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 My Talk With God 

My Talk with God

"Lord, I am the one who sang "Jesus Loves Me" each night before going to bed when I was young. Do you remember that?

I am sorry I haven't been very faithful recently. It’s just that I've been so busy; you do understand, don’t you?

I am older now and have a wife and son of my own. Out of the blue the other day, I asked my son if he knew the song "Jesus Loves Me."

He said, 'What are you talking about, Dad?' Suddenly, it was as if a knife struck me right smack dab in the heart, and deep down in my soul, and I realized I hadn't done my job as a father. Lord, forgive me. What have I done?

My son doesn't know who you are because I didn’t think telling him about you was important."

Soon after my conversation with God, I tucked him in bed, turned off his lights, and kissed him on his forehead. Then, without thinking, I knelt beside his bed and began to cry from somewhere deep within.

"Please, oh Lord, may I have another chance to make this right?

I've been so busy making a living for my family that I forgot where my treasure truly always has been."

My son reached over, placed his young hand on my face, and asked why I was crying.

I told him I hadn't taught him about the most important person in heaven and on earth. Then, I wiped the tears from my eyes and began to tell him the old, old story and how God sent his one and only Son to earth to die just for him so that he could live free and walk in victory while he was here. And that He would grant you peace in your heart and rest for your soul until you come to be with Him again in eternity. 

He leaned over and kissed my cheek, and we hugged and said our first prayers together as a Father and son.

Molly Painter Ministries  P.O. Box 16491
Wilmington, NC 28408

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Molly Painter Ministries, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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