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Wednesday, April 30 2014

Romans 5:5 "Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."

I do not want to sound trite or "holier than thou" when I tell you that God loves you.  What I certainly do not want to come across is a “know it all” in the things of God but, from experience, and overwhelming situations of defeat, despair and just feeling like pond scum for such a long, long time is the fact that I discovered God does love me.  But, it was not just knowing (in my head) he loved me that helped turn my heart around this past year it was feeling he loved me.  For that one gift I would not trade all the "tea in China" for as the saying goes.

            Notice the opening scripture of this blog.  The words used (and the ones I want you to focus in on) are "the love of God."   That is saying to us (believers) do we know the love OF God or have we received the revelation of how much he loves each of us in our hearts?  I am not talking about our love for him.  I think that if we are indeed Christians that we must certainly believe that we love God.

            Quite frankly after all the years of trying so hard to tithe, be obedient, sacrifice everything (of me) FOR everyone I was of the mind that this would be pleasing God and by this he must know that I love him.  By doing this at times I was so worn out (thinking that this was God's will) that I could hardly speak I was so tired.  I wanted to show him that I loved him instead of receiving his love for me as a gift that does not have to be earned.

            When it comes to the things of God sometimes it takes a 2x4 to hit me over the head in order just to get it.  Hairdressers have always asked me, "Does this or that hurt?"   And my reply has always been, "No, I have a hard head!" 

            But, I have finally gotten the revelation, inside of my heart, that God does love me.  How else would he have used me so mightily to help intercede for others who have received wonderful answers to their petitions?  How else would he have given me so much in the form of my sanity, my well-being physically or providing for me so bountifully?

            I graduated from Liberty University (March 2014) with a Biblical Theology degree.  I have also just passed the first leg of being approved for Ordination which will hinge on my passing the scrutiny (drilling/questions) of a local board comprised of pastors.  That will be no small feat!  But, what is most important to me is the fact that I think I finally feel in my heart that God does love me and wants only what is best for me.  Wow!  What a God!  What a Savior!  He loves little ‘ole me!

            And for all of you who read this particular blog I want you to know that he loves little ‘ole you just as much.  Feel the love of the Father in your heart and if you don’t then ask him to reveal it to you.  I have been ardently trying to walk with God for over nineteen years now, and I have just gotten this.  Truly to believe right and feel the love OF the Father is everything. It is a gift and it is a feeling that you have of his love that can and will revolutionize your whole state of being. 

God bless you all,



Posted by: Molly Painter AT 02:23 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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Wilmington, NC 28408

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