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Thursday, October 30 2008



The God Factor


Years ago, Einstein came up with E=MC2.  The equation was ground-breaking.  If you want to know what this equation means, all  I can do is urge you to an encyclopedia or the Internet.  But, as I am gearing up for the upcoming election, it was on my heart that people have taken God out of the equation…and we need Him factored back in.


God has already accounted for the times we are in but we clearly aren’t aware of it.  The Bible teaches God knows the end (of time) from the beginning (of time) Isaiah 46: 10.  He already knew things were going to be going wrong in our country.  Men’s hearts will be crippled with fear Luke  21:25-26.  But, as a child of God, the Bible also teaches “the righteous will never be forsaken in the land of the living.”  Psalm 37:17  At the turn of the century there was a great scare that everything was going to crash.  It was the Y2K scare.  The people I was around and going to church with were stockpiling water, batteries, flashlights and food.  It brought back to mind the bomb shelters people started having built in their homes when I was young.  I thought the bomb shelters were scary because I didn’t understand anything that was going on and the only perspective I had was from the adults I was around.  It was scary then but the Y2K scare was not scary to me in the least.  I knew in my heart that nothing was going to happen.  Through prayer, I had the peace that truly does surpass all understanding.  I had it then and I have it now.


But one major thing is missing in this election….the God Factor.  It is as if no one really believes that God has a say so in what is taking place in this country.  


Experience is the best teacher we have.  It seems that every time something really bad happens in this country, those of us who believe there is a God run to Him.  So why in the world don’t we give Him a little credit for being God and ASK Him for His advice in this upcoming election?  God, what would you like for me to do as your child?  How would you like for me to cast my vote?


One of the biggest and most important things I learned to do with God is ask ...and I mean everything.  There is a scripture in the Bible that is quoted a lot in Christendom and it is found in Luke 11:9-10 “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.  “ For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.


The Holy Spirit gave me a revelation early on in my walk with Christ.  He said, “What are the first three letters of those verses?”  Well, it hit me as it usually does when I am revealed something…the word is ASK.  I got it and I haven’t quit asking yet.  I have faced the fact that God is GOD and I am not.  He sees what I can’t, so why wouldn’t I ask Him what to do in any given situation?


I am not scared today and I will never be scared of bad things happening because I know in whom I have believed.  We need to learn to put God back into this nation.  This nation was founded on Christian beliefs.  There are many who want to go back to “The Brady Bunch” days.  In order to do that, we are going to have to bring God back into the equation in our nation.  When Madlyn O'Hair pushed through ‘no prayer’ in schools this nation started falling apart.  You can clock it back to that time.  We need God in this country and in our lives.  Things are deteriorating at a rapid pace….


My daughter likened it to a four-layer cake yesterday.   She said that the bottom layer was hell, the second layer was the earth where most people walk, the third layer was where we were blessed to walk and the fourth layer was Heaven.  God says in His word that His ways are not our ways and that His thoughts are not our thoughts.  His ways are higher than our ways  (Isaiah 55:8-9).  I have been walking this walk with the Lord for years now and I can tell you that He is real but He needs to be brought into every and any equation in your life and in our nation's life for ground-breaking success.


If I were the only one saying this, you might call me crazy (and you still might), but millions upon millions of people from all walks of life and educations are saying what I am saying.  There is a murmur taking place in this country from God’s warriors, intercessors and children….


My question to you today is: “Do you hear what I hear and do you see what I see?”


What layer are you on?   

In the upcoming election…bring the GF (God Factor) into your decision.  U alone is no equation….





Posted by: Molly Painter AT 08:16 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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