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Friday, September 14 2012
The Olympics are now over.  Some have won and some have lost. Some are just thankful for having been there.
Each event has its own thing to do to win the gold medal. The divers have to dive off a platform into a pool. There is no way, Jose! The gymnasts have to twist and tumble.  I would look like a pretzel when I got done. The runners have to run as fast as they can and they look hardly out of breath when they are interviewed. I would have to have oxygen waiting for me after they peel me off of the track. Each has a goal and each wants to achieve it.
It is the same for you and me with God. We each have a goal if you are a Christian. If you do not have a goal, you need to rethink where you are going and what you are doing. To achieve the gold medal in Christianity, you have to condition yourself and train just like an Olympian. You have to get yourself fit for the race. You need to be ready for the race. 
What does it take? 
You need to read and study your Bible. You need to live today like there is no tomorrow for God. You need to project yourself so that people can see that the Holy Spirit is living within you. You need to pray constantly. You need to lean on God and leave everything in his hands. You need to eat healthy, exercise and rest when necessary. You need to keep your body conditioned and ready for the run. Marathon runners run for hours. Are you ready for the race? What medal will you achieve? I want to be on the podium with God, don’t you? I heard a runner last night tell a newscaster that she prays before she makes any decision to run. She told the world that she takes her orders from God and she listens to what he says. Isn’t it a wonderful thing? Take your orders now and run with them for God.
Susan Gahan
Posted by: Molly Painter AT 07:48 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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