The Holy Spirit spoke to me in the shower one evening and said, "I want you to teach my children what I have taught you in a simple and clear way. Meet once a week on Thursdays at 7 pm. Charge $1 to those who will attend." So, in 2006, I began a ministry out of my studio apartment. The ministry's growth has been solely under His guidance and at His pace.
One year later (2007), an attendee gave a 10,000-dollar offering to the ministry. Shortly after that, a teaching website, Jesus Without the, was birthed with a 501 © 3 status. Due to continued obedience associated with much warfare, in 2010, a 100,000-dollar offering was received, confirming God's call to teach in a "simple and clear" way. Over $86,249.00 has been given to help "feed the need." My autobiography, The Stained-Glass Window, was self-published in 2010.
Prompted by the Holy Spirit, I enrolled in college (summer of 2011) to further undergird our ministry outreach effort. I hold a two-year degree in Biblical Studies from Willmington School of the Bible at Liberty University (with honors) and a BS in Religion (May 2022) from Liberty University. I was ordained as a Reverend in 2014 through First Baptist Church of Carolina Beach into Gospel Ministry by a panel of eleven individuals.
All it took was one act of obedience. And we aren't finished yet!
Ordination Confirmation
On Wednesday, Oct. 15, the church voted by majority vote to ordain Ms. Molly Painter to the work of Gospel Ministry. The vote came after Molly’s Ordination Council made the following recommendation: “Dear First Baptist Church of Carolina Beach, after thoroughly examining Ms. Molly Painter in regard to her Christian conversion, ongoing Christian experience, spiritual giftedness, sense of calling to Gospel Ministry, understanding of and commitment to the Word of God, theological and doctrinal convictions, philosophy of ministry, and practical applications of ministry, this Ordaining Council recommends that First Baptist Church of Carolina Beach proceed in ordaining Ms. Molly Painter to the work of Gospel Ministry. In Christian Service, Dr. Jimmy Brown, Dr. Gordon Wright, Jr., Rev. Alicia Porterfield, Rev. Mike Womble, Mr. Fred Underwood, Mr. Tom Campbell, Mr. Ben Yarborough, Ms. Jeannie Arnold, Mrs. Jennie Gaskell, Ms. Shirley James, Mrs. Julie Pinkston." By ordaining Molly, our church affirms her in her ministry endeavors. Everyone plan on coming to Molly's Ordination Service on Sunday, Nov. 9, at 7 pm to express your support and encouragement.