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 The Blood of the Lamb of the Cross 

Revelation 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.”

Pleading the Blood of Christ. What a funny concept, but oh, it is the greatest weapon available against Satan. It is (indeed) one of the mysteries of the Kingdom of God.

Most in the 21st century know religion and tradition, not warfare. The above scripture in Revelation clearly states that they overcame him. Well, who are they? They are you and me. Who did they overcome? Satan. Whose blood defeated Satan? The blood of the Lamb of the Cross (Jesus Christ). And the word of their testimony? Those are the words (arrows) that you speak out into the dark atmosphere that will defeat Satan by the faith you stand upon. Whether one admits it or not, those who follow Christ are in a spiritual battle against the devil. 

Each day in prayer, I "Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ" over my home, family, and others the Lord places on my heart and in my path. I speak it out loud to let Satan know he has no authority, no legal right to anything covered by the Blood of Christ. One has to believe the tools given to us for protection are (in most cases) invisible (Ephesians 6:12). One cannot humanly reason what has been freely given through the Cross. Some do not believe in something if they can't touch it or see it. This particular action is by faith.

I read an article about an individual who would go to houses and "smudge" the inside walls with some substance that supposedly protected the people living there from evil spirits for great deals of money. The only thing that can guard you against evil and wicked spirits, from Satan himself, is the Blood of the Lamb of the Cross. He cannot penetrate the Blood. Period. Satan and his workers are deceiving you if you think otherwise.

Today, many live in fear, doubt, and worry as God's children. I know, for I have fought on this battlefield so I could turn around and tell you that you do not have to settle for what is coming at you. We are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6), and we don't even know it.

Your weapons? The Blood and the Word.

Molly Painter Ministries  P.O. Box 16491
Wilmington, NC 28408

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