyond the way people look to us if it is not our norm.

“He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother”  should be the order of the day if we say we follow Christ, no matter what someone looks like, no matter  what their color or anything else. We are in danger of treading upon God’s territory when we think we are better than others.  We all need the LOVE of Jesus Christ, especially in the days in which we live.

Forgive as YOU have been forgiven and above all (in my mind), LOVE as you have been loved.

Remember:  Red, yellow, black and white…and might I add, spiked, tattooed and pierced,  they are all precious in HIS sight.



Posted by: Molly Painter AT 01:38 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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