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 All Alone 

It is scary to feel all alone.  Have you ever felt alone?  I mean all alone.  I have.

Coming home to an empty house.  It is dark, so dark.  I turn on the lights, check the answering machine and look at the mail.

I have nothing to do.  No one to talk to know something?  This is a good time to be with God.  Just you and Him.  Him and you.  He listens and if you are very quiet, you can hear Him too.

He likes to hear about your day.  He is there to hear about your problems.  You can use His shoulder to cry on.  He will wipe your tears.

You never have to be all alone. 

Molly Painter Ministries  P.O. Box 16491
Wilmington, NC 28408

Site contents are copyrighted in 2025. 

Molly Painter Ministries, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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